Back to School is particularly good

Back to School is particularly good.

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digital bath best song

agreed. almost masterpiece of an album


Deftones is pseud shit for tryhard faggots

You're thinking of Tool

Nah Tool can be cheeky with song titles like Hooker With a Penis and songs about butt sex and shit
Deftones just takes themselves way too fucking seriously for what they are
Not to mention the guys in Tool actually know how to play their instruments

Shit opinions, fucking kill yourself. Don't even want to try with your dumb ass

The guys in Deftones can’t play their instruments worth a fucking shit and can’t write a decent song to save their life
>huuur whisper vocal shoegaze metal is so deep
kys famalama

>The guys in Deftones can’t play their instruments worth a fucking shit
Adam Jones is literally the most boring guitarist I've ever heard
>take themselves too seriously
Pink Cellphone takes the piss out of the band more than any of Tool's meme songs. Seriously fucking kill yourself, you ignorant cunt

Adam Jones isn’t amazing but he can play circles around that faggot in Deftones who just chugs on a drop tuned 8 string guitar
Also pink cellphone is just bad

Shoegaze is infinitely more interesting than buttrock

which Old Town Road remix cover is that?

>pink cellphone is just bad
I agree with the other poster, kill yourself

>wow dude let’s just throw a bunch of distortion and reverb on the guitar and maybe no one will realize I can’t fucking play
Deftones and shoegaze are for faggots

You seem really concerned with homosexuals, user. Maybe you should take a hard look at yourself and see that your butthurt is misplaced

Nice cope faggot

Boys Republic is better

phenomenal album

street carp is the most underrated track on here imo

I hate whenever I see this cover I have to think about fucking old town road

Attached: shittyfuckingsong.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Wtf is this my nigga Lil Nas??? He just drop Another remix ??!?!

is the horse going forward or back?

it's falling

White Pony, Saturday Night Wrist > any album Tool has ever released.