will it ever be back on spotify ? :'(
Will it ever be back on spotify ? :'(
loveless back when mbv drop the new album
sooo maybe never?
Probably not. Who cares? If you don't have it downloaded since at least 10 years back you're a pleb.
no, soon it will drop.
proof: kevin shields is my father
Buy the physical format, fag
bleeeeeeeeeeeooown the fuck out
One of the worst albums Ive heard, who the fuck likes shoegaze except for fantano wannabes
I need the vinyl. I don’t think I’ve ever come across it before
Imagine getting cucked by streaming.
>the absolute state of spotifycucks
oh no no no
Why do you mention shoegaze and fagtano in the same sentence you stupid fucking faggot? What was even going through your head when you decided to post something so fucking stupid? Do everyone a favour and kiss an oncoming train
Tfw you live in a country with free health care and have loveless on spotify
wtf denmark does not have loveless on spotify
>tfw you wait 9 hours at the hospital
I think I'm addicted to this album now
Way better then dieing from a preventable disease because I couldn't afford a visit to a doctor you mouth breathing mongoloid
I'm from Murica and still have Loveless, I'm not sure where OP is from
same, these fags must live in shithole countries
I know user, I'm a leaf too. It's overall better than nothing
>free health care
*hoover starts*
>tfw you live in a country full of muslim refugees
i hope never
fuck spotify and fuck users
>implying poorfags pay for ER visits in the US
good thing there's slowdive
They just don't go.
ask him what bilinda's feet smell like
They literally do and they just walk out after being treated
It's a shit meme album so I don't care. You'll realize that once you start exploring outside of Yea Forumscore.
this was supposed to be /thread
Use a p2p program like an adult.
An adult with decent taste wouldn't download Loveless
I connect from Germany, doesn't have it
On the plus side, King Crimson and Tool are on the menu now