Uh guys...they kinda suck?

Uh guys...they kinda suck?

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I had a teacher in high school who passionately insisted that Rush was the greatest band of all time. I don’t have any opinion on them

Uh...you're just a faggot

*they're very polarizing

Stop feeding the troll.

I disagree. In fact I'd go as far to say some of their best tracks aren't actually the prog stuff (except 2112 and The Tree I love thkse myself) but the more hard rock style songs with reggae influences like Big Money and Manhattan Project.

You're allowed your opinion, but IMO they are best band ever. They have a song for almost everyone.

All phoneposters must leave or be vanquished.

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It's just all so boring. It's like the stuff your uncle plays excitedly for you and you have to say "yeah it's cool."

Yeah, I mean objectively speaking they are probably just average but they fucking suck.

I'll feed whoever I gotdamn please

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One good album the rest suck ass and they’re fans are insufferable prog wanks

Synth Rush is best Rush

And what nigger shit do you listen to?


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Venom had a better 20 minute song

They're prog for people who don't like prog.

I like prog and Rush.

Name 10 of your favorite prog bands and your favorite albums by them.

oh man, you knew there was going to be a purity test coming from this

Nobody believes this except you

they're better live

t-they can't suck! they're white!!!
) -:

unironically dilate

Poor man's Van Der Graaf Generator

Nice b8 user, no sane person hates or disliked Rush.

H-how did you know?

Pink floyd

I've only recently tried to go through their entire catalog and I have to admit that most of their songs really aren't good. Even the best albums don't really have more than a couple good songs.

You know he can just google that shit and you would believe him

>objectively speaking
end yourself.

Yes, you are right. They suck in every single way.

ITT: pleb filtered by three leafs

Dumb question. There are barely 10 prog bands worth listening to

Other way around, if anything, bands like King Crimson and Pink Floyd fill that niche you describe.

In what way is it boring? They are very soulful.

Good thing I like them because of their exceptional artistry and not because >MUH PROG

Uh, user? Nobody fucking cares.

Why do idiots put question marks on statements that aren't questions? Are they really that retarded?

Nah. Not really. And the one factor that kept them from being universally liked was one thing" Geddy's voice. And I say that as a Rush fan. I've never met a female Rush fan. I know they exist, but I never met one personally. Every woman I know who's into hard rock/prog all HATE Geddy's voice. Passionately. One made the comment that Geddy has the ability to make vaginas bone dry for a mile radius when he sings.
And to be perfectly honest, the last 10, 15 years, he sounded awful. He had to do that weird thing he was doing to hit even semi-high notes, and he was cracking and flubbing notes all over the place. (His bass and keys were still top notch, as always.)
Rush with a real singer would have been the "there's a song for everyone" band.

No; they don't. Do you have any other questions, user?

I've been a prog nerd for a decade and I never cared for Rush

Im a huge prog fan but theyre the only prog band i cant get into, they just have a weird quality

My sister thinks Geddy is hot

I don't believe you. But neckbeards gonna contrarian, ammirite?

Lol I don't care if you believe me or not, but it's true.
Frankly I was surprised when she said it, cause she's never been that vocal about that kind of stuff. Must be becoming more comfortable with her sexuality

Fuck man, the thing that kills me most about their retiring is that Geddy, though always a good bass player, was taking it through the fucking roof the last few years they played. Damn he was getting so good. Just pounding the fuck out of those poor strings on clockwork angels...

Remember, kids...
Most changes aren't permanent
But change is.

I kinda' lost interest in Rush after Geddy started huffing synths.
What is their best post-Moving Pictures stuff?

Hemispheres is a 10/10 front-to-back.
One of my favorite albums of all time.

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Signals is better than Moving Pictures.

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The king crimson comment would be accurate if they stopped making music after their first album. I am a huge king crimson fan, and their post-larks stuff is genuinely unlistenable to most people

>They're prog for people who don't like prog.

That's Porcupine Tree and Tool

Geddy is the perfect voice for the band. Rush is earnest music for a wholesome adventure with a happy ending. Geddy sounds like a hobbit. It's perfect.

>I had a teacher in high school who passionately insisted that Rush was the greatest band of all time
Mr. Ambrose?

It took a while to get used to him, but I don't think they could of gotten a better singer for a band like Rush

They do. Listen to Voivod instead, a far superior Canadian band.

I hate prog and Rush.

It's because they have no confidence in their own opinions. Actually making a statement and standing behind it is too scary; they need to essentially ask for permission for everything, even their own thoughts.

Camel, Caravan, Curved Air, Oh Sees (their post 2015 albums are inarguably prog you cuck), Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Rush, Yes, ELP, Gentle Giant, and Hawkwind.

I Can See Your House from Here, In the Land of Grey and Pink, Phantasmagoria, Orc, Songs from the Wood, Starless and Bible Black, Farewell to Kings, Close to the Edge, Tarkus, Power and the Glory, Warrior on the Edge of Time

What do I win

Sorry that’s Queen

Rush is absolutely fucking based. Pleb.

Their best album came out after Larks

Opinion nobody who doesn't like prog would hold