How in the everloving fuck do people digest and consume shit like this?

How in the everloving fuck do people digest and consume shit like this?

I don't give a shit if it's ironic, people are frying their fucking brains over humiliating themselves to be 'cool' - there is no value in acting like a fucking retard for 'kicks'

If this was made unironically or if listeners enjoy it unironically (And I mean it, don't use that 'it's some avante garde serious shit' as a copout) - how is this truthfully unironic?

Attached: 100gecs_1000gecs.jpg (320x320, 27K)

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I've never listened to it but you seem bootyblasted af

I'm asking a question to figure this out; I'm "trying" to enjoy or find something in this work (and alot of other music that's "hard to listen to" or that I'm unfamiliar with)

whats your aoty op

Based wokeposter
This album is trash and I question the sanity of anyone who enjoys listening to it

>truthfully unironic

Jesus Christ. It's mental midget.

idk about other people but for me, it takes signifiers from music that I would have performatively hated on a few years ago (auto-tune pop, brostep, ska, eurodance etc) and mashes them all together into this grotesque form that triggers some morbid fascination response which meant I kept listening to it. Now I've been with it long enough to realise how enjoyable a lot of that stuff is if you don't take it too seriously, which this album definitely doesn't.

Similar to PC Music.

Nice strawman mr. farmer
This album uses irony far more than this post and somehow it fails at even that, say something, anything that's good about it.

i think quite the seem doe i see what people like bout it. Maybe give a try to Body Meat's new album, shits fresh af without being a horribly prepared kinda genre-salad (?)

Learn what words mean before you use them.

It's like doge memes in the year 2019, get it?

So you're a pop tourist

Absolutely based

The entire album is like watching a fatal car crash in slow motion

>This album uses irony
Nah, I don't think this is true. The creators seem to legitimately enjoy all their musical influences.

I'm a pop archaeologist

You mean new sincerely

If you listen to any of this noise you do it ironically.

Source: formerly a dubstepfag with dubstepfags for friends

God you are actually retarded.

Nah, it's fun.

Can't wait for live gecs to come to the UK, I would have an absolute blast.

As someone who was fairly into the" pc music "style I actually hates this on the first few listens. But there was something that made me keep going back to it and I love this album now.

bitch give us your rym and aoty so we can laugh at you

It's a beautiful schizophrenic mess.

Are they coming to the UK?

bad assumption

Yeah it was a horrible horrible time in my life

On the bright side I've built up an immunity to horrible music and can listen to the Black Eyed Peas without recoiling in disgust

Probably will eventually, they're mates with the PC Music people

Seriously what do you actually like nowadays.

Are you 15

That umru song ft. Laura Les is pretty good. I thought she sounded familiar.

I wonder if a Kero Kero Bonito Collab could make sense

whats ironic about it? I just think it sounds nice :)


either underage or asperges


You talk some pretty big game for a dude with such a small truck.

Idk user, I think it's idiot zoomies who don't know what testicles in music are. They can't even listen to Johnny Cash the sad excuse for "men" they are.

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