Why do the mods allow this?
Why do the mods allow this?
You aren't helping
What do you suggest?
using a filter like a normal human being
no, YOU aren't helping
They should be moved to /hr/ desu
I know.
this isn't a fucking free speech religion board.
fuck that slave shit
because it doesn't bother anyone besides you. use a filter.
Why do kpop fags think they have the right to spam their weird fetishes to this extent on my music discussion forum?
we run Yea Forums my dude
your days our numbered
let me guess, you're 16 and just started posting here last week. learn to filter then get over it.
Just lump them into their own containment board already. It's obvious no actual musical discussion occurs there anyway, and it's a better alternative than having 3 K-POP threads always active on the catalogue like a massive cyst waiting to be removed
Good threads have to die for this
kpop threads are music related than complainerthreads though.
Having a metathread is acceptable
I didn't mean it like that tho ;-;
do you people not understand the concept of a bump limit? maybe you should post more screenshots of /pol/bait from twitter and >tfw no gf music for this feel threads if you don't want our dead threads sticking around
it was an inspired spelling error is all
Threads like this are the true cancer, you can't even filter them
I honestly think the world would be a better place without k-pop fags. All of them are either Asian or white incels who have an unhealthy obsession with half-plastic humans.
Because they post there themselves.
*Southern Asians
Why do you think they don't? The people who make and enforce the rules have allowed it for years. What makes you special?
They don't talk or care about music. There're kpop generals across like 5 fucking boards. This board is meant for people like user, not kpop fags.
ummmmmmmm wtf im having extreme deja vu?? wtf is going on here
you got temporal lobe epilepsy my dude
all 3 of those hit the bump limit and will fall off the board eventually, but not before they are replaced a few times over/
The solution would be to raise the bump limit to something like 600. Or better yet just give us a kpop board so we can have actual discussion and themed threads instead of having the same people check-in to every thread with the same photos and phrases, shitting it up.
anti-kpopfags are unironically worse than kpopfags.
Let me answer you with a question:
Who do you think creates those threads?
Like clockwork. You kpopfags are biggest copers on this board.
post cuties
best girl
>Let's just ban like 60 percent of this boards traffic!
It doesn't work like that faggots. I hate the Kpop faggots too but what are the mods going to do about it?
There are only ever 3-5 kpop threads on the board at once.
Stop making unfilterable threads about kpop thanks
Filtering doesn't change the fact that for every kpop thread created, one of actual music discussion gets bumped off the board. That there's consistently up to three or four at any given time makes this worse.
>for every kpop thread created, one of actual music discussion gets bumped off the board.
>actual music discussion
fuck are you talking about, kid? are you actually discussing music or just using this as a vehicle to rile up users that are pretty decent at keeping their shit contained? Yea Forums is the real problem, you faggots have way too much time.
>only kpop threads bump other threads off
retard newfag logic
more than any other threads fucking moron
When did I say only?
I would rather music threads be bumped off by other music threads and not waifuposting
Especially when 5 new threads get made at once trying to be the new thread.
but it's okay when 30 threads with less than 5 posts do it.
yes because they're by different people about different topics
kpop containment board when?
>>Let's just ban like 60 percent of this boards traffic!
Yes, fucking do it.
Reminder that PSY is better than all your waifus.
yeah they really do need to update the sticky
since when the fuck were k pop fans incels? the majority are white girls who probably drink starbucks everyday
>mfw set up filter years ago
the mods must be crazy