Let's stick to the basics: just notes with a pitch and duration
How do you want to do this, anons?
Yea Forums composes
Other urls found in this thread:
D# half note
F for 3 minutes
88 bar snare solo
Ugly DEEN Saber.
I think it's better to then just put everything in terms of note duration: whole, half, quarter, etc
Maybe fix a tempo but that's up to fags
I'll set everything here to 100bpm for myself when I put it in Musescore and play it
(inside parentheses I'll put the section I want to continue) followed by my additions
(D#4 half note) half note rest, D#3 half note, half note rest
Ab4 quarter note, dotted half rest
Can we comp small sequences?
Guess I'll help out
shit dude how do I listen to this
Ab4 quarter note, dotted half rest
this sounds like a lot of fun but we need some way to share what we write other than text or screenshot of sheet, ideally I should be able to listen to it and easily edit it
>put it in Musescore
This doesn't sound bad but where are we going to dump the .mscz files
Save text as .mxl file and open in Musescore
to share, export file as .mxl, open in notepad and dump text on pastebin
also bonus points if anyone can recognize the melody
Nice tune, I added a descending bass line and ended with a chord since I ran out of ideas
Can anyone tell me if this is working for them?
how do I do this on my phone?
dude you can't
If you have something in mind, try to text the notes and I'll put it in Musescore and link the pastebin
okay this might be the simplest way to do this:
>go to onlinesequencer.net
>when you're done, hit "save" and it'll make a link
Pretty easy, right?
So like this?