Rap music is modern day blackface where audiences are amused by exaggerated stereotypes accompanied to music. In the near-future our current time period will be viewed as ignorant and primitive, much like how we see pop cultural aspects of the past right now.
Rap music is modern day blackface where audiences are amused by exaggerated stereotypes accompanied to music...
Very stupid take. Just wanted you to know that. Not going to debunk it, but I just wanted you to know.
>our current time period will be viewed as ignorant and primitive
you're acting as if that hasn't been the case of every time period and is inevitable
Rap is simply crap. And you can't spell (c)rap without rap.
You struck a nerve with the basedboys, don’t stop now!
blackface is unironically amusing and funny though
i hate seeing young men in my demographic (white) listen to this shit, along with them being completely unmotivated and directionless, its heartbreaking really
I'm willing to bet that you're only white by a huge stretch of the term
ashk jewish with blue eyes is pretty white mate. especially when you grow up in ohio and you see heroin take the lives of people when you went to school with
yeah, I was entirely right
so the eyes mean nothing to you?
white isn't just genetic, it's also cultural
fair point, but even if someone is raised in a very classless and vulgar america, like today. they can still feel a very deep longing of brotherhood and european identity. Hence my melancholy at seeing "africanized" young white men
your deep longing is as valid as trannies longing to be the opposite sex mate
It may be ignorant and primitive, but much like actual blackface, it's hilarious
Shallow observation; often they are vain pursuits. Do I not share blood with Europe? How is it a fault of mine that I'm removed from my home land?
>along with them being completely unmotivated and directionless
Yeah. Most Zoomers are just content these days with smoking Juuls, listening to whatever trendy trap is being spoonfed to them, streaming Fornite while ordering Grubhub. Rap has always engendered laziness (everyone I knew growing up in Boomer time who listened to rap ALWAYS smoked weed. No exceptions), but the epidemic is worse than ever since rap has never been more culturally dominant.
you aren't removed from your home land. you grew up american, you are american. that is your home.
lawyers at 6 % is promising at least
> Doctor/Nurse - 13.4
> Teacher - 11.9%
> Lawyer - 6.4%
At least we got that
>unmotivated and directionless
Because there are no real jobs anymore, especially in flyover territory.
I hate how boomers make all these fucking assumptions. It’s much more difficult to get a real job nowadays than it was in the early 2000’s
No, it’s not. I feel no identity with it whatsoever, and I would drop it in a heartbeat.
There are, like, maybe three cities in all of America I would really care to live in
Zoomers don't want to learn trades, though. They all want to either work in IT, so they can continue to sit in front of a computer for hours and hours as they have throughout their entire lives or pursue some other STEM endeavor. Problem is, people with STEM degrees are a dime a dozen now.
> Meanwhile, the Economic Policy Institute recently released a comprehensive study dealing with the supply and demand of STEM graduates showing similar findings in the immediate past. One of its findings was:
>For every two students that U.S. colleges graduate with STEM degrees, only one is hired in a STEM job.
Zoomers think plumber, electrician, welder, mechanic, carpenter (jobs which you can't outsource nor which are being taken by illegals) are beneath them. Not their fault, though. Mommy and daddy blew too much smoke up their collective asses telling them how much a "tech genius" they are because they can set up a facebook account and swipe a screen.
>plumber, electrician, welder, mechanic, carpenter
are there other jobs like this which are good? Where can I do research?