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Other urls found in this thread:

For me it's Jo Yuri

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our freakin girls

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good OP

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no more blogging edition

Attached: [MPD직캠] 여자친구 유주 직캠 '여름여름해(Sunny Summer)' (GFRIEND YUJU FanCa (622x1142, 2.88M)

the gym is for yourself friend
if it was for girls you could just take performance enhancers

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still missing bellybuttons, bros

ryu sera is the jjang

i have to blog to defeat normies like keklo\

i have no choice when they start to piss me off

its not for yourself its so you can show off. and be the big strong guy that everyone likes instead of admiring people who arent admired

like jesus would say

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i want to kiss jennie from head to toe and toe to head

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eh i'm not impressed

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no it's so you can see improvement and admire yourself like you should
if it was for girls you could just take performance enhancers

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>903 years old
based korea

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jesus would have been a regular gym rat and his favourite idol would be twice momo

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replace kiss with protect

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back to with your goblina twicecuck

admire how beautiful you are?

sounds like satan huh? who thinks hes so beauitful

a good person would be critical of themselves

a self conscious person is someone who i like a lot because they will assume that they are the problem instead of you

because they are too good for you

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how long until someone makes an idol feet magazine?

she didn't have money to buy the right candles so she just took whatever she could find in the cupboard

jesus protects
I kiss

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hopefully japan gets on it soon

no, admire your freakin hardwork of course
most people who are self conscious are self conscious about something insignificant so that's just stupid
good people are too busy being good people to be critical of anyone

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post more muses

if you wanted to track your hard work why wouldnt you work on like a exotic painting over 10 years of your life and watch your progress over time?

building up your body to show off to people and try to elevate yourself above other people is really prideful way of doing that

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you should be jesus friend

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this is too cute

your body is a painting too
and different people want to paint different things so dont force people to use a brush

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Someone actually recommend me good kpop songs, preferably not ones with more than 50 million views if such musicians exist
I prefer kpop over trap but think both are equally as soulless and uncreative

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how would the foot experts here rate them?

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try the latest bop from CLC

is that really jennie why dont they show her face

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just go listen to BTS


nope you just threw away everything that i just told you into the trash can because you want to continue to be a arrogant fuck head

instead of accepting the truth

and being like yes tinny i will stop exercising

u can do moderate exercise but i will not respect a person who hits the gym and muscle builds

hell no its very backwards society.

think about korea or japan they seem like little puny skinny weaklings walking around over there . no?

they arent forcing the gym meme too much it looks like

its the backwards disgusting culture which promotes it

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Obligatory Eunha post

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if you do it for strength muscles are just a side effect
and there are lots of muscular people in any country that's why gyms exist everywhere

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korea doest promote the gym much cause of plastic surgery.

I did thats why I prefer kpop over nigger culture, some compositions are unconventional for mainstream music and thats all, literally trivium's shogun has catchier asian melodies

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windy day

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6.5/10, but would be 8.5/10 if the owner was pure

how is she so cute bros

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nope sorry guys , gyms are memes. i already posted the bible quote.

bodily exercise profiteth little

nobody is going their for the strength theyre superficial worldly normys who want to show off

if they wanted strength they would get the strength naturally by working in a manual labor job

if youre not a mover carrying around couches into trucks all day , YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE GYM IM SORRY.

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she has beautiful feet
does jisoo get a turn too?

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Thats enough, is on watch later im gtfo this thread and will improve my opinion

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tinny, there's no need to cope this hard just because you lack the mental discipline to workout. it's just sad.

what do you think about the africans who have nothing and make weights and gym equipment out of scrap metal

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i dont think so, only jennie and rose. lisa is just massaging feet, even from that guy there.


Don't come back ESL

Im in love with these 2

oh that's cute
i wish they did hand and neck massages i always asmr tingles from those

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why arent koreans and japanese hitting the gym with the delusional psychotic belief that they need to have a huge ripped muscly body they saw on tv?

oh because maybe the illuminati doesnt control their tv and media

why do americans have this psychotic belief that theyre supposed to be going to the gym and building their bodies up for no reason other than to show off and look like a freak of nature

and have special "protein" mixes which is completely unnatuural

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they posted shit songs

what do i have to filter to hide these freaks

Jennie's feet are cute and small and I'd suck them
not even a footfag

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did sally get ps?

If a man doest have a labour job, the gym s a good place to gain some.
the lord like to use strong young man to Carry out his work.
go gain some muscle

blackpink, jisoo, jennie, rose, lisa...

why do you think that

jesus christ fuck off tinny

Blog avatarfagging edition

well who says they aren't you probably aren't looking hard enough

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probably the same gangsters who try to like kill people and think theyre cool for doing that stuff

africans get plenty of exercise doing normal every day shit


nice try trying to convert me to your body building cult

i think ill stick with the japanese and koreans who just eat healthy food every day and not really worry about all that delusional body building garbage that americans think is normal

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just like /trash/, home sweet home yay

dia are busted as hell wtf

mental illness leave our girls alone

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every idol you see does work out.
dancing around so much, you need to build up some stamina and strength. you can train your body without looking like a big muscle with eyes.

Why did Lisa opt out while the others took their feet out

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ya but theyre not training their bodies theyre just dancing

if you do some activity that naturally builds muscle then nobody can criticize you

if you purposely go to the gym thinking youre going to get ripped then you are a piece of garbage

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this is such a bizarre take to have in a thread dedicated to the planet's most vapid, body-obsessed people

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so if jisoo goes to get a foot massage, somebody gets paid to massage her feet?
what the heck?

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idol choreo isn't that physically demanding desu

what is it about a women feet, that make me want to kiss it and lick it.
Japanese men look like women this days, they suffer from a different kind of perversion then that of the west. korean men are ugly by default so the gym might not help...but dr kim can

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To the korean guy who was downloading at like 100kbps, please know that I'm very happy for you.

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what if you just want to be stronger but don't care about muscles and inadvertently get muscles

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he's posting several idols this time so we hate them instead of just one girl

ill get banned as soon as janny wakes up it was nice knowing you guys for 5 minutes

but ya im not here for the kpop at all

imagine caring about it


why would you want to get stronger unless you literally couldnt perform your job which was like carrying around metal beams to construction sights and you kept dropping them

i literally dont understand

you have no excuse

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They probably paid for the privilege


Hello Im new around here. who are you? tinny? nice to meet you

it makes picking things up easier and you can defend yourself from weaker attackers

now that makes more sense

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Cubuggo looks like Lauren Tsai here

nobody hates nancy momoland retard

the kpg torrent? I downloaded the songs I wanted at 20kbps

22 mins till orbit 2.0 get your wallet ready

I would massage Jisoo's feet for free

I'm guessing cause its one of the things you can easily put in your mouth, along with ughh fingers and maybe ears and nose. Pussy lips too if its some outie roast beef but idols dont have that!

what? why? it instantly reaches 200Mb/s for me

well i would pay to do that and don't be sexual

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weapons are equalizers dude you will still die to getting shot or stabbed if you have big muscles

if u wanna instigate random unnecessary fights with people then thats pretty much more flexing of your muscles

thats what these jock punks do they wanna get big muscles to instigate fights to show off and that becomes their thing

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any one song? no not much but amplify that by 10 or more when you have to do a concert.

My theory is this. In nature, feet would’ve been the lowest and dirtiest point of the body, by showing affection for them it’s a statement that you truly appreciate all of her

well you are not allowed to carry weapons here
and people will attack you or steal from you if you can't defend yourself

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I'm just going to assume that you're the guy. How did you end up getting the speed?

hm, with individual files, it may take longer to reach a decent speed since it has to lookup the desired pieces. If you're downloading everything or a big chunk, the speed pick up much faster

criminals can carry weapons and the odds are THEY HAVE ONE

so good luck getting stabbed while thinking your big muscles is enough to stop an attacker

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but who gives af about your respect in the first place? you're not a respectable person

nope I was the guy that suggested him to try a different client

it's not the muscles it's the strength of being able to grab the weapon and punch them in the throat

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Stop blogposting you retards

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of yourself image spamming pedo

I think he was still having shitty speeds with qbittorrent 4.1.7, before that his client couldn't even connect to peers

Jisoo is a 10/10 under the neck

imagine been so weak you can stop a knife with your muscles.
Stop eating rice and squids and hit the gym

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and there's another bonus to muscles
do you think someone would target someone big or the scrawny guy 50 feet behind him

and above

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i didnt say anyone needed to care about anything i tell them im just telling you my genuine opinion on it

i personally dont respect body builders

thats just for me. because thats my view of how i will view them . it doesnt have to mean anything to anyone else besides me.

unless they want to see some light on this topic. and change their minds

grab a knife which is coming at you

you might lose ur hand

then youll only be able to fight with 1 arm and then they might even have a squad of multiple people

i dont see the advantage of having large muscles vs carrying mace

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cant stop a knife

you're in the wrong neighborhood faggot

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Post squid ass.

not the same picture but

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She's 21

hyemi&keumjo's concert on thursday

are they called nine muses B?

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and the time investment to get big muscles for this rare situation where someone attacks you on the street without a weapon and you win by sheer strength

i think you could probably take like a karate class for a few hours vs like months and months of hardcore training and be better off in that situation

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but I'm on qbittorrent 4.1.7 and getting constant 200 Mbps = 25 MB/s
dunno why is everyone struggling with that torrent

where do you live for there to be dudes with knives around every corner?

imagine coping this intensely just to stay a fat useless neckbeard.

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karate is garbage unless you're fighting someone else who is using karate

Seoul Forest Trimage, a luxury apartment complex where Blackpink allegedly live (2017). The Han river can be seen right next to it.

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Exercise is good for your mental mood as well as your physical fitness. Remember that next time you wonder why you are miserable all the time.

or whatever the fuck its called

self defense course

thats probably a better investment of your time vs literally going to the gym every day for months and months and hours and hours of strength training which could prove itself worthless

compared to if you were just better knowledge of how to handle a situation

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don't worry about it and just hope they all get shanked to death so they can no longer ruin kpg euro hours


if it's a knife you can grab their wrist and if it's a gun you can hold the slide but they will still get one shot so as long as they miss the first shot you can disarm them
if the mace doesn't work then you are screwed but your muscles won't stop working randomly in fact you get stronger with adrenaline
and if it's multiple people you are screwed anyway

no the time investment is just for strength and self improvement you dingus that's just a bonus

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i dont know

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but strength training is part of any martial art

r8 my battlestation

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ya moderate exercise as in cardio is really healthy because it gets your blood flow up

lifting weights is not really something necessary only arrogant douchebags do it

the people at the gym arent preparing for doomsday for the one day when they get mugged and lose their iphone

thats not going through their brain as their pumping the iron

i will tell you that LMAO

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not even yours/10. why make this post

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You misspelled MODS

based milkman

they are mostly thinking i want to be healthier

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Yes it is

then you would have a timestamp

youre better off dedicating all your time and wealth you would have created when you were at the gym with dedicating your life to move to the safest place in the world where you cant get mugged

vs actually lifting to ward off gangsters

nope they do it to show off

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yeah no shit, it's all a mix of looking better, feeling better and getting stronger
if you don't want to work out and be skinnyfat that's fine but you don't have to be petty like a woman and hate anyone who does it


off yourself loser

gosh i wish that was

why do girls wear such revealing clothes at the gym?
men don't walk around in yoga pants, crop tops, & 0.5" inseam shorts

probably not making themselves available as peers

it's only 1 hour out of your day and what about the people that don't care what others think about them

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everything they do is for attention

no youre defending your arrogance

i respect a weak and skinny japanese man because he isnt trying to do things which elevate himself above me and i feel like i can relate to him

if someone is constantly under a delusion and psychotic belief like they have to go pump iron at these gyms because they saw a big muscle man and want to be cool and show off

i cant respect you as a human being

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you're so mad lol

Why are you up

how much money do you make a year?
how much pussy do you get?

because americans can't let euros have one good thing

it's still 7PM in monkey central bro.

the rooster just crowed

so you respect cowards

what if the skinny japanese guy reads books all days and thinks he's smarter than you
and what if the guy at the gym thinks he's weaker than you and wants to get stronger so all he does is lift weights

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being skinny != coward

you can think youre smarter than everyone else too i dont like that either

if youre humble you can actually be smarter than everyone else and it would be fine

>and what if the guy at the gym thinks he's weaker than you and wants to get stronger so all he does is lift weights

theyre not weaker than me if theyve been hitting the gym for anything past 1 week

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Janny has been slacking a lot lately and the usual lolcows have been completely emboldened

you just sound very insecure and almost paranoid like anyone who does things to improve themselves do it to be better than you
funny you should talk about delusion when your posts are just a sample of excuses to why you don't want to put in any effort but you also see yourself as being better than the "gymrats" because they're out there actually putting in the effort

My girls. I hope they're doing LUP4.

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but in his mind he is so you can't really change him or call him a douchebag and you can relate to him

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where does twice live

ya but why do koreans and japanese dont seem to be under this psychotic delusion spell of hitting the gym and being a gym rat in order to gain more women on tinder

why do you expect me to be like you?

i think being a skinny normal average person who eats vegetables and meat and lives a healthy lifestyle is doing better than some retard who dumbs probably steroids and unnatural protein powder and over eats himself because he wants to get "Gains"

looooooooool you dumb fuck

i truly sincerely have no desire to be a muscle head theres no alterior motive ive always been like that

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are these girls ever gonna try a different hairstyle

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Dua Lipa with two of OFG

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what the heck a sneak peek into what

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>BUSTERS Makestar rewards
>14. Special Fan Meeting with BUSTERS
>16. BBQ Party with BUSTERS after Special Fan Meeting

fuck, why doesn't big 3 groups do this too

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very nice picture

kiss and make up is so freakin good
i loved when she performed with blackpink at their concert

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on the bed... camera set up... i think its time, yg is running out of money...

Why is her hair messed up?


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into the photo shoot behind the scenes

there are plenty of koreans and japanese who go to the gym and it's only increasing

and no one is saying you have to go to the gym but to claim people who lift are all "retard who dumbs probably steroids and unnatural protein powder and over eats himself because he wants to get "Gains"" is ironc as fuck considering you went on to say you don't respect them because you're under the impression they think they're better than you

you should take some time to reflect on these posts and maybe you'll see your hypocritical line of thought

because they're not poor as fuck lmao
it would have to cost as much as an entire concert brings in to be worth for them

he he he dont look so sad jennie.
it just want another solo right?
he he now take those sock off....slowly

The state of that roastie getting mogged by blackstink

ok good

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because it cheapens your artistic soul


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nugushitters got it too good

is this going to be one of those special dvds?

probably, yg is getting wiped out and needs the cash

Everyone has had different hairstyles EXCEPT Hyewon

dont give him attention


bob-cut when?

who's excited for the upcoming twice comeback?


>because it cheapens your artistic soul
most of the big 3 groups aren't really known for their singing or dancing talent though, quite the opposite

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no if you go to japan or korea theyre all very skinny weaklings. ive seen it plenty of times in live streams. everyone is skinny.

and the average douchebag body builder in usa would think they are beta males or even malnourished

when really thats what a real person is supposed to be just skinny and eating low calorie

fasting is biblical.

you think you can get these gains on a biblical fast

nah u would look close to anorexic

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except blackpink
they are only known for their talents and people learned about their beautiful looks after

It depends on the choreography. Anything with bigger movements, more leg movements or more isolation is more demanding and requires more core strength to hold or perform the moves properly. Not all kpop groups or members are the same. So when Loona does boy band dance cover, it's actually pretty fucking impressive because that stuff is a step above what most girl bands do.

Fun fact: No-one who does a Blackpink dance cover wants Jisoo's part because she's the weakest.

imagine sperm with chen instead of scammer

being big is an artistic soul of its own kind

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She has said she rather die than have short hair. Probably because her most unglamorious period pre-debut was her short hair era.

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that isn't true don't spread lies
all blackpinks do the same choreography

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d... did they...

youre actually reducing your life span by eating tons and tons of food like body builders do to get their gains in

the people who live the longest eat very very low calorie they eat almost nothing and your body wont age as much

thats the reality of how god made this shit to work.

body building is actually harmful.

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>Injecting chemicals into your body is harmful
You don't fucking say

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she's super cute on left though

samson wasn't skinny

post pics that boost testosterone.

cx in the chat

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i agree with you on all counts, except there's a fuckton of korean roid monkeys. i don't think there's as many japs but there's a million gooks like that

fasting is done for a purpose.
self discipline and praying
not to stay skinny.
Going anorexic by fasting mean your doing something wrong.

japan and koreas are skinny because most of them are feminine.

She is also cute. She is Hyewon. The 1 in a million miracle. But yeah, she is prettier with long hair.

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yeonhee looks busted here

If you knew anything about dancing, you'd know Jisoo is the weakest dancer in the group.
Jennie is better but she stuffs up the steps more often.
Lisa and Rosé are better than those two.

are you guys talking about body building or just staying fit? nothing wrong with training to stay fit or look a little better. it helps with physical activities like football or basketball. also not being out of breath after walking up the stairs is pretty nice.

just started my korean studies major, who do i listen to besides bts

supposedly it's her "cousin"

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well of course jisoo is the weakest dancer but when they cover her dancing they dont do the moves exactly like her they do it how it was choreographed

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post flawrin

no one knows who that is

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i agree with tinny, i only respect people whose exercise includes things that don't show up in gains. if you're jogging and doing yoga and things like that, then you're not just working out for reasons of vanity and because you actually value your health, and only then is it respectable. people that only do exercises that will show up on a mirror are douchebags which is 99% of people at the gym

ya probably but theyre delusional fake retards too and theyre probably just copying americans and wouldnt normally see the need for it

all humans dont see the need for it except americans

it seems like. its like a sport for these people cuz they have nothing else to do but show off.

i feel like not a lot of other countries give a shit i feel like europeans are pretty skinny average people. chinese . etc.

actually a lot of fasting that is done is actually to lose weight and become skinny too lol

a 30 day fast you will look anorexic

>japan and koreas are skinny because most of them are feminine.

are people from china feminine is every person who is skinny feminine

or is that the brain washing body building cult that you created

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anything in particular?

>muscles have nothing to do with health
fucking retard

bully people together? yes

Hotel Del Luna OSTs are popular right now

i think its time to dublast again.
my testosterone levels are rising.

Bol4, IU

I'd do it only with Minji (the BBQ)

thanks senpai

you completely missed the point due to you being a retard. i said if you exclusively do things that are visible then your primary motivation isn't actually health and then you're an idiot. and excessive muscle is unhealthy, that's a fact. it's strains your heart and will lead to a premature death because it has to work doubly hard to provide oxygen to your cells

whose tat is that

most gymbros these days are strength training
anyone who does it for girls will probably either give up or just do steroids and they will also realize that only shallow girls like that and probably not the girls they actually want so it was their personality all along and not their body

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thanks for wording that better than i could it took me like 40 paragraphs to say what you just said

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but that's why you do both to reach your peak, there's a reason curlbros are made fun of in the gym as well
your mentality is stuck in the 80s when people thought roids caused ball shrinkage because bodybuilders were using cheap shit from russia

A religious fast has different purpose then one who trying to get skinny.

A man should have muscles, hard working people cant afford been skinny.
Bruce lee knew this

there's a large percentage of korean males that are hypermasculine bullies. they're psychopaths. they just wanna be the big silverback gorilla, i don't think it has to do with americans, that's just how they are

Bought the orbit 2.0 fankit hope i get a signed Polaroid

Yeah but no-one wants her part because they hide her when they can on the choreography.
Lisa gets more centre/solo time in the choreography so everyone wants to cover her position.

You watch enough of any group's choreography or you have personal dance experience, you can figure out who are the weaker dancers in a group and the tricks they use to make sure they spend as little time as possible in the centre or at the front.

ya but god made it so that fasting actually has the health benefits and partly because youre becoming skinnier and will be healthier not being a fat ass and laying off from eating for a while

i think its built in like that to nature of the body, not only spiritual

anyone who fasts to become skinny says it was spiritual feeling as well

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no that's wrong every time they sing they go straight to the front
and every blackpink takes turns being at the back

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I would rawdog Minji
I dgaf about STDs...

post more dubu PLEASE
i dont want to see those workout arguments anymore

You just know she is into some freaky stuff

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i wish they had done it through vlive. oh well.

aaaaaaagh delete it

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if lisa wouldnt look like she could break when touching her, i would say she is cute.


she just rubbed her thigh and didn't go any further

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yeah but your peak is still motivated by vanity. more than working out, you like telling people you work out. you want gains so you can post them on /fit/ and have other guys jerk off to them. it's like that guy here that always announces he's going to the gym, nobody fucking cares that some guy is going to the gym. if he was going for health he would just do it but it's because he wants validation. that's not a good reason for fitness, it should be personal, but for most people it's clearly more about what other people think of them

all girls like that because all girls are shallow. men aren't supposed to be shallow though

give me sevehn., sevehn.

fouh? no you say sevehn.

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Yeah the whole process between the fancafe and all the websites is cancer

I'd pay $10,000 to see Rosé make out with Jisoo

grabbing the jichoo junk OMOOOOOO


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this but maybe 10 vlive credits or whatever not $10,000 wtf

no, girls these days like small asian twinks check twitter
like an insanely large amount of them do it's crazy they are called bts or something

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dubu is hot

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you're just making arguments based on assumptions about a stranger's mentality, literally nothing of value

apologize to whoever this girl is

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what the HECK
never make people imagine that ever again they are pure

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Chances Kim Jisoo is a virgin:

yeah but when bts got famous they all had abs which is what drove those girls crazy in the first place. gaypop is more about abs than it is about music

thats even more of a reason to not work out

just proves youre the delusional one pumping iron while thinking theyre cool and thinking you look good when it doesnt even look good and nobody likes it

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more like this number out of 10

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I do agree that fasting is a good thing, since it help bring your body under control...

but going to the gym is also a good option for your health.
you should do both

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nigger, theres literally nothing wrong with kissing..

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what the heck now you guys can argue with each other
also i already said that most people do it for strength these days because natural bodybuilding is a waste of time people would just take steroids at that point

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i would pay up to 2500€ for a blackpink vip ticket, if i could give jisoos foot a kiss at the end of the show.

Did she go to jail for wearing that shirt in KR?

have you ever seen 2 angels kiss? they would probably get sent to heck

that will never happen they are not pieces of meat
and she would kick you in the face

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if you hit the treadmill thats good

but thats still like running but in the AC lol its probably not as healthy

nobody is body building for strength they BELIEVE it makes them look attractive and do it for vanity like that guy said.

i am of the opinion that it still looks like shit but thats irrelevant/

plus we already defeated the "strength" argument nobody needs that in 2019 unless it comes naturally from their job

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I wish she would come back to Texas and show off her toe again...

guys do strength training now because they learned most girls don't like those gorilla types

Rosé’s meal for the whole day, probably. And she doesn’t look happy about it!

>and she would kick you in the face
I would pay 5000€ for that

what about kissing gays for fun?

they're not gay you idiot those are jisoo's boyfriends

imagine jisoo kicking you in the head with her soft foot

jisoo could do anything and it would not be illegal

no if they were doing it for vanity they would just take steroids
and it's actually cardio and muscles are just a side effect of it and you don't even actually gain as much muscle as you would if you were bodybuilding instead of strength training so if it was truly for vanity they would just do that

stop talking about her privates i mean it

they just wouldn't work out at all then


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shooting my MASSIVE load of
hot white
directly onto Jisoo's tongue,
and making her

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why do you all stop posting the moment the thread hits 311

jisoo must have been really hot like 10 years ago in her prime

that was a fake kiss and why are they called double b that sounds like a pornography thing


shut UP

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if they wanted to do cardio they would do cardio dude

theres plenty of machines for that in the gym

dont give me that bullshit excuse

since u already lost the argument now you have to say well theyre just doing another form of cardio its called weight lifting

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Make it a non blog thread next

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For me? I would pay for Lisa to punch me and verbally bully me

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Jisoo sitting on my face and releasing a stream of steaming, yellow piss up my nostrils and all over my face

releasing a stream

i almost instinctively asked for the link to the stream

that she would be releasing her bowels live on

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