It's not fair, bros. He was so beautiful and pure.
Why didn't they save him?
It's not fair, bros. He was so beautiful and pure
because he couldnt play based solos like davide
he legit had aspergers and choose a comfy life as a neet rather than a kike puppet
He was a schizo, m8. He didn't have any fun.
He wasn't schizo though, they tested him for that and he didn't meet the requirements for a diagnosis.
He never was diagnosed with anything, it was just chalked up to a "personality change likely resulting from LSD abuse"
don't believe their propaganda. being crippled by a severe mental illness like schizophrenia is mainly some kind of fun if you live in one of the first world countries. They just want to take it away from you.
i think she was trans and if she were alive today she wouldnt have gone crazy because she could be her true self
That's complete BS.
Back in the day Rog and co. were worried about Syd's mental state but his family said he will be alright and to this day they act shady about what exactly was wrong with him.
His fans are like that too
>No way based Syd was a shizo
Having a serious mental illness is still a taboo and people act like complete retards about it. If his family and friends actually stopped messing around he wouldn't have ended up like this.
Being a loser for no reason is way more taboo than having a genuine mental illness.
>His fans are like that too
>>No way based Syd was a shizo
His fans aren't like that, they're all "poor Syd what a tragedy, he could have done so much more, mental illness is no joke blah blah blah rip"
He was literally seen by shrinks and they didn't diagnose him with anything. This is the official story.
>they act shady about what exactly was wrong with him.
Because there is no answer, there is no diagnosis. There is technically "nothing wrong" with him from a medical/psychiatric standpoint.
No. Dying is cool. Having a mysterious mental illness that makes you so quirky and randumb is cool. Being a semi-retarded recluse is not cool.
>mental illness is no joke
No. The average person doesn't say that because they don't want to admit he was uncool and unhappy. They either think that having mental illness makes you a special snowflake or want to spin the story like there wasn't actually anything wrong with him or that it was just temporary both of which are wrong.
Anyone who says that there was nothing wrong with him is a liar and being a liar is pretty fucking shady.
Unironically this. He just wanted to leave the music industry with style.
Just pay attention to the lyrics in "Jugband Blues", specially the last line
Terry Davis had a wonderful time until the metal ward shot him full of drugs and dropped him back on the streets to face a train.
you all realize there's a doco of pink floyd regarding in some of it how Sid lost his mind as told by the band and it was due to substance abuse because all his "friends" (not the band them self) spiking his drinks with mainly LSD.
He became a schizo not inherently one. It is unfair how it happened but who knows where pink floyd wouldve been if gilmore didn't replace him.
>tfw you have a gay crush on a musician from the 70s that now is a very old man whom you would help cross the street while carrying his bags
He was most likely scared the fuck out of through his trips, went silent mode, decided to leave the industry and paint in solitude
I dont deny any psychotic episodes/days when sober, I am merely assuming he understood reality well enough to not succumb to soul-destroying fame
his music sucked ass too, most of it was so obviously improvised gibberish
Better succumb to pork chops and candy.
This. Talentless hack that happened to be in a band with god tier musicians.
a dead old man
please be bait
please be bait
please be bait
please be bait
please be bait
>very old
He's definitely that
This is all Roger’s fault
So if I record two short album of acoustic nursery rhymes tier melodies with childish lyrics and then "retire" will I become a myth too?
Are you cute and pretty?
I'm skinny and have curly black hair like Syd. I'm a bit on the older side though... but I look young! I already have one song that's short, catchy and cute. Need to overdub a couple of arpeggiating electric guitars, maybe some slide and share that banger with the world
Are you also a genius songwriter that wrote a classic album that sounds like no other album in 50 years of history?
He's dead you dumb fuck
In an interview I remember the other Floyds saying that the problem was probably too mutch lsd on a single cube of sugar.