How many people are they?
How many people are they?
libs owned
go back
someone explain this to me
Why the fuck arent those people callings itself it?
Preferred pronouns it/it
It: Chapter Two
Go dilate
Because using they/them/their for things of indeterminate gender is an actual thing in the English language, even if singular
But yeah this whole thing is ridiculous and a cry for attention and snowflake status
They are a hivemind of non-binary people. They could easily be in the millions
Sounds reasonable
this homosex screams in desperation for attention you can see it in his face
The homophobia is unnecessary
I'm gay so I can't be homophobic
I'm just stating the obvious. I hate that people want to go down a path of insanity instead of using their time for better things
>I'm gay so I can't be homophobic
the closeted dudes ive fucked around with disprove this
Maybe they aren't homophobic. Maybe they just hate you because you're annoying.
3/5ths compromise
this guy jacks off five times a day i'm getting strong coomer vibes from that face
or you just said something dumb and incorrect, its okay mate
I don't get it.
There's only one person there.
Did "they" do this as an attempt to save "their" falling career?
People will look back on this they/them nonsense and cringe, despite being so self-righteous about it in the current year. Every generation does things that are mind-numbingly stupid in hindsight.
you can use they to refer to one person, learn english
I'm completely certain the problem is just that you're an annoying person.
You're deliberately completely missing the point.
This is a man that is pretending to not be a he for the attention.
nah thats impossible, you don't know me
I can be certain that you're a gay homophobe though :)
i cant help you with your attention seeking tendencies man, you need a professional for that
He’s still a pretty decent singer.
Nice projection, tranny.