Is it just me or is new music getting worse? I'm 30 now so maybe I'm starting to nostalgia like a fucking 30 year old boomer, but I'm finding it harder to get into any new music.
Is it just me or is new music getting worse...
posting anime pictures on Yea Forums isn't going to help you user
the economy isn't in a state to let you make music as a source of income. Nowadays you either make flavor of the month pop to sell or put your whole band's indie discography for free on bandcamp hoping somebody notices you
you're probably dumb as hell
No, you're just getting old.
I'm 34 and that feeling only gets worse.
American music is getting worse. It’s so incredibly lazy and forettable.
Other countries are getting better though
what kind of music are you into
Music is getting better. Just American music is getting worse as that shit-tier country continues to cling to relevancy
>le retro jazz hip-hop with political messages XDDD
Frank Zappa said that 60 years ago
Columbine killed edginess in music and so Rock died, and so (good) Hip-Hop died, and so Breakeat died. Then came 9/11. And now you're fucked.
>posting anime pictures
Do you know where you are right now?
i turned 18 a few days ago, fuck off boomer. god i fucking hate old people
Shut up you whiny little prick! Do you think I you will get younger every year? You are the problem!
>Shut up you whiny little prick! Do you think I you will get younger every year? You are the problem!
>old man yells at cloud
>posting a cringe anime child
literally end your life
Kek I remember when I was 18 and also thought 30 was old as shit
I even thought 26 was old. Funny how perspectives change as you age.
I've lurked here for 11 years. Mostly /o/ tho
Even at 16 I thought 30 is young as fuck, I'm 22 and I still feel the same.
This weird fixation with turning 30 might be an american thing.
you're fucking sick m8
>posts anime girl reaction images
I really hope I'm not like this when I'm 30.
you just have shit taste
>Is it just me or is new music getting worse?
No, what is actually happening is you (and everyone else) are being exposed to worse music now more often than any previous time in history.
As time has progressed, music has become so ubiquitous and well supported with mass media, that even the most niche of niche have the ability to flourish. Much like literally any other thing in this world; music evolves with time. As it evolves, and you become more exposed to the various amounts of music, it is only a matter of time before you come across stuff you won't like.
All in all, the issue isn't that "all new music is bad", its that there is SO MUCH music in general today, that its only natural that the number of shit you're exposed to also increases proportionately.
Yea Forums is full of them, they never grew out of it
Anytime you tell em anime is nip kids cartoons you get banned
Fun fact: your physical prime is ideally 25, but your bone density / strength actually peaks at 30
Who are some good modern acts?
Kevin and the Bikes
Lingua Ignota
Billy Woods
Hole Dweller
>>old man yells at cloud
>when the internet tells you how to talk
you fw that new peppa pig bruh?
how long you plan on holding onto that virginity for, lil Yea Forumsirgin?
No I haven't had time to listen to music. I've been yelling at clouds
I'd you're still using this site over the age of 25, seek help
Pretty sure we didn’t have Bandcamp sixty years ago.
I didn´t mean that literally