1. The Idiot

>1. The Idiot
>2. Scary Monsters
>3. "Heroes"
>4. Transformer
>5. Young Americans

Why is it so hard for people to accept that these are Bowie's top 5 contributions to music?

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Because Berlin was the better Lou Reed album.

It's boring tho

why is he cosplaying as kenny loggins

The fuck are those shoes? They're white leather with giant manlet black rubber lifts.

nice blog post

the 70s collided into the 80s like a schoolbus and a train


Bowie didn't work on Berlin. Apparently he didn't work on Transformer either and it was all Ronson but he's credited.

and not one fucking word about those jeans?

They're cool again so no

All of David Bowie's music can be supplanted by one album by T. Rex.

>no Low

fuck you.

That's kinda silly. You're right about his glam phase but what about the pother half dozen that are in no way comparably to Bolan?

Such as?

Uh, the synth stuff? Or the disco?

There's nothing else left.

Transformer sucks

You can literally
Hear Bowie singing back up on satellite of love

It’s the other way round you idiot.

Yea cause that's the famous one thing that he did. He did nothing else but pay the bills.

Best singing on the album though.

Replace young americans with station to station
Cant decide between diamond dogs or scary monsters
Low is proto-heroes with shitty fade outs and less catchy songwriting, hell even the ambients arent as immersive and heroes is closed off with a bang

In terms of the notes he hits that might be the best singing of Bowie's whole career. John I'm Only Dancing has some crazy stuff too.

>less catchy
bullshit. see for example the bassline on what in the world after the chorus, all of sound and vision/speed of life and a new career in a new town. the only catchy songs on heroes are the first two.

Sonst of the silent age has an omnipotent catchy chorus, blackout is full of unique and immersive melodies

The whole of secret life of arabia, especially the bassline
Heroes is obviously catchy too

Sound and vision is great, but it doesnt stand a chance against blackout