/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>tfw only a Gibson™ is good enough edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on his organic vegan diet

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Looking for a guitar purchase advice

24 fret
7 string

Strat-like body
Floyd Rose
Natural dark brown finish

I like prog-rock, fusion and jazz.

first for bass

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ibanez is what you're describing.

frick yeah, bass rocks

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Or, if you want to spend a bit more


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How do you fix a pickup that keeps rising on its own that you have to keep screwing down back in place?



Can anyone post pictures of their pedal boards, but also post dimensions (height/width)? Trying to get an idea on what size to get.

No floyd, but only $400.



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now THAT'S a guitar! take note poorfags

Looks like if it was a spring issue it would be falling down, not being pushed up. Seems more like the problem would be the screw thread being stripped

Well, it depends on how it's mounted. If it's mounted to the body, then it's probably a stripped screw/hole issue. If it's not, then its a spring issue.

But then again, if it's mounted to the body then the screw head would stop it from rising. SO it has to be the other, which would be a spring issue.

thanks for the suggestions, the Ibanez RG7431 and the Agile 727 look like what I'm looking for

Why does /gg/ hate Jazzmasters? They’re a jam.

can you shred?

They're not as terrible as /gg/ makes them out to be.
They are, however, drastically inferior to Flying V's.

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>tfw the hitoribocchi was boring, uninspired shit
it hurts bro

Only Brothers and Thermae remaining. Then I have all eight analog CBA pedals in wooden boxes. I don't regret anything.

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This guitar has a beautiful quilt.
Pic related.

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haha nigga i saw mazinger and kimba the white lion on tv when i was a kid son you can suck my dick hitoribocchi was uninspired trite that makes shitty series like sao look groundbreaking

They are not Gibsons, therefore, by definition, they are inadequate.

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>Floyd Rose
Don't. It's unlikely that you'll find a good Floyd at that price point. Used Ibanez is probably your only option. Edge, Lo-Pro Edge and Edge Pro are the good ones.

I don't think I will. Why would I?

what about this one

chinese floyds do their job fine. I don't get why people shit on them all the time

buyers remorse

That's a good one. The fretboard might need some oil but other than that it should be quite good right out of the box. Those cheaper Ibanezes have improved a lot in recent years.

They wear out faster, fine tuners are not as precise, the arm might wobble... Lots of things to complain about.

Nah, I can't think of better pedals.

>I can't think

But can you?

Nigga they suck half as much as your mom and that's alot.

of course

that's not an argument though

Do tell.

you wouldn't understand

Are you talking about this?

>fact-based rhetoric isn't an argument

I'm gonna miss this lil nigga when he dies of cheeseburger related disease

Jeez what a big forehead


>falling for the chase bliss meme

>7 string
This is one too many strings for a guitar.
Inorite? Positively Ritsuian.


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>no facts, only shit statement
seems about right

Can anyone help me buy a guitar?

Fixed bridge
Maple neck/fretboard

Over 22 frets
Basswood body

I like country and jazz.

They look like a meme but don't sound like one. The basic effects are actually very good and all those knobs and switches just give more sounds and flexibility. Like yeah, they are expensive but I think that you also get what you paid for. You don't pay for fairy dust.

>Over 22 frets

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Let's be real, I never use anything >12th fret anyways yet the least frets you can get is 21/22.

>I never use anything >12th fret anyways
>mfw leadlets

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But why would you limit your options like that? 24 fret won't kill you but could make it easier to find a good guitar.

I would go with a multi-effects pedal.

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>rhythm is supposedly predominantly above the 12th fret

use yer brain

Only a Gibson is good enough for anime girls

24 fret guitar neck pickup = metal specific lead tone
21/2 fret guitar neck pickup = jazz/classic rock lead tone that also works for metal

>muh two extra notes

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Doesn't work like that unfortunately.

Are you implying that rhythm is actually predominantly above the 12th fret or are you misunderstanding the -lets meme? A leadlet is someone who can't play leads, just like a brainlet is someone without a brain.
If the former... uh, maybe in funk?

why is it that whenever a girl is best girl, she plays a gibson?

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This guitar has two too many strings.
Reiclones are almost never best girl, except pic related.

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pros love em

>Two too many strings

Yeah for you lmao

do i smell a jroach who wants attention

pros in general love the polar opposite of what bedroom warriors and indie fucktards love

i wonder who could be correct? the guy playing for 5 people with his all EQD and CBA pedalboard or the guy playing for 500,000 with his axe FX?

Uh oh someone hurt his feelings, here come the accusations

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the guy playing for 0 people with his custom PRS, diezel amp, and pedalboard made by googling "most expensive guitar pedals" and buying 20 of them

wait i thought you wanted attention jroachy? you don't like it when you get it?

Post one time in history an artist has used an axe fx to play for 500000 people.

are there any artists that have embraced full amp sim/vst and daw for live performance and recording?

Look at him go!

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It doesn't matter what equipment you have it only matters if you have the Rock mindset.

Why even buy a marshall anymore? Welcome to the past, roaches.

John Mayer has embraced DI recording:
>“When I’m playing on people’s sessions these days, I don’t usually bring an amp; I record all my guitars through my Akai MPC [X],” Mayer claims. “Why? Well, because that’s what the rest of the music is suggesting. When everyone is using virtual instruments and virtual effects, there’s no oxygen.
>“Those frequencies are so well cordoned off, a Bassman amp with three mics put on it literally will not fit inside the song. There’s a lot of resistance to that from producers.”
>“My guitar parts are getting on three times more records these days than when I came in with my guitar amp and a couple pedals and mics. It wasn’t fitting the lexicon, so I had to really look at that and ask, ‘Is the old way of doing things really honouring the electric guitar?’

>mfw bullied jroach can't even bring himself to reply
keep up the good work user

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metallica uses them extensively

the vast majority of working artists use modelling these days, with or without actual amps, because it's more cost effective, more flexible and adaptable to different venues, and more reliable than a pedalboard.

just using the axe FX is like using a pedalboard with a preamp pedal on it and just using a clean poweramp or going into the PA

>Mfw he's so constantly butthurt over a random mexican being, hilariously, better at guitar than him that he thinks me, a canadian, is jroach

Sad, sad gibson-chan.

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Lmao looks like you won

i really did, didn't i

>i don't want your (you)'s anyways!
>i wanted you to ignore me, i-idiot!

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Buncha dumbfucks

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Only a Gibson is good enough.

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Lol you definitely did

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Heres a modern 7 string to muh vintage 57 spec.

i remember this was criticized in a way that gave gibson owners a backhanded compliment, basically calling them shitty players who need to rip off a classic tone to sound half decent

Well, that's accurate. The same goes for the retards who buy strats, vintage reissue garbage, and signature amps and pickups.

>Lack the talent of your guitar hero
>Go through great lengths to hopefully sound like them because you sound like shit

>calls out jcope
>jcope goes into conniptions
>then magically appears


Can a thread be flagged for mental illness?

ask the weeaboo who started frantically samefagging and seeing jcopes where there were none because he was told he wasn't good enough to play a 7 string

Look he's still crying about it lmao

The T-60 is awesome though

I've heard jcum's playing and it was horrible. I've heard sam's playing and it was better but still horrible. But has le ebin anime gibson man ever posted his stuff?

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>rent free

he doesn't actually play guitar

despite that he manages to be a better guitarist than either of them

this in inaccurate. yui got her les paul for $500

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I don't see a single good original idea on that.

fro/gg/man plays /gg/

This guitar is adequate. However, it has one too many strings.

He's been doing it for so long that's it's genuinely surprising when people don't get that he's merely pretending to be retarded. Is everyone new? Maybe they are, because he drives people away after a week or two.

I'm not the guy who thinks whoever that is is Jcum. For the billionth fucking time, believe it or not, more than one person on an anime website posts anime reaction images.
Jcum isn't better than anyone at guitar.

>Anime website

It's not.

>jcope redditspacing

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This is actually pretty damn aesthetic.
>He intended Yea Forums to be an American counterpart to the popular Japanese Futaba Channel ("2chan") imageboard and a place to discuss manga and anime.[9][27] Upon the creation of Yea Forums, Poole encouraged users from the Something Awful subforum titled "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse", who also happened to be dissatisfied with the forum, to discuss anime on his website.[28] Poole originally used the Futaba Channel to obtain anime-related images

Axe Fx wasn't around in the 80s when Metallica didn't suck.

Axe Fx isn't a Boss ME-50.

>local GC has a Cort Effector for >$300
wat do

Lol nice try

We're men here, not anime sissies. Try the ibanez or ESP forums if you're into child porn. Come back when you have a job and a gibson.

Cool story bro

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I have a job, a Gibson and a waifu.

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>Yea Forums filename
>reddit space
>jcope finally figured out what an image board is
>in 2019

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i fucked you're waifu

t. esp shill

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all shit

Devin Townsend is doing pretty good with his FX

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lol is that you

no its youre mom

>humbuckers on strats/strat copies
Absolutely disgusting.
Also, silly goose, you can't fuck a fictional character.

your mom?

>Buying any new production ESP that isn't the M-II or Horizon
>Buying an ESP if you can afford a Jackson

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>buying guitars that are not Gibsons

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Did you know that metal is the most childish genre?

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now kiss

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girls just wanna have fun

Also avatar posting


1. Flying V
2. Jazzmaster
3. BC Rich Warlock
4. Teisco Spectrum 5
5. Epiphone Les Paul
6. Harmony Bobkat

9001. Gibson Les Paul

>mods help

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1. Dean
2. everyone else

>reddit space

Some day collectors will pay huge money for British-made Lionhearts.

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>flying V above Jazzmaster
This is correct.
I don't see anyone who has posted two images of the same character in this thread, unless are samefag, which they don't appear to be.
You don't know what avatarfagging is. Posting an anime reaction image is not avatarfagging.

I think he's under the impression some sane protector is going to swoop in and save him from the shitposting.

Laughing at those types of ideas here is a virtue, you can pull all the peanuts you want out of turd and its never going to be a delicious Butterfinger bar.

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This assault guitar is excessively pointy.
Those fucking Reese's peanut butter cups with the Reese's Pieces in them are God-tier.

>list of famous musicians considered at the top of musical ability, by brand of guitar used

Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Joe Satriani, Phil Collen, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, more
Eric Clapton, Eric Johnson, Mark Knopfler, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jimi Hendrix, Roy Buchanan, Ritchie Blackmore, more
Maybe Slash? I'll give them Gary Moore
Literal whos

Are Fender and Ibanez, dare I say it, our brands?

are fender and ibanez, dare i say, richer brands that can pay more famous people to endorse their stuff, because they make extensive use of outsourced labor while putting their brand on the mexishit/indoshit so teenagers remain excited to buy "clapton's guitar dude!"

Do you truly believe companies give musicians money just to use their instruments and that musicians don't play what they like? Take a look at this guy, everyone, what a fool.

do leads have an expiration?
and what are some good options for a guitar to USB that isn't cheap shit but also doesn't cost $400?

All of those have probably played a Gibson.

Attached: Only A Gibson Is Good Enough.jpg (4605x960, 3.64M)

they do in fact do this, and it's apparent when musicians leave them after being dissatisfied like that one guy who was paid to use schecter guitars forever

usually they prey upon people that already had their guitars though

Reminder: Multi-effects units with FRFR speakers or DAWs are NOT amp replacements unless you have a professional sound guy fixing that nightmare of a tone.


Kempers sound exactly like the amps they profile. Stop expecting good things from line 6.

yeah if you're deaf. they can't begin to model response and feel either

"Feel and response" is called "voltage sag" and kempers do it.

your a fucking retard

>t. never a/b tested an amp he was familiar with
lol keep faking it maybe one day you'll manage to get there bud

I went to a show where a guitarist had killer tone coming out of his Fender Twin. His Twin died mid-show. The opening band was still hanging around and let him use their Line 6 modeling amp. He literally set it to a Fender Twin preset, set the tone knobs how his actual Twin knobs were set and started playing, and it sounded exactly the same.
This was in the early to mid 2000's, and Line 6's have gotten better since then.
Y'all be falling for the snake oil HARD.

boring night at the retirement home huh?

>grandpa sees digital stuff
>his alzheimers does him a favor and has him forget it sounded the same

lmao not an argument bud

Band mixes kill the nuances of tone. This is why bedroom warriors are boutique amp spergs and pros don't care.

How to find out if someone doesn't play live: Ask them about their tonewood.

>admitting you couldn't hear the difference between a line 6 and a fender twin

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At least Ibanez is such a guitar nerd brand that I don't think they have to pay anyone. Basically only the artists with production signature models get a commission of sales. Others may get discounts, some free guitar or are allowed to buy or get a LACS. I exchange Ibanez gets a lot of visibility.

>not including Robert Fripp

Why does /gg/ hate Orange amps?

ESP's two custom shops, Schecter's USA shop, Kiesel, and Fender's custom shop all equal and often exceed Ibanez LA's quality.

Ibanez LA makes the most overhyped guitars on the planet

>titanium strips in the neck brooooo!

>he got upset because /gg/ laughed at his inadequate amp
>then he got mad at guitars he can't afford either

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Will playing bass help me focus on improving my sense of rhythm and therefore making me a better player?

I lowkey wanna learn bass if only because I don't want to 'join a band' but rather do most of the shit myself.

but all those guys sell to shitters and anime girls (i would fuck that bassist from roselia though)

ibanez only sells customs to people who are talented and successful

Like five other guitarists in the crowd with me all remarked to me how amazing and unexpected it was that they sounded the same.

No, drums.

Dude what? Did I say anything about those other brands? Besides, LACS can make as good guitars as anyone else and those titanium rods serve a purpose.

That's because the nuances of tone disappear in a live mix. In a recording or a solo session they're apparent as ever.

I am a tone snob and while I would gig with an MIM HH strat and POD HD500 plugged into the biggest PA speaker available I would buy an R8 les paul and a vintage mesa/boogie if I was offered a recording deal.

you gotta go bongo bango my dude

>a line 6 modelling amp sounds the same as a real tube amp from 50 feet away, heard over a noisy crowd of drunk idiots plus the rest of the band
>What? No way!

/gg/ is the smartest thread on Yea Forums


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>bruh outside th club i couldn't even hear the difference!!!

I like the ones that have cookies in them


switching from pokemon to guitar what do i buy where you gotta collect em all

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Here's your guitar bro

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>the gibson troll takes another soul
i will pray for you lil' homie

start watchin them animes and buy a figure of each girl and then her guitar

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but like which ones? I dont know what makes the marshall sound? is it overdrive? distortion? both? what kind of eq should I have my amp set to?

this is unironically a good way to collect a wide variety of interesting guitars

but covering bang dream would cost as much as a private jet

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I was in the front row and it was in a small bar; the Malibu Inn.

Nobody cares

>Yeah, I'm calling about a custom guitar
>A whole new body shape
>So it's like a heart...

Have fun.

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hosa girl is qt

>Her face when you tell her a gibson isn't good enough

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Sounds comfy.

I will practice hard as fuck. And then buy the cheapest Epiphone, when I upload my vocaroos with it, I will laugh at the retards with $3000 guitars, who can't into practice.

>two more gibson troll victims
its an epidemic

That's the spirit.

i did this now i have severe tendinitis in my left hand and had to sell my beloved les paul to pay for treatment

Just buy an 800.

Can your $3000 guitar do this?


It was probably a dive bar.

get played real good by some spanish nigga? most likely yes

Dive bars are ultra comfy

Can (You) do that with it though?

no i play bass

>must have been close to a year since I last changed strings
>finally put a fresh set on
>amazed by how bright they sound
Perhaps I should do this more often.
Also, anyone have a rec for strings for drop B on a 25.5" scale? I like the tension of 9s in E standard.

im poor though, I can afford a few pedals but not an amp plus my parents would KILL ME its not like I work

Maybe work then?

thanks for the help retard

np problem fren!

hey Anons, I've heard the Cordoba C5 is the way to go if you're looking to buy a beginner classical guitar. Is this true? do you have other recommendations??

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This. One rack space can do the work of ten units from a decade ago. If you watch the backstage tour for the bands, they're using smaller and smaller racks, most of it is wireless, switching and an Axe FX. Way less work for the techs, more reliable, and less to set up.

Just look at the page of the top artists who are using it.


It's being used in pretty much every genre, by top players.

Petrucci hasn't used Ibanez since the 90's, he's been playing Music Mans since.

Clapton was the guy who made Les Pauls and SGs popular, then switch to the black strat.

Slash play's Gibson, but "top of musical ability", no. Jimmy Page, Billy Gibbons and a whole slew of players are better than Slash. Most big players own LPs anyway - Townsend used them for years, before switching to other brands.

But your post is an idiotic "our guy" nonsense post anyway. A player uses what works best for them. It's music, not a football team.

Dude. Okay, it's Yea Forums, but lemme educate you about the realities of endorsements - they RARELY pay artists money to do it. There are different levels to it, too. Most of it is free gear, but not always. The top guys will get a couple of free guitars, maybe, especially if it's a signature model (they don't get a cut of the sales - that's why Zakk Wylde left Gibson and started his own line, he was selling an ass ton of guitars for Gibson and he got zip.) What most players get is special pricing, called "artist pricing" or "friends and family" pricing. The top players get phone numbers of the custom shop dudes to order guitars (that they pay for). The most you'll ever get is a couple of free guitars, even the top players. SOMETIMES, they'll pay for a photo for someone big for an ad, but not usually. The only time I've heard of an artist being paid to pimp gear is doing an appearance at a booth at NAMM. (and it's enough money for them to do it, and free gear.)
PRS is known for giving out tons of their base model guitars to new players, to get their brand out there, it's smart marketing. Or they used to. Gibson and Ibanez and Fender are notorious for being really stingy with freebies.
I worked with a band on a medium sized label who scored an amp endorsement, and each guitarist got a free half stack. They found out they suck, so they toured with their 5150s, and the company didn't really give a shit. They sold the half stacks after the tour, they threw them in the truck as backups and never got used. A lot of endorsement gear gets sold for spare cash.

Thoughts on Doug Aldrich?

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Shut up and post videos on how guitars are made



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You might as well rename this general to /guitar gears and the subtle art of NOT PRACTICING/ no one would notice the difference

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kmac is based

this exactly

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>tfw 24x12.5 inch pedalboard is no longer big enough

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Is Samuel the Yea Forums equivalent of /g/'s poojeets?

Fellas I'm a poor and in uni and I need to pick myself up a dirt cheap electric. Trying to decide between an ESP LTD EC-10 LP (189EUR) and pic related (139EUR). Opting for a 7string because I want to play lots of Type O Negative, and I've only ever had a 6s. If anyone's familiar with either of those models please share your thoughts.

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>Type O Negative
glowni/gg/ers i swear

Is this any good?

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what are the different coloured covers over the switches?

trachefag is morbidly obese and stepping on the regular metal switches hurt his hooves so he bought special plastic covers for them. wala! no more pig squeals!

Jesus how many K-ON ripoffs are there?



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Is this what you American Guitarists eat?

>It's another episode of an annoying retard asking questions he knows the answer for

But that's not yours

How many more times you gonna repost that

>he thinks nobody hears his buzzy shitty guitar tone
>still he wonders why his band goes nowhere after half a decade struggling

Yes. You can also practice rhythm other ways, though.

This guy knows his shit

Why did you get tendonitis?

Is this what you eat for meat? youtu.be/BgP91-aaIv0

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i wish i wasn't such a pleb and could figure out songs without tabs for everything :(



>promised land
>canned everything

Do you do any ear training?

>Has never set a foot in Italy
>Much less tried a gram of real food in his life
>This I'm in the Shitnited States of shitmerica

Lol at least it explains your poorly written sentences

>Y-You're bad at English

>Y-youre like a pajeet!
Funny enough you're like the darkest skinned country of Europe because Mohammed fucked your women for a century

jesus fucking christ
sam wakes up and the quality of the thread instantly nosedives

just sit back and enjoy the show

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I scrolled the entire thread looking for shit to reply to and I didn't see one single worthy post. Even the shitpost was boring.

After I posted the quality went down not because of me but because some butthurt Italian couldn't help from waving his ass to me.

Post yoru practice regiment

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play guitar

I just read this article and am super confused now, if Im playing a mode, is the root of it not supposed to be the key? C phygrian starts on a C so the key is C right?


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your first post of the day was 8 replies in one as if anyone cared what you thought
you're as bad as a tripfag

this guitar has one too many strings

>C phygrian starts on a C so the key is C right?
It's the key of Ab

im a fucking retard, ive been playing everything wrong

This is a prime example of why it's best to not even think about modes.
Worry about major and minor tonality, which is the way we analyze music, and then consider the notes in the chord you're playing over to us as a guide for where you should resolve notes to.

So few songs are actually modal.

just imagine modes as regular major/minor scale but emphazising a note that is not the root of said major/minor. This is easily achievable by playing the notes that form the chord + the note that make the mode differ from the major/minor scale.

Ionian: 1-3-5-7
Dorian: 1-b3-5-6
Phrygian: 1-b2-b3-5
Lydian: 1-3-#4-5-(7)
Mixolydian: 1-3-(5)-b7
Aeolian: 1-b3-5-b6
Locrian: 1-(b2)-b3-b5

So if you are playing C phrygian, focus on C, Db, Eb and G, give these notes a bigger duration, volume or repetition, while doing the oposite for the rest of the notes.

Don't be so hard on yourself. If you're playing 3 nps scales, you'll have 7 positions. In the key of C, it goes...

C ionian
D dorian
E phrygian
F lydian
G mixolydian
A aeolian
B locrian

C is the mother key of all those modes but it's better to think of the modes in terms of how they relate to their major scale.

D dorian - 1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7
E phrygian 1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7
F lydian 1 2 3 #4 5 6 7
G mixolydian 1 2 3 4 5 6 b7
A Aeolian 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7
B Locrian 1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7

I like to think of it this way rather than relating everything back to the mother key

so to be perfectly clear, if Im jamming in the key of Ab, Id play a C phygrian instead?

If C is the root note :)

thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate it

The key is C phrygian. The root is C, yes.

>oh no you have to follow my posting rules

What he said is that Ab major/ionian had the same notes as C phrygian.

Yes the notes/scale shapes are the same, but you want to remember your root is C

>E phrygian 1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7

should be 5 not b5. Sorry

>should b 5 not b5

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Try this site. Start with C and jam around in C major - you're using the Ionian mode

Next, play a D note on the keyboard. Jam in C major, while emphasizing the D - you're in D dorian

Keep changing the natural notes on the keyboard (the white keys) while playing in C and you'll hear what those modes sound like

technically you can play any C minor mode over a Cm chord to add more flavor to the song.

Bb Major progression (C in second degree):
ii-V-I (Cm-F-Bb)

Eb Major progression (C is the sixth degree):
vi-IV-V-I (Cm-Ab-Bb-Eb)

You can play C phrygian on the bar where the Cm appears on both cases and it will give a different effect on both.

Can we get some updated names for these modes?

A Minor Gin&Tonic
G Lick-a-Lesbian

Economy picking


Attached: ian.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Thank You

Is it true he heard every note he in his head before he played it?

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Luxury picking

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This guy seems pretty chill and I own a couple of his instructional videos, but why does he have pedophile spirals all over his house and why is he wearing a boy-lover necklace?



I have all his vids too. He speaks like a total faggot. Andy Timmons and Andy Wood have good material. Steve Morse too.

So, what you're meaning is:
-Robbie Calvo speaks like a faggot, I regret getting all his vids, worthless shit, get something by the Andys or Steve
-In spite of Robbie Calvo speaking like a faggot, I got all his videos, get his shit and stuff by the Andys and Steve too

>24 fret
Too many frets
>He still constrains himself within the western equal temperament chromatic scale meme
Take the fretless pill

Attached: fretless-guitars-1170x500.jpg (1170x500, 126K)

Get it all

You haven't mastered 12 notes. You have no business playing around with microtones.

Nice try, Robbie

>You haven't mastered 12 notes.
>literally just the alphabet from A to G
lmao okay Fretlet

FFS just download it from Rutracker or Audioz

best fuzz face circuit to use on bass?

Rate my lyrics

You love my dick
And I love your ass
You have a big clit
But you're trans and you do pass

>A to G
>8 letters
>12 notes
paradox fuzz e. cat

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Don't bother with all that shit. Truefire sucks. Get Martin Miller's Mastering Improvisation program

>24 fret
>7 string
>floyd rose
Imagine being this much of a faggot

>12 tones

Hey bros I recorded an album with my band and I'd like to hear from you about the production and the guitar sound

the first chords sound like First of the North Star opening

looks and sounds sick

Guitar sounds good, but the vocalist sounds a bit too loud and you might want to mix her down just a little bit, not a lot but just a little. I love her voice though

>Dire Straits, The Animals, Steely Dan, Eric Clapton, Cream, unironically Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult

I have $1500 for a new guitar. I've been using a nylon string for 2 years and now it's time I get an electric. What would you suggest provided my music profile?

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Can I get crits on this solo? What can I do to make it more melodic?


Tldr: Gay finnish man tells you to stop buying from southeast asian and mexican slave labor.

In my opinion you should only buy from PT cort because they treat their employees like shit so every PRS SE is made with tone-tears.

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Holy shit you're right, bass player probably got it from there
Thanks, yeah she's the best thing about it so maybe we went overboard with her voice being loud

Godin Multiac

They had a sushi bar next to the stage with a sushi chef who had his own TV show. Damn good sushi.

you people are such a sad lot

saying cheap guitars are exploitative is bullshit unless they're made in china, but even then, i don't know, the chinese are simply aware that you need to be human to qualify for human rights.

Ruokangas make the best guitars bro

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This is some chris-chan autism right here

Ibanez, Jackson, or Schecter probably.

What should be my first electric? Should I just get a Strat?

Xotic. It's like a Strat but better

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a floyd rose on a $500 guitar is either attached to a broken ESP E-II or is a pot metal licensed one that will stop returning to zero after three gigs worth of use

i discourage starting on strats because the fretboard radius is pussy mode for bar chords

get a cheaper les paul, SG, or ibanez style guitar. they have a fretboard radius more like an acoustic and strats normally come with 9s while those all normally come with 10s. if you can play a gibson style guitar well you can play a strat better (but sound worse because that's just what strats do).

You wanna take a walk
I know you'd rather ride me
Girl you make me rise
Don't waste time, come and satisfy me

How do I become good like George Benson

>i discourage starting on strats because the fretboard radius is pussy mode for bar chords
Too be honest this is literally one of my motivations for going electric, easier bare chords.

Start with Do Re Mi

>buy a new guitar with an uncommon neck profile
>love it
>two weeks later
>horrible wrist pain

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You're gonna want to shred eventually.

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This but not the guitar equivalent of a chubby white girl in faux-distressed jeans

Attached: SUPER SHREDDER FR-S WHT TILT.png (2000x640, 825K)

Dire Straits: strat
Animals: strat and semi hollow
Steely Dan: strat
Dad Clapton: strat
Cream: SG
Deep purple: strat
Blue oyster: SG
Now form your opinion

lmao fuck you

Oft-ignored fact: Strat single coils sound god awful if you are not using a fender tube amp.

high school started back what are you kids doing here

Then what?

Lol give up and find another hobby

That's true. It's just like iPhones don't work with regular earphones

>What year is it? I just woke up from a coma.

You know way back when in the time of boomers, when electric guitars first came out, rock wasn't cool. Rock was for kids. They'd grow out of it. And then a generation later, old people were complaining about the new rock and saying "just get a darn gretsch and play some real rock and roll"

That's where we are now. The shredders got older, but their taste in guitars didn't travel back in time to meet the standards of the last generation.

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Starts out strong. I like it. It sounds fine, but the part from around 20 seconds on sounds weaker to me than the way you started the solo. I think thirds and sixths (inverted thirds) are among the most "melodic" sounding intervals, so maybe target them over the chord changes and then get back into a tasty pentatonic/blues lick to end.

>Lol give up and find another hobby
Snobbery, I bet you use tone knobs too

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everyone who isn't a shut in knows all the kids play chugs on "extended range" guitars now

if you started shredding on anything that looked like an actual strat they'd call you gramps
>cool 80s music gramps
>now listen to this

because no one over 16 plays Charvels

Attached: 500px-Guthrie_Govan_Stirling_Elmendorf_2019.jpg (500x750, 81K)

seriously though they let you children post on 4channel in homeroom?

Thanks man. I'll give it a shot

No one anybody cares about anyway.