You just hate it because its "orange man bad" songs
Admit it
No it’s genuinely awful. I don’t care about politics in the slighest, it’s just derivative and has way too many shitty features. I forget it’s a Gorillaz record at times.
its okay
Lmfao dude put on Demon Days and Plastic Beach and then try to tell me that Humanz is a good Gorillaz album.
Compared to Plastic Beach, is a good album.
>this was hated for being a niggers of the month compilation
>following album was hated for being a damon albarn solo album
they just can't do anything right
Anyone who hates The Now Now didn't actually listen to it or wasn't a Gorillaz fan in the first place
i hate it because of all the black artists refusing to mesh with damon albarn's whiteness and instead just taking control of everything from vocals to musical stylings
used to you'd get an abstract pop song with some cartoony sound effects and nice atmospherics and then the rapper would come along and do his thing and it worked
now it's just bottom of the barrel hip-hop/RnB/whatever from the get go without any defining "Gorillaz" sound and sometimes damon comes along to do his thing and it doesn't work at all
This album is great, not as good as the now now or most of what came before, but it still has some real gems on it. Did anyone hear about the new album that's coming out soon? One of the collaborators talked about it a few days ago.
I hate it because the songwriting is bad and the features are somehow worse.
Humanz is fine but I agree with everyone on that it's a mess lol
I think it's hypocritical to enjoy songs like On Melancholy Hill or Busted and Blue then turn around and hate an album full of On Melancholy Hills and Busted and Blues.
no its fucking dogshit and its hard to believe this is from the same guy who made demon days and plastic beach
Making songs about politics is shit because they don't age well at all, in 4 years it'll be irrelevant
Just look at how the left's are pretending they never hated the Bush family
I liked it
Demon Days is still pretty listenable, but most of its shots are a lot more subtle. Dirty Harry isn't but even it doesn't quite brownnose the point the same way, say, the verses on Ascension do. Truth be told, I thought the album instantly dated itself with its production as well, I cannot see people thinking that it sounds good in 2027.
IDGAF about the politics, I just genuinely dislike it stylistically. I have a particular distaste towards this current period of rap, so its prevalence on Humanz pretty much kills the album for me. Imagine going from the early days of Del and Doom to ALL MOI LOIFE
i haven't heard it or really payed attention to gorillaz in 10 years
Funnily enough, Popcaan is telling one of the few worthwhile stories on the album. Deciphering his lyrics reveals that it's about being down on your luck and aspiring to be on top of the world someday. Fair enough, but it doesn't make the tangible expression of it all much more bearable, he's still just not that compelling of a vocalist.
There are like 2 or 3 decent songs off of it, other then those its honestly shit
Plastic Beach is good but different, while The Now Now is nice if you really like Damon Albarn. Otherwise, you didn't really miss anything.
Plastic beach is literally one of, if not the best Gorillaz album
no, i hate it because it's an unfocused, overproduced, forgettable mess with a bunch of shitty featured artists and none of the charm or cohesiveness of the other gorillaz albums. also too many niggers desu, i can only tolerate so many black people babbling in my ears at a time
i fucking hate the fact that you're right..