ITT: Albums that hurt your ears but you love anyways

ITT: Albums that hurt your ears but you love anyways

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This gem.

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This album was so abrasive, I can't understand how something like this could exist

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This is literally the most difficult album I've attempted to listen to. I got to The Flammable Man and gave up. So brutal.

Holy shit this was such a difficult but rewarding listen guys. More recs for dope shit like this?

I couldn't finish it bros. God I feel like a pussy.

dont feel to bad, i literally had a panic attack and had to turn it off two minutes in, thats just how rough and abrasive the album is

Under the Sign of the Black Mark. The solo in Call from the Grave is probably giving me tinnitus each time I listen to it but I have to blast it every time.


Ikr. I have to listen this album with the door open and knowing that my mom is in the house.

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>Albums that hurt your ears

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Fuck everyone in this thread, this was a good album. Put your edgy internet cynicism aside

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Its a great album, we are just making fun (i think) of the stupid normies brought by the Fantano review.

>implying I'm being ironic

>album is named "you won't get what you want"
>i got what i wanted

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you wanted a garbage album? are you a masochist or something?


came here to post this

Seriously, listen to it:

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Were people seriously not able to finish YWGWYW? My favorite genres are folk and slowcore and I listened to the whole thing while just playing some skate 3. Metal music is much more difficult to listen to than noise rock for me.

Anyway here's my contribution

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I'm seeing them live in a month:)
Has anyone here seen them live? What are they like?

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Abrasive and brutal.

this is sick, thanks user

Night of the Assassins is God-tier

this album is literally painful to listen to

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its hard not to listen loud

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