Intelligent Right-Wing Music

The public image of the right is tainted by loud, stupid neonazi bands. Why call it "white genocide"? Be more elegant about, man! Instead, sing "The light is leaving us all". What is some based but elegant music beside C93?

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>David Tibet
>right wing
I bet you’re a yank

I don't know, mate. The only people I ever hear complain about black ships in the harbour are a bunch of right-wing lads.

that album is fucking based

OP is a retard though.

David Tibet is a leftist tool, everyone knows that, stupid schizo.

it really doesnt exist. intelligent people dont hate others simply for being different, and also understand why certain communities become the way they are and arent sheltered enough to think "ALL x = this". and the intelligent would never accept big daddy government controlling where they can and cannot live on this earth with an iron fist like some cuck, and instead of getting mad at people wanting better lives for themselves, they'd wonder why their presence is taken advantage of by the corporate overlords so much that they can use them to damage everyone around them. "we can pay you more, BUT we'd rather not and just rape those people over there, which ends up hurting your bottom line too, it is their fault really!"

Intelligent and Right Wing are oxymorons because Conservatism in general is viciously anti-intellectual.

Being right-wing doesn't have to be synonymous with racism. /pol/ just made it out to be that way.

Attached: marx_on_jews.jpg (640x916, 153K)

There are plenty of left-wing anti-intillectuals as well. What is your point? Not all right wing people are obese boomers who have only ever read The Bible.

Well okay, I guess, because that really doesn't have much to do with being right-wing. That sounds more like some wishy-washy description of extremist politics in general, including socialism. Then again, there are many intelligent political extremists on both sides so I guess you're as wrong as you could ever be.

Most Republicans are CivNats and aren't racist at all. This is just Democrats abusing hyperbole and rhetoric

This is wrong on so many levels. Are you by chance under the age of 18?

if your interpretation of C93 is that it's right wing political music, then you are the demographic those "loud, stupid neonazi bands" are singing for, you brainlet

Did you just conflate intelligence and intellectualism?

Left Wing Anti-Intellectualism exists, absolutely, but it isn't an inherent factor of their beliefs in the same way it is with the right.

True leftistm is liking Jews but hating every Jewish country

>but it isn't an inherent factor of their beliefs in the same way it is with the right.
What does this even mean?

Literally exactly what it says.


>but it isn't an inherent factor of their beliefs in the same way it is with the right.

Yeah, no shit, and their base eats it up because, guess what, if feels really good to hate. It feels good to have an enemy. All of the leftists rhetoric about "hate" is pure projection.

Do you ever just

I am more right-wing than the majority of my peers yet I have read more books, listened to more music, and have a slightly better knowledge of contemporary art than them. Please elaborate how all right-wingers are anti-intellectual again? Not all of us are omega retards like Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens.


But Mr. Left-winger, I thought IQ didn't exist and was a social construct

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Yep sounds about right

Speaking as a former leftist: almost everything you think you "know" about the right is left-wing propaganda. I promise you that.

What he's saying is that the right is generally skeptical toward mechanistic, atomistic worldviews and prefers to see the world as a holistic, complex and processual. That is the essence of the right and the reason it is not "intellectual" the same way the left and the liberals are.

Thank you for actually elaborating on your own thoughts.

Am I really supposed to believe that you've thoroughly read all four of those studies?

>The propaganda you're currently consuming is bad, come try the propaganda I'm currently consuming instead

Jesus Christ you guys couldn't make my point easier if you tried.

Are we really supposed to believe you could read them in general?

Talk about strawmen...

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>implying that changing your belief system means you're not consuming propaganda

shiggy diggy

Big dicks in ya asses

>"Why do people think leftists are arrogant?"
Beats me.

Thoughts on ? I all for bantz but why not try to actually argue. Like the other guy, I am speaking as a former leftie and can confirm that the left really doesn't know who and what we are.

Hmm? I'm no leftie.

So is that a "no"?

what IS alt-right? what is the bases for that political spectrum anyway?

elaborate? maybe the other guy i quoted will inform me

Conservatives being less intelligent on average doesn't prove that anti-intectualism is an inherent part of right-wing beliefs.

I agree with it generally. The argument wouldn't go anywhere, though, let's be honest. The entire premise is based off of both of our perceptions of the situation rather than any provable metric. I provided a few citations earlier but that's really as far as it can go. Plus having to keep doing reCAPTCHAs is infuriating.

well yeah, being retarded isnt inherent, it's just a common symptom most have in common. i wouldnt include that in any arguments

pretty sure david is an anarchoprimitivists who is just very racist not right wing

What is a conservative in this metric?
Conservatives wants to open the borders so they can push wages down, offer everything about a nation on the altar of eternal economic growth (no borders, no races, no ethnicities - just one group of individuals that can forever consume).
They want to sell out services a nation offers to private companies like hospitals, hospices, electricity, internet, schools.

So what are you really if you want to take care of your nation and your people against the myriad of crazies that just wants to ruin everything and mix everything up.

I never said that and I don't believe that. What I am saying is that if you're getting all of your information about the right from the left, them you're not getting the truth. If you want to find the truth you have to listen to both sides. Everyone knows that, on some level. That's why we let both the plaintiff and the defendant tell their side of the story in court.

If you actually moved right you were never a leftist. You were probably a liberal at best or you’re just making this up

Conservative and right wing are not synonyms, for one.

>The only people I ever hear complain about black ships in the harbour are a bunch of right-wing lads.
isnt it a reference to imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and mercantilism (as a precursor to capitalism) i would view opposing those ideologies as left wing ideas....

>intelligent right wing

Ok I shall deconstruct all of his shitty arguments in one fell swoop

>intelligent people dont hate others simply for being different

Antifa exists along with the lefts "cancel culture"
>and also understand why certain communities become the way they are and arent sheltered enough to think "ALL x = this".
"all x = this" is literally his entire post
>and the intelligent would never accept big daddy government controlling where they can and cannot live on this earth with an iron fist like some cuck
Communism is a fairly leftist belief not to mention, the majority of modern gibsmedats come from leftist politicians with a savior complex
>they'd wonder why their presence is taken advantage of by the corporate overlords so much that they can use them to damage everyone around them
Not all right-wingers are cuck-tier capitalists.

Basically his whole post is one big, not very well thought out, barely coherent rant presumably written by someone who is still in highschool.

Jesus Christ, dude. I genuinely feel sorry for you.

I get my information about the right from observing them of them being morons lmao. Conservative 'intellectuals' by and large are just huksters appealing to reactionaries to make money. Who else you got, fucking William Buckley? Give me a break.

Your brain is leaking out of your skull man

Not all right wingers are "conservatives"

*from observing them, whoops.

>I get my information about the right from observing them of them being morons lmao.
The "intellectual" everyone...

BEHOLD the worst thread on Yea Forums

Please find where I claimed that I personally was an intellectual and get back to me at nearest convenience, thanks.

You sound like /pol/ getting all their knowledge of blacks from "observing them"

Explain to me some good Right Wing ideas then. The only good thing about them in my eyes is that they can run a very good military

You agree! Good! I'm really not sharing perceptions so far, only explained what being right-wing means in its most basic definition. That definition can be applied to all right-wing worldviews since the inception of the enlightenment. Do you see any problems with that general worldview? My problems with your, I assume left-wing or liberal, worldview are obvious from the definition I gave you of mine.

Is it conservative if a tribe in South America want to keep their traditions despite pressure to adapt to a "modern" life, buy cellphones, get Facebook accounts, etc? Unironic question.

Conservatives don't make good music because they are heartless, soulless husks that are devoid of empathy, humanity and intelligence. Their minds are completely empty, and it shows in their music.

You don't like right-wingers because they present themselves to the left as being less altruistic and caring in comparison. A lot of right-wing ideas come from at least at their core, practicality in favor of altruism.

you missed the point on literally everything here or brought up stuff completely unrelated to what was said. good bait

Please answer

Going off the definition of conservative being 'holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation', then sure.

How much straw can one man possibly be made from?

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The right is generally skeptical toward mechanistic, atomistic worldviews and prefers to see the world as a holistic, complex and processual. That is the essence of the right and the reason it is not "intellectual" the same way the left and the liberals are. Admitting that the human mind is no almighty instrument capable of creating a perfect world, not even a realistic perception of the world, seems to me like the best idea of all time.

Short answer? Yes.

This isn't me

no one in this thread has the same definition for what alt-right/lefist/conservative/liberal even is. this is a dumpster fire and no ones going to understand each other. shitcan this thread please

Would you say that such behaviour is inherently stupid and/or evil then?

I'm the second guy quoted and I would obviously say no, but you're probably asking the leftie.

>doesn’t explain any

Thanks, that makes sense

The problem is that you're trying to compare two groups of people who use the term conservative in completely different contexts, creating a false equivalency.

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Private property, pragmatism, free expression and open discourse, personal responsibility, free markets, individual liberty and self-governance.

Wait Current 93 is right wing? Oh sweet now I don't have to pretend to like them anymore

This. I'm out, Not going to waste anymore time here.

No, he really doesn't.

>Free expression, Open Discourse, Personal Responsibility, Individual Liberty and Self-Governance
>Exclusively right wing

Holy shit dude

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>private property
>free markets
Bad ideas
>free expression and open discourse
>personal respinsibility
>individual liberty
Not right wing

Yeah okay thanks

They didn't used to be, that's for sure.

The absolute state of Reactionaries in 2019.

Private property is one of the cornerstones of a free society. Do you think a free society is a bad idea?

The best musicians don't identify as left or right because the best musicians realize identity politics are fucking cancer

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"Reactionary" is a slur. Is that all you have?

This is every political thread on Yea Forums, it's full of literal children and manchildren equating political factions to myers briggs types and things they associate with. It's all braindead emotionalism, and pseudo dialectics

Is all you have to unironically state that those ideals are exclusively right wing? You already played your hand in showing you're a moron my dude.

The Republican Party of the 21st Century is the natural end point of reactionary conservatism. Yeah, right wing isn't necessarily synonymous with racism, but the most of modern conservatism revolves around it or racial resentment at least. Even the small-government argument has transformed into a anti-minority talking point. So nearly all the intellectual music out now is made my left-wingers because right wingers discourage intellectualism

>the best musicians are left-wing
lmao gotem

Attached: communism-zappa.jpg (400x509, 35K)

>intellectual music
Sounds boring as shit. I'd rather listen to intelligent music, like Current 93.

Nazis have the entirety of classical music to claim as "theirs" and they go with shitty punk bands and industrial artists that are actually criticising or ridiculing fascism

Bourgeois masturbation

Based. Rightoids have the lamest artists in their camp and are actually proud of it rofl

He was an Atheist and registered Democrat

>implying the Democrat party was progressive back then

Frank Zappa spent a fair amount of time also taking the piss out of the right. He was pretty centrist. Also, I'm a pretty hardcore socialist but think communism is a bunch of crap.

>giving the most muderous entity of the 20th century, the US government, more power over your life
That’s some smart thinking right there

An empathetic analysis

>hardcore socialist but think communism is a bunch of crap
Are you sure that you have a consistent worldview and aren't just spouting buzzwords?

i'm gonna say it

system of a down

That goes for both left and right though

You know socialism and communism are 2 separate things right? And don't give me that "BUT MARX SAID" because Marx said stuff 150 years ago and his theories have gone through many changes since then. Socialism and communism and functionally very different. Socialism itself is a broad ideology that goes from provide people with free healthcare to burn the banks and hang the bankers. If you actually knew anything about left wing political thought then you might know these things.

>right wing
w h a t

the left of yesterday and left of today aren't the same

It doesn’t matter what Marx said. Marx is irrelevant.

The administrator class wants you to choose socialism because they want their corporation to make up more of the rules. There is nothing more intrinsically benevolent about the government compared to corporations

Pretty much every pre-Romantic composer was a monarchist, so the most intelligent music in the world is right-wing,

Yes they are you're just a reactionary with no perspective.

>right wing
>the hippie who spent all his life getting high and studying obscure eastern mysticism and religion
>right wing
This thread is a proof right wingers are clinically retarded


Examples that the left of yesterday and the left of today are different you cumbrain?

yeah it wasn't long ago both sides were against abortion

I'd pin them as centrist really but a lot of their opinions would be more received on the right than left today

>Atheism is synonymous with leftism
>religious leftists don't exist
>atheist right-wingers dont exist

Are you on crack? The government is, you know, accountable to people in at least some way. The government does a bad job and you can vote for an opposition party next time round. Socialism is inherently a rejection of capitalism. Corporations would not exist within true socialism. Within actual working socialism they would at least be depowered because of government regulation and worker unionisation. There's a really big difference between for profit companies and a national government: a national government doesn't have to make money for share holders. That plus the fact that you vote for the government on top of the other fact that all sane and practical forms of socialism advocate for way more democracy. I don't think it's me being mislead, I think you might be future comrade.


Jesus fucking Christ you people are just the absolute worst

what do you mean you people?

He died while being best friends with a Czech president, who was the biggest leftist you could imagine in 1990.

No true Scotsman

You can’t vote in the administration class, you FUCKING imbecile. Stopped reading right there

Politics are outdated and for low IQ retards. You can only live a good life through your own actions and live with whats in your control now.

Pretty much this. As long as you live in any first world country you have reasonable opportunities and utilities to pretty much not have to give a fuck about anything. All politicucks nowadays are armchair warrior faggots.

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if you listen to music for a political message then you're a pleb

>way more democracy
Yes, we can't vote public servants. That's why socialists generally say it might be a good idea to vote some of them in. But if this administration class is pulling the strings to gt me to fight for them to gain power they're doing a fairly bad job. Unless their grand plan is to actually be held accountable to the electorate.

I would be more skeptical of the articles you're citing. Although the vast majority of publications are of high quality, some are not. Also, be careful of making conclusions that are not necessarily present in the evidence you're citing. Sometimes the conclusion sounds right, but it isn't actually supported by what was written.

Furthermore, neuroimaging papers such as the ones you cited are correlational. They are not directly saying that conservatives are always x and liberals are y. The papers have not explained on a fundamental level why these brain structures vary in different people.

For the record, I am a socialist with a masters in Cognitive Neuroscience. I do believe that conservatives are much more likely to be ignorant/close-minded, but your papers are not the evidence that would back up this claim, as scientific as they may appear.

Here is a nice neuroscience blog that discusses some findings in neuroscience:

You know, I unironically believe this. Every time I hear someone say they used to be left-wing, it turns out they were simply opposed to the religious right or were in favour of some welfare programs. And they typically held those positions not because of any research but because it was morally convenient for them to do so. It was only until they discovered big-brained individuals such as Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson that they were enlightened.

>right wing isn't necessarily synonymous with racism, but the most of modern conservatism revolves around it or racial resentment at least
You realise the entire American left-wing is obsessed with "white privilege" and bollocks like that? What term should we use for that... ah yes, "racial resentment" would be quite fitting.

I wasn't aware that centralising resources/property to a small group of people and then enforcing their ownership through the violence of the state was the definition of a free society?

All right wing ideals aren't exclusively conservative, even if conservatism is right wing.

James Hetfield, from Metallica of course:
>"I kind of got sick of the Bay Area, the attitudes of the people there, a little bit," he said. "They talk about how diverse they are, and things like that, and it's fine if you're diverse like them. But showing up with a deer on the bumper doesn't fly in Marin County. My form of eating organic doesn't vibe with theirs."


Now THERE'S a band.

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>post any good right wing music
>actually just Americans whining about some annoying college lib they made up in their minds

Sounds about right

You're the one with no perspective, homie. I'm old enough to remember when the left advocated against censorship and unchecked corporate power and for secure borders. Not anymore!

It's not. You literally just described communism.

The way the left is going, The Smiths is now right wing music :)

so is the right-wing, especially under Trump, conservatives are more facetious, they don't use the term "black privilege" or "hispanic privilege" but they definitely believe it's a thing

the Democrats used to be far more fiscally liberal, in terms of the social safety net and unions, same with Labour in the UK.

i don't know if you'll seriously consider this so maybe i'm wasting time
but you should at least look into why the other side believes in 'white privilege' and evaluate it, instead of just deciding it's something dumb+bad because it's what the SJW's believe in; privilege is generally understood to be accepted and it shouldn't be something you write off just because people you don't like subscribe to it
for instance, white privilege is real, but a white person can be at a disadvantage compared to a black person; a tall man has more privilege than a short man; a wealthy person has more privilege than a poor person; the concept mostly revolves around comparative advantages for groups.

All your stupid ass, Pitchfork fodder Yea Forums music is the product of a non-diverse white homogeneous fart sniffing collective and if the left has its way it'll be gone in 50 years


white privilege is real, maybe it's twisted in a way by sjws to mean white people are bad. Generally whites are better off than every other racial and ethnic group in the country, but that doesnt mean there arent poor whites living here

nah its a racist attack. its majority privilege, but never presented and explained that way by those that espouse it, hence its more about attacking white people than it is about anything else.

>Generally whites are better off than every other racial and ethnic group in the country

yea thats actually not true. there are several ethnicities that have higher average income than white people.

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lmao white dudes stroking their beards considering their own superiority while the rest of us make culture.

>intelligent people dont hate others simply for being different
you've been brainwashed into thinking hate is the right's focal point. Its not hating others, its loving your own. True rightists are against capitalism and big govt. Capitalists are globalists, and want a homogeneous race and culture.

Japanese-americans out earn white Americans on average. I believe Jewish Americans do as well.

>Capitalists are globalists, and want a homogeneous race and culture
globalism is unironically good
the nation state is a dangerous political idea that must die
culture is not something preserved in amber
it's already left you behind

>black ships in the harbour are a bunch of right-wing lads
isnt black ships in the harbor a reference to imperialism and colonization? i would think right wigers would be happy about black ships in the harbor

>but you should at least look into why the other side believes in 'white privilege' and evaluate it
I did and I decided it was bullshit.
>privilege is generally understood to be accepted
"Generally understood to be accepted" by whome?
>for instance, white privilege is real, but a white person can be at a disadvantage compared to a black person
Yeah, so its not real. There is a real phenomenon called "in group/out group" preference, which occurs in literally every group on earth EXCEPT for many "progressive" whites you have developed an inverse preference where they actually hate their own group and exhibit love for other groups. But the class guilt concepts of "white privilege", "male privilege", etc are inventions by "bad actors" that powerful people in the west are disseminating to young people in order to sow discord and destabilize society. And, no, I'm not talking about "da jooz" I'm talking about Communists. Anyway, I'm not the one who needs to "look into and evaluate" this shit, you do.

Wow! Strawman, No True Scotsman AND Anecdotal evidence.
I think it's only appropriate I respomd with my own anecdote from youth.
As someone who was as left as they go, the sterotypical "sjw" who has moved significantly further righ to the point were friends from that time in my life now refuse to associate with me, you're full of shit. It was gamergate that started it all. It was slow at first but over time I came to realise I was under attack for the greatest curse of them all. I am a straight white male. I tried so hard to not be what I was told was the enemy over and over again I tried to be gay, and when that didn't work I told myself I was bi. I used to lie about an asian grandfather, anything to keep up. I couldn't be the opressor, I'm not a bad guy? There was a period where I hardly left my room for months at a time and this is when I moved to the right, or at least that's what I thought. I was still leftwing, only now I was moderate. I started to finally make my own decisions. Then the 2016 presidential elections came about and all of a sudden everbody took two steps left whilst I stood still. Over the next few years I's do more research and plant my feet into the ground as a centrist. However in 2018 that changed, I realised that we were at 2 minutes to midnight and something had to be done, I've experienced the left first hand and it is nothing but self hatred and fake empathy, it's more important to look good than to do good.

>communism is anything I don't like

>powerful people in the west
god i wish user

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Funny, I am listening to Of Ruine Or Some Blazing Starre at the moment.

And what does it matter whether God speaks to us from among the thorns or flowers but still He shrieks to me:


>Intelligent Right-Wing

there have been numerous intelligent or talented right-wing people. The director of The Birth of A Nation is an example, and the slave owning founding fathers were VERY intelligent. Underestimating those people is what got us the nazis. Most conservatives are absolutely retarded, but beware of the smart ones who pretend to be your friend

Neolib and conservative war hawks committed extreme atrocities under the banner of the U.S. government. Doesn't mean we can't take it back from them, dummy.

>the hippie who spent all his life getting high and studying obscure eastern mysticism and religion
That's a pretty common thing for fascists to do desu.
Uninformed brainlet, you!

>Right Wing

now this is the kind of boomerism I respect

Not him but communism is literally centralising resources/property to a small group of people and then enforcing their ownership through the violence of the state.

The far-right opposed colonialism because it would lead to racemixing.
The slave trade was also Jewish.

Those are your examples for intelligent right-wingers? Bloody hell. Go read some books.

Attached: Ludwig Klages.jpg (500x500, 70K)

To be fair, you are pretty pathetic.

>go on Yea Forums
>political thread
>mac demarcos complaining about right wingers


if you dont want to buy a phone or use facebook cause they are stupid and you dont need them then thats based but if you are doing it to uphold muh traditional values then you are fucking braindead and should kill yourself

>It was gamergate that started it all. It was slow at first but over time I came to realise I was under attack for the greatest curse of them all. I am a straight white male.
lmao this has to be a pasta

Why though? It seems to me like many people refuse to cheer for the athoritarianism of the alt-right, transhumanist elite rule and islam because they think that it violates muh traditional values of liberalism and enlightenment - as if those were actually achievements of Western culture and not just sentimentalities in the way of progress. Those people are braindead traditionalists and need to kill themselves. Whatever is now, is right. Right?

thats correct because transhumanism is based

Schoenberg was extremely based and a monarchist. Friendly reminder that proclaiming oneself right wing and not being a monarchist is the ultimate cukold move.

>implying being a monarchist isnt the most cuckold move in existence (uless you are going to be the monarch)

In 2018, Asians were the highest earning racial group in America. Here are mean household incomes:
>Asian - $114,105
>White - $89,632

When looking in more detail at ancestries, Indian-Americans are the highest earning group in America, and there are lots of non-white ethnicities near the very top (Taiwanese, Filipino), with many white ethnicities (Irish, German) much lower down:
>Indian American: $110,026
>South African American: $100,059
>Australian American: $91,452
>Taiwanese American: $90,221
>Filipino American: $88,745
>British American: $79,872
>Austrian American: $78,127
>Russian American: $77,841
>Japanese American: $77,504
>Bulgarian American: $76,862
>Lithuanian American: $76,694
>Israeli American: $76,584
>Slovene American: $75,940
>Basque American: $75,864
>Lebanese American: $75,337
>Croatian American: $73,991
>Sri Lankan American: $73,856
>Scandinavian American: $73,797
>Chinese American: $73,788
>Belgian American: $73,443
>Malaysian American [excluding Taiwanese American]: $72,827
>Swiss American: $72,823
>Iranian American: $72,733
>Italian American: $72,586
>Ukrainian American: $72,449
>Romanian American: $72,381
>Greek American: $72,291
>Scottish American: $71,925
>Danish American: $71,550
>Swedish American: $71,217
>Polish American: $71,172
>Slavic American: $71,163
>Norwegian American: $71,142
>Canadian American: $70,809
>Welsh American: $70,351
>Czech American: $70,454
>Czechoslovakian American: $70,084
>Finnish American: $70,045
>Serbian American: $70,028
>Hungarian American: $69,515
>French Canadian American: $68,075
>Portuguese American: $67,807
>English American: $67,663
>Slovak American: $67,471
>Armenian American: $67,450
>German American: $67,306
>Irish American: $66,688

Oh shit.

All political music is garbage. Musicians are wikipedia tier opinologists filled with common places and journalism lyrics.

Yeah, fuck musicians. Musicians have no place in music!

Did you even read the post you american?

Yes, but I am not American. Also, "opinologist" isn't even a real word.

Good posts

Cringe posts

>everyone who disagrees with me is an evil moron: the thread
you fuckers disgust me

I'm sure it's also very common for fascists to have transgender and gay friends who made pornography.

(((white))) privilege is real

How can you listen to Current 93 and not believe in gay fascists that have done pornography?

I wish all neo nazis and chapo fags ITT would kill themselves

>intelligent people dont hate others simply for being different,
>every human for all of history except the past 30 years was stupid
Okay retard.

Who was Julius Evola?

>yet another thinly veiled political thread

I'd think you tards would have learned by now.

Attached: 1437542584203.gif (300x188, 1.18M)

No one replied to this guy because what he says is inconvenient. It's the truth though. Political association is just seeking after something external to solve your life's problems.

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>thinly veiled

Attached: 1567205334499.png (471x466, 230K)

tbf, OP was actually asking for music

>pennsylvania german american is #80
We are truly the most persecuted people in America. Where the fuck are my reparations whitey?

sauce on Tibet being a racist?

>white supremacist ser themselves as light

Your reading comprehension is pathetic then.

Political music sucks and your favorite tranny artist knows jack shit about politics or economy or philosophy, I'm sorry if that hurts your delicate flower feelings.

I think it is more so your writing comprehension, beloved old pal. But that's okay. I don't really listen to any music that tries to partake in political or economic science, and no tranny artists either, so I don't see why my feelings would be hurt.

ITT: Liberal bugmen who consider indeh rawk and hip-hop good music

Jesus Christ, continue the political arguing on /pol/ and answer OP's question niggerfaggots:

Attached: 0774_-_LipBbz4.jpg (233x216, 14K)

>to a small group of people
Read Marx

Read any old history book, you dingus. In practice, there is no such thing as public property. Things belong to the state or they are the private property of some individual. Communism just means everything belongs to the state and that state is expected to redistribute it to the whole of the populus somehow. Except he doesn't have any incentive to do so and the people don't have any incentive to not amass property, except of course their fear of the violence of the state and their compatriots. And it's not because the state or the populus is comprised of evil people, but because they are comprised of people at all.
How is that system supposed to work?

And yes, like you I did read the communist manifesto as a teenager. It's a good propaganda piece for that age group. I really dug it.

Based klages poster

Honestly, that's what the right should be, but instead you get people who believe and have molded it to be .

There's nothing inherently wrong with the latter, but it's dogmatized into what we know as being "mainstream conservatism" which ends up ignoring complexities and ends up causing a great deal of problems.


Sounds oddly pomo

Nobody hates anyone for "simply being different". You're gonna blow your back out from incessantly sucking your own sanctimonious dick.

>people who believe and have molded it to be
I mean, they can believe that all they want, but obviously those things have nothing to do with being right-wing. That guy is literally describing liberalism. Which doesn't mean that liberalism cannot be "conservative": It is conservative relative to socialism. The Russian revolution is to liberalism what the French revolution is to traditionalism. But it's not right-wing.

>Communism just means everything belongs to the state and that state is expected to redistribute it to the whole of the populus somehow
That's socialism, if you want to learn more about communism maybe you should actually READ MARX (sparknotes doesn't count).

>Right wing

Attached: 1568403788834.jpg (667x670, 48K)

Yeah, that's a great argument there, buddy. Totally justifies your snarky tone. Communism is the utopian ideal society that motivates socialism. If you're a communist who doesn't even believe in socialism you're nothing more than a daydreamer waiting for your vision of paradise to spontaneously manifest around you as you whine to everyone preoccupied with the real world about how they too should idealise that same utopia.

Good quality bait

Rage and hate is the best thing about right wing music though. "Intellectual" music is wank generally

>have a recorded iq of 163, finishing my masters
>am a literal fascist
>also a talented multi-instrumentalist


Don't forget
>Horribly insecure


>the left advocated against censorship and unchecked corporate power
still does it way more compared to conservatives who activelly advocate against it

I'm not the one who has to ego wank about his iq and education online.
Get a clue.

>Death in June
>0 results
>0 results

Isnt rome leftie tho?

He still evokes right wing imagery.

Bob Dylan, oh wait. You’re stupid.

look at the topic of this thread and the discussion that ensued, retard

All right wing bands are fucking stupid because the right wing is fucking stupid.

My iq is a million zillion and I'm a communist.
Post your "talented right wing" music then fagtron.

Based! #ImWithHer

Attached: soyboy wojak.jpg (820x773, 128K)

A right winger can be intelligent. A fascist/nazi can't (just like a commie). They just happen to propose simple solutions/explanations to complex problems and that's what brainlets crave.

I disagree. You get intelligent people of all different political persuasions. I think you definitely can have an intelligent fascist.

I don't agree with their opinions, but I think it is certainly possible. There are even very intelligent murderers and other forms of criminal.

To say "political position [X] is always dumb" is ad hominem. Not an argument.

regular conservatives are even more retarded than fascists

With him it's literally impossible to tell.

All this "[X] can't be intelligent" is bullshit, no matter if it is directed at the right or the left or whatever specific ideology. There are geniuses in every camp.