NIN or Johnny Cash?
hahahahahhaa imagine thinking the cash version is in any way superior
>Under-case with no period
Yup, typical NIN fan.
haahahhahahaahahhaahahahhahaahahahhahahahahhaahahahahahahh not even an argument
Trent thinks so.
Yup, typical NIN fan.
nice upper case and period bro - impressive stuff. Hope she sees this
Trents version is for the angsty annoying high schooler who had his first break up
Johnnys version is for a man that lived a long life full of regrets and it’s all bleeding out with him and his life force
My penis is big.
Imagine being to pussy to sing 'crown of shit' lmaoooo
We are not all in middle school user
imagine a future in which Cash covered Closer instead
too* - i'm aware there's someone in this thread who is particularly conscious of grammar/spelling
The Cash version exists so redditors have something to post in "What covers are actually better than the original" AskReddit threads. The NIN version is a lot harder-hitting in the context of The Downward Spiral. The Cash version is scrubbed-down sanitized shit that Cash's label forced him into doing to make a quick buck off a dying man's legacy.
'crown of thorns' gotta be one of the biggest cliches ever
This lmao. I shit myself today no thank you. Also nice dubs
I'm not sure how the fuvk they are even remotely comparable. AT ALL
yup typical cash fan
Can't wait for deepfake speech synthesis to get good enough to hear Johnny Cash say "I WANNA FUCK YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL" in his raspy baritone voice
It does feel pretty meaningful as a sad old man's last lament, but that's just what the video and Johnny's death added to it. Otherwise it's just another genre-swapped Johnny Cash cover amongst dozens of others throughout his career. I still prefer the NiN version within the context of The Downward Spiral
One ends a concept album and is stronger in context
In Flames
that doesn't make it a good cover though
What do you think of the Bowie+NIN version?
Jesus what the fuck happened to this band
I shit myself today
Yes it does
Johnny Cash was a backstabbing faggot
I dont care how hurt he was
Is that also the timeline where Nirvana covered Suffragette City?
cash's cover is soulless and and cringey boomer pop, a total disgrace to the original.
NINiggers can’t understand nuanced emotion If it doesn’t involve screaming or loud noises
what about the eddie vedder version
You sure about that?
what about the Mumford & Sons version
>Johnnys version is for a man that lived a long life full of regrets and it’s all bleeding out with him and his life force
Back to what I said here , if not for the circumstances of his death then it wouldn't been just another cover song. Imagine if he had died a year earlier and everyone thought his cover of Personal Jesus was the most poignant thing they've ever heard, or if he had chosen Big Iron as the next single off of that album
Love it, but I'm a Bowie dick rider so I'm biased
you forgot na na, unless there's a na na we can't understand it
How the fuck are they still allowed to be a thing?
Both it just depends on the mood you're in
Jesus Christ
except it fucking doesn't lmao. original revolves around mood and atmosphere, it's genuinely introspective and depressing (yeah yeah, the lyrics can be overly dramatic and "cringe", but that doesn't matter), sonically speaking, something that trent really does very well.
in the other hand, cash's version it's just a very lazy, boring, lame as fuck attempt to build faux nostalgia and memories through his regrets and whole entire career. everyone loves this cover because "omg it's johny fuckin cash!". but honestly, it's just meh.
this is coming from someone who loves cash and nin. so fuck off and stop with the "yup typical nin fan xD".
>I'm a Bowie Dick rider
Neat now I can get somebody's opinion on which sounds better: the Outside version of Hearts Filthy Lesson or the NIN remix.
I'd ask about Afraid of Americans too but the music video is way better than the one on Earthling
>it's genuinely introspective and depressing
Fucking Nine Inch Nails fans, Jesus Christ.
I prefer the original, has an oddly "sexy" vibe.
Feel the same way actually
calling it under case LMAOOOO