/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Baste Edition.

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Attached: 1568407309465.jpg (2000x1000, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Mfw i bought a gibby

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>list of famous musicians considered at the top of musical ability, by brand of guitar used

Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Joe Satriani, Phil Collen, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Jason Becker, more
Eric Clapton, Eric Johnson, Mark Knopfler, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jimi Hendrix, Roy Buchanan, Ritchie Blackmore, more
Gary Moore, I guess Jimmy Page?
Literal whos

Are Fender and Ibanez, dare I say it, our brands?



Dave Mustaine has a knack for songwriting and angular, thrashy leads. He plays Deans now, I think.


>RG with 16" radius
>feels excellent
>SG with 12" radius
>feels very flat, hard to play
>Strat with 9.5" radius
>feels good
>Tele with 7.25" radius
>feels too curved

Why does the 16" feel less flat than the 12"? I felt like a bumbling retard trying the SG out in a shop, I kept missing strings.

Compound radius?

Thoughts on Ian Thornley?


Attached: ian.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>bumbling retard trying the SG
Seems par for the course for Gibby.

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>Are Fender and Ibanez, dare I say it, our brands?
No, because you're not on peak musical ability. Dean fits /gg/ more

would you a dean?

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You guys like Sebastian Bach?


lol jroach all wound up this morning

I heard he's an asshole but I can't really say because I've never met him personally.

Is this picture exaggerated or there really were hard V shaped necks in the 60s and 70s? Seems uncomfortable as fuck to play.

Attached: fenderneck.jpg (3070x1655, 212K)

That's not a Dean


Rate my band

Close enough

>Dean Les Paul
Imagine going this far to avoid patent lawsuit LMAO look at that

Attached: download (6).jpg (225x225, 4K)

>Satriani, Vai and a bunch of literal whos for Ibanez
>only lists two Gibson players

Attached: 1563711892020.jpg (720x714, 76K)

>30 years old
>played violin since I was 4
>want to learn new instrument and interested in nylon string spanish guitar

Is it too late?

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Watch the video, he's actually a gentlemam

i believe it


It's not my fault that Gibson players end up switching to other brands (Clapton), even Dean (Leslie West)

Which guitar is this and where can I get it?

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>switching to a Pean
too funny

Good morning bros

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>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on Broadway tickets and designer shoes

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who was in the wrong?

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>third world tile floor

Misha and the other guys are good musicians, but this whole genre sounds lifeless to me. Them, AAL, Chon, Polyphia, all these big technical bands just sound same-y and uninteresting.

>shitting on broadway
why tho

t. saw Wicked and Book of Mormon this year

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None of those bands are big.

Watch it

>*pizzes and shids on traditional neck profiles*

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The jewish guitar store for not insuring their expensive instruments to be protected against people who break but can't buy.

This kind of practice is the hallmark of a merchant without insurance. The only shitty thing is the returns for store credit only
>you didn't like our products?
>too bad, your money stays with US.

>John Petrucci
He doesn't play Ibbys anymore. He's got his own Music Man models.

Imagine knowing so little about the history of the guitar that you don't mention Duane Allman under Gibson.

kek of course you did

Doesn't matter, not Brazilian

fuck off fro/gg/man

Or Derek Trucks. Or Warren Haynes.
Or Boner Massa.

>literally making up names
cope tranny

Polyphia really re-invented themselves on their new album dude


buncha talentless bluesfucks

>can't play fast?
>easy solution: don't.
>and then sat anyone who exceeds 50bpm has no soul.

guitar is literally all pizz you dummy

warmoth tele

hsh with no in-between positions like leo originally intended for 3 pickup guitars

>t. bedroom warrior who can't play in tune or on time


>This food tastes like shit.
>Sorry, and your cooking?

Sounds like SB made a "take my wife joke and now Ace is painting him as a cuck. Or maybe SB really is a cuck like most other high profile millionaires.


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you can't play, correct

strats are gay but if you steal their aesthetic but keep it - e r g o n o m i c - then you're the coolest chode on the block

Also the 0 spamming trend died a few years back, most of these dudes shred hard, it's just gay nerd music

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How a guitar feels is more important than how it sounds. A more comfortable to play guitar is always the better guitar. Prove me wrong.

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Jimmy Page only became sloppy Jimmy Page once he got hooked on heroin. He was absolutely a virtuoso and "at the top of musical ability" before heroin, so he should be listed under Gibson.
Buckethead. Peter Green. Alvin Lee. Ted Nugent. LES FUCKING PAUL. Mick Taylor. Frank Zappa. Zakk Wylde.


>headless guitars
les paul did it first just like everything else

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Bonamassa can play fast as shit.
Trucks and Haynes are "at the top of musical ability" for their genre. Their genre represents a completely different skillset than jazz/metal/shred and jazz/metal/shred guys can't come close to touching them in their genre because they're ridiculously skilled at their genre's specific skillset. Playing fast is not the only measure of skill on a guitar.
Trucks and Haynes are also slide Gods. Playing slide like they do is hard as shit; easily as hard as shredding. It takes years and years and years of practice to have slide intonation and vibrato like that.

claptons gibson era is his best. why isnt he in the gibson rung?

>good morning at 2pm
Good one, user

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lol oh no here we go again

Your mom

Just like your dad's penis

What do you guys think of this lead tone?


The Usurper God of /gg/

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I'm about to go pick up my prescriptions, a sandwich, and some guitar strings

Wish me luck, /gg/uys

Attached: I unironically want to fuck a hot trans girl directly in her feminine boipucci and then cuddle with (985x423, 396K)

It's now 12:15pm where I live, so it was still morning when I posted. I'm on EST.

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>those that can, do!
>those that can't.. youtube

he can't spell so what do you expect

>God tier
Rob Scallion
Paul Davids
Adam Neely
Music is Win

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Who is this?

I have an old wooden Yamaha Pacifica, its worn quite a bit, is there anything I can do to restore the wood?

You're not on EST, because I am, and it's currently 1:19

Philip Mcknight

>Music is win as high tier
Oh user...please tell me you're joking

The kind of music Trucks and Haynes play requires more talent to pull off convincingly than shred.
Shred simply requires lots and lots of rote memorization. No talent required there. Just play the same thing over and over for hours per day until you can play it fast, then just regurgitate from muscle memory.
The kind of music Trucks and Haynes play requires both a sense of improvisation which can't be learned/taught and a sense of feel with phrasing which can't be learned/taught. These are things people are born with; great examples of talent.
I'm not saying all shredders are talentless, of course. There are shredders like Vai with speed, improv chops and feel. That being said, one can become a convincing shredder with very little talent, but one cannot play blues-based music with frequent extended improvisation convincingly without innate talent for improvisation and feel.
Anyone who tries to say the kind of music the Allman Brothers Band played requires no talent can't play that kind of music convincingly; guaranteed.

I put him in mid tier though

Never heard of him. What band does he play in?

scallion is a green onion, user
Also Rob has some good ideas but he can only play one chord progression and his personality is insufferable

paul davids > all those niggas

just because he actually has taste and class unlike /gg/, you ibanez and ESP toting, line 6 and mesa playing gayboys


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>Anyone who tries to say the kind of music the Allman Brothers Band played requires no talent can't play that kind of music convincingly; guaranteed.
Correct. We've heard (Jcum) try to play blues-based lead guitar and it's rather pathetic.

Is Lee Malia's name anywhere on that where it would be immediately visible from the front? I like his RD more than his LP, but both are pretty cool. But I don't like BMTH and I only found out who Malia is because of how much I like these guitars.

>and his personality is insufferable
He has the charisma of a green onion to say the least but I wouldn't call him insufferable.


It's far healthier than having a rug glued on your floor, it's easier on the eye, and cooler too, which people not inhabiting antarctica appreciate

Thoughts on John Sykes?

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i agree you can easily change sound unlike neck feel if its not bolt on. same goes for body weight.

You sure showed me with your convincing rhetoric.

>blues improv
>innate talent

Imagine being this ignorant

he exposes the fender elite for making shitty guitars

what about mary ford bruh she was good too....

t.can't play a long, blues-based improv section convincingly

Poor ol' jcope. He got tired of being the butt of every joke in /gg/ and even stopped posting his shitty gear trying to evade the /gg/aze but he still can't escape.

I am. Some caribbean countries fall under EST, others under AST.

>That being said, one can become a convincing shredder with very little talent
See: Bluefem

to an extent. but its mostly cosmetic. at this point id say just try and play it.

But it can't be 2 different times in the same time zone.

Sounds very polished. Studio production? I like the aggressive attack and the slow bit at the end

Nothing on the front. His signature is on the back of the headstock in between the tuners. That's about it, pretty unobtrusive.

Sounds pretty bitchin'

say hi to jroach ladies and gents

Ace did say in the interview that maybe it was a joke

Well we don't observe daylight savings, so that's why.

>Lower-Than-Shit Tier
Rob Scallion
Paul Davids
Adam Neely
Music is Win


Soulless autistic nerd
>Peter Green
>Alvin Lee
>Ted Nugent
>Mick Taylor.
> Frank Zappa
Sloppy & slow

Jimmy Page was sloppy from Zeppelin's first recordings.

I'm not much into BMTH either but I like aesthetic of his models and the original LP artisans

I put him in "Faces I Want to Punch and then Crush Under My Heel" Tier

Music is win is the lowest tier

>a sense of improvisation which can't be learned

Laugh at

Speed is not the only determinant of skill/talent in guitar playing. You demonstrate a shocking lack of understanding of the various skills involved in guitar playing by dismissing players entirely with "slow."
Was widely known as the fastest guitar player in the world around the time of Woodstock.
Now you're just trolling. You know damn well the dude fucking shredded before shredding was even a thing.
Zappa's improvisational talent/sense was pretty unique and unparalleled.
Page played impressively cleanly, considering the wild, reckless abandon of his improvisation, in live shows in 1969.

We're on EDT you dingus

Page was sloppy as old as 1969

Just like your mom

Just like your mom

Things like scales, licks and harmonizing over chord changes can be learned. However, every guitarist has a unique innate musical personality which dictates how and when they use this learned information. This is why there's certain players with such wildly unique improvisational styles that they're instantly recognizable and nobody else sounds like them. People who develop styles like this which are completely unique and also sound good... those are cats with true improvisational talent. Zappa comes to mind. Jeff Beck comes to mind. Roy Buchanan comes to mind.
People without this kind of talent typically end up sounding cliched, boring and undynamic when attempting long, blues-based improvisation.

Tfw want a zoom multifx but can't afford it with my Brazilian wage

thinking of getting a greco cause there are no good options for a local sg other than buying new. how much would you pay for this one? seller is asking 550

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You think musical personality isn't learned? It's just like your musical taste.
>People without this kind of talent typically end up sounding cliched, boring and undynamic when attempting long, blues-based improvisation.
They just didn't practice enough. You think the greats could play greatly from the start?

You can get a used SG faded for that

You clearly never learned to play a new genre in your life.


Music is Win
Agufish, Paul Davids, Davie504
Rob Scallon

Dont fall for this shit meme dude. Greco's are on par with mim fenders. That's a $350 guitar


none of this was bought CANNED, can you believe that?

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oh man this guy REALLY wants a reply man lol

there are no gibson sgs for sale in my local market.

Just like your mom, isn't he?

You have a market? Wow

God damn, this list is shit

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Look at this fucking thing

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best guitar I've ever played

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Looking to buy a stratocaster, thinking about this one. I'm a first time buyer. Any suggestions?

Attached: download (1).png (472x519, 124K)

What does it fuck?

only a gibson is good enough

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You don't have guitar centers or used music shops or pawn shops?

Buy a Fender Made In America (by Mexican immigrants)

>Based Tier
Paul Davids
Danish Pete
The Art of Guitar

>High Tier

>Reddit Tier
Jared Dines
Rob Scallon
Rob Chapman
Adam Neely

Attached: 1539440332624.jpg (801x1200, 142K)

Based. That's a beautiful guitar.

Not gonna lie, those swamp as models are nice

>vintage-correct anything

Attached: feeling-Emoji-face-emoticon-emotion-33-512.png (512x512, 43K)

Yeah, it's ugly. I mean, at least it's black instead of that lame-ass blue every guitar company that makes those kinda guitars uses.

i went to all of them within a 15 mile radius of me. i saw a lot of copies like said greco

You guys watch faggots on YouTube for guitar? Fucking Zoomers, man

user, music is win is the lowest of low. At least davie504 can play his instrument

Could a guitar be anymore boring?

Craigslist? Facebook Marketplace? WHere do you live?

i might try jewbook but id have to make one. craigslist offered some good options but they were very far.

Blue is objectively the best color for a guitar

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this but unironically

Attached: 064.gif (326x281, 210K)

It's better than waste time hanging out with real people hoping you'll catch some tips and recommendations, which are still biased by their desire for praise and respect


You couldn't afford it anyway

>Music is Win
That ugly green PRS he plays is a match made in heaven. The joke writes itself.


Every one of my guitars is at least 3 grand

why lie

Do bassists here play with fingers or pick

That's exactly the color I was referring to. Complete with open pore wood grain. Thanks providing an example of a color/finish guitars shouldn't have.

play with my dingaling

You have no eye for aesthetics


Tbh that's a color nothing should have except maybe for astronaut outfits

Hopefully with the upcoming war with Iran they'll all get drafted and killed.

Just like your dad

Could you imagine wasting your best teen years watching some youtubers jerking off and then dying in the sand for Israel

best amp for lofi noise rock/extreme metal type shit? i'm thinking of getting the peavey bandit 112 due to the genuinely nice low/mid gain tones and the fact that the lead channel produces really disgusting distortions like those found on extreme metal/alt rock demo's from the 80's and 90's

I love my candy blue MIJ Charvel

Pic isn't mine but my guitar is identical

Attached: charvel.jpg (960x720, 162K)

gross. and you can't play for shit either, double gross

Post your guitars


>Classic rock
>Groove metal

Attached: blech.png (325x343, 185K)

Lmao is posting my guitars somehow going to magically turn you into a real player?

and what stages have you played on, faggot?

Madison Square Basement?

it'll never get old

Solid color and no pickguard is the best (just like charvel)

Attached: IMG-20190914-WA0008.jpg (3264x1836, 573K)

Lmao you don't wanna answer the question?

What the fuck it's a goddamned anorexic Les Paul.

I have played on your mom's vagina quite a few times

it's actually very hard to play at 50bpm

>rent free
Really want attention today huh?

>Cartel™ by Fender

Attached: 1566433401510.jpg (229x220, 10K)

It's a model aimed at Fender and Ibanez players

get the raid dad

>Really want attention today huh?

>he says flamboyantly happy after noticing somebody mentioned his name

>jroachy replied to his name

>peasant, by favela

roach, by j

both it depends on what style or sound you want.

One post and 3 quick yous. Im feeling a bit too popular. Youre gonna make me blush.

Look at him go

This is the originality i have come to expect from you. Carry on my wildly mediocre acquaintance.

>elder god tier
Trevor Wong

You never got this much attention from your dad so you're flattered by little.

Shitty blue

Good blue, but the guitar doesn't exist, as expected of a good looking blue guitar

Why is it possible to draw a good blue guitar but not actually make one?

>copying his bullies again
This is getting boring

Did you know what metal is the most childish genre?

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What language was that? Did you translate from Russian or something?

something in the way blue paint is made makes it heavily dependent on lighting

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don't be that way jroachy, if you can't bant just learn to walk away before you get your feelings hurt

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How about some more Finnish guitars you can't afford?

Attached: Ruokangas VSOP.jpg (788x1200, 632K)

if it resembles a strat i just dont give a fuck.

I don't buy from liberals who think an MIM fender or indonesian PRS SE was built on exploitation

I know for a fact the workers receive good pay by the standards of their country (so maybe jcum should go back home and work on polishing my next strat)

SE stands for "Shit Edition"

some strat-like guitars are made because someone thought the strat could be improved, like the jackson dinky

others, like this, are made because they wanted to make a strat, but also didn't want to get sued by fender

tell those poorfags

>durrr but $2000 is SO MUCH MONEY t. i don't have a job

Attached: USA.jpg (1200x1600, 531K)

And Soikangas says you shouldn't buy a real PRS because also they make some shitty guitars in indonesia, while selling you a soulless deformed stratocaster with shit tone.

In reality you buy a ruokakas when you can't afford a top shelf PRS.

I still want this PRS but sadly I don't have over 5 grand in disposable income for a used guitar

Attached: custom.jpg (1600x1200, 516K)

A customer base so stupid they had to print out the word "key" on a piece of paper so they knew the shiney metal thing in the accessories compartment was a key? Damn!

That's from an auction on reverb

>shit tone


Case in point



Attached: 1557054913877.jpg (900x900, 123K)

>tfw have a Les Paul I like and didn't spend 5000usd on it

Attached: IMG-20190914-WA0005.jpg (3264x1836, 623K)

Wrong video. Fuck off


>Fotoflame top

Not a les paul.

It's more of a Les Paul than that Dean above

>Youtube videos
>"Here's the tone of my guitar, amp...."
>"And a lot of careful mastering in a VST, plus youtube compression"

>be me
>click [embed]
>see man with ponytail
>click [remove] without watching the video
lol better luck next time pal!

Neither are any percentage les paul. They are each 0% les paul because they are not authentic Gibsons.

Not like /gg/ would know what a new Jackson comes with, they can't afford one

Inb4 sour grapes

At least he can master something, what about you?

i'm still laughing el oh el

>99% effects 1% guitar tone


>condor les poor
>pean les poor

how good are valve processing preamps like the marshall jmp 1, digitech 2120?

What's the general opinion on DiMarzio Super Distortion?

What's the minimum amount of width between strings before you're considered a pussy?

Attached: gh.png (1078x789, 958K)

imagine spending less than $3000 on a set neck guitar
imagine spending more than $500 on a bolt-on guitar

shitty, muddy tone with no high end = makes you sound good when you aren't

a favorite of self taught bedroom warriors who aren't any good at guitar but can play palm muted chugs

You're already a pussy because you asked that question. Fuck off pussy.

>imagine spending more than $500 on a bolt-on guitar
>jcum paid at least $800 for his strat (unless he got ripped off)


All things considered he probably stole it from a local gig and its former mexican owner is still looking for it.

>mfw spent all day on /gg/

and his other two guitars say Pean on the headstock!

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Forgot pic

Attached: IMG-20190916-WA0028.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

Samuel is a

gooble gobble

irl brainlet meme

Not as good as the cheaper chinese rebranded malagoli versions

Link you fag.

The face of a retarded negroid ape.

why are you guys so mean to jcm900fag

Attached: a38.jpg (1024x962, 48K)


>People still buy bolt-on guitars

Attached: 1539375952907.jpg (500x500, 18K)

>not using stainless machine screws, anchors, and a torque wrench

Attached: 1562726894198.jpg (662x515, 174K)

pic related its you

Buy a Ruokakas for a pure finnish kaka tone

To make him reveal the fool he actually is, for entertainment purposes.

I use a Japanese girl's pee and spit as glue

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>hey guise here is my Telecaster Deluxe I just bought from sweet water
>Wowie it’s not even set up to THE WAY I LIKE IT!!
> I really didn’t like that one so I bought a USED one from GC that was more expensive that the NEW ONE FROM SW
No one cares about your stupid opinions Phil stop blowing through your money just to be disappointed in front of your audience so you can look cool

I have found that vegans and peasants are the same in the way that they cant stop reminding what they are at every chance they get

I wondered why my ESP smelled funny

good job

>nobody noticed my condor before so i'll repost this shit again
why do you do this m8? why do you insist in making /gg/ shit?

Why are you obsessed with him and not any other /gg/ personality?

Are you 12?
Are you a wizard?

Thanks, I consider myself an entertainer.

He literally has nothing else going for him in his life

Ok so /gg/, i have this idea. Now that i have a different main guitar i have my ibanez rg collecting dust, i don't want it to go to waste though. So what if i turned it into an HHRH config guitar with the ability to split all the coils.

Attached: 4.jpg (960x960, 127K)

Fuck this general.. I'm going back to the gear page

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my favorite thing pesants do is act like a les paul standard is an expensive or high end guitar

Because he's a

Samurai guitarist is such a try hard faggot but most mass appeal you tubers are so...

A ringmaster, if you will.

Attached: toddler-ringmaster-costume1.jpg (350x500, 27K)

>he called himself an entertainer on /gg/
Now that was fucking funny.

Yea that looks good. I hear the New Mexican made guitars are really nice so go for it if that’s the finish you like

Yeah theyre not but its even funnier when they have some shit chinese rebranded guitar and call it a les paul. Lmfao why would someone do that to themselves? Like no matter how hard you lie to yourself you don't get richer from it.

Favela tier

I play both, I enjoy playing both

>finish is so shitty it wears off in the first 6 months

But an Indonesian one

That is the ugliest knock off ive ever seen

What's the best guitar for small hands?

Attached: 220px-Richie_Kotzen_2011.jpg (220x297, 16K)

>tfw only a Pean™ is good enough

Prolly a squier bullet

>click [embed]
You should just hover over it to get the thumbnail.

>he is a dark skinned European because Mohammed fucked his grandma's grandma
Lol eurocuck

>the chad sam still brave and defiantly posting his knockoff proudly
>the virgin jroach too afraid and scared of his bullys to post his anymore

Oh no not again with this shit
>posting your guitar ruins the thread, because it was doing well with all the low quality endless shitposting

Lmfao look at what portugese are. Literally what you described lmfao now add 2/3rds negro and you get sam



No one wants to see chinkplanks owned by retards

Look at him go

Looking for a new guitar is quite the headache desu

>he hasnt bought a guitar in over 2 years.
Youre not poor are you?

that's not gonna be fun to fuck with after like a week of completing the project though

make it fretless

Whiter than you hernandez

Narrow it down by the bridge you want.

I don't do it to feel richer. You Americans are fucking brainwashed

Portugal is lighter skinned than Italians.

And I have American native, not only extra negroid.

No theyre not. Its simply how life is when not living in abject poverty. Guess what most people dont like peasants. Even peasants hate peasants.

No one cares about shitalian terroni guineas. You have south american native which is a shorter squatter phenotype but your mouth eyes and brow and forehead and intellect are all negroid.

Hello friends

Time to practice

Attached: _20190914_130039.jpg (1200x580, 306K)

A facilitator for the BIG SHOW.

Attached: toddler-ringmaster-costume-alt-2.jpg (350x500, 48K)

Blue guitars are for girls.

Attached: at least i hope it's a girl.png (222x312, 21K)

What are you going to practice

That's why you don't post yours. Good. At least you're self aware.

He's Italian

based rin/gg/master

Nothing more.

Why are you facilitating this man? And y youre not being L lewd are you?

Attached: BigShow.jpg (412x714, 34K)

Damn the thread is really boring today

Budget pacificas have the smallest nudwidth I've seen on an adult-sized guitar

red ones too

you aren't a girl, right?

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what? waaah widdle babby didn't get enough attention? lmao

faggot Buckethead may be an autistic nerd but his licks are amazing

Have five dudes listen to the exact same music and learn the exact same songs/solos/licks for five years, then have them play extended improvisational solos.
All five will have noticeable differences in improvisational style. If one of them is particularly talented, that player's differences in style will particularly stand out from the others. Think of their influences as a variable which is multiplied by a variable represented by their innate qualities. The final result is influenced by both the influences and the innate qualities.

Nah I'm getting plenty

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I remember a study that said talented male musicians had atypical (low) testosterone levels and physical characteristics associated with them, like a feminine appearance overall

So if you are a scrawny, sensitive faggot you have latent musical talent

No silly, you're the clown.

Plenty of old people learn

Who is this aimed to?

lol so why are you crying like a bitch then?
you're mad too? lmao

That's me. I'm a cute heterosexual twink who loves tremolo picking.

girls and guitars

his "jokes" make me cringe all the time

It's biologically proven that you can't learn new things past age 30

Because it's boring. You're doing a bad job today.

This is just your excuse for being low test

Had enough yet?





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Where's the new thread, faggot?

>born to be wild starts playing

sounds like something someone who plays a Pean™ would say

>b3 hits the high notes

Pure soul

>the monkeys start dancing




Damn you're gotten to too easily for an entertainer
Did I hurt you already?

that's not me you fucking retard

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Jcum can't capitalize

The Kin/gg/

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Not convincing, try harder

I win.

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The Kin/gg/:

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Tfw been on /gg/ all day but also on the way home

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Replace that for latent homosexuality, you justifying faggot

just kidding, haha
>I always win
>no rent needed

>66 Posters
how many of them do you think will be coming back for the next thread


>Zakk Wylde

oh yeah so talented must be so hard ripping through the same pentatonic pattern at 185bpm for 20 minutes straight while chugging shitty american light beer

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send a picture of it to an aliexpress builder and get a replica for $300. spend another $400 on parts.

bam boom pow new PRS