How was he so good looking despite using shitload of drugs, bad diet and constant stress?

How was he so good looking despite using shitload of drugs, bad diet and constant stress?

Attached: cobain.jpg (970x587, 127K)

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because he didnt actually

Strong jaw. That's it.

He exaggerated all of his problems because he was a mentally ill tranny. He killed himself because he was running out of ways to continue pretending to be sad and he knew he would be exposed as a fraud if he had to make another album.

Those eyes seem normal to you?
Hope he regrets it.

Bruxism strengthening his jaw game

good genes, nigga

Nigga am jelly, If I looked like him i would get any girl.

It come up to him eventually. He looked pretty ghoulish towards the end

Layne Staley had strong jaw too but he wasted away

because really only meth wears you down after a couple years, and cocaine too(and alcohol) but not as bad, well im not sure about that, ive never know someone who does coke every single days for years honestly. it's really heart intensive stuff though

but as far as heroin goes, it's actually not that bad for you, you can do heroin for 45+ years and look great and be strong as a bull, i know a few guys who have done that and dope doesnt degrade you physically or your cognition, it's just a pain in the ass to have such a hardcore addiction and some people cant keep it up without getting sick every other day. those sickly looking/homeless/obvious junkies who do dope and literally nothing else are the type who would fail at life and not take care of themselves even if they were sober, which happens to be a lot more common than dopefiends, it's just they arent dopefiends so people blame it on the autism (or alcohol). if you can only manage to afford your drugs and nothing else it means youre not eating. kurt was a heroin user, but he had money so the negative aspects of being a dope addict werent obvious, also heroin users dont have much of a problem eating and sleeping the same way meth/coke heads do. heroin addicts are the ones you'd never tell are addicts, it is a "healthy" drug besides the shit people cut it with, which can destroy your liver, but not any worse than people who drink everyday, and getting clean heroin isnt that hard. idk i rambled a bit, but basically it depends on the drug, and kurt did heroin and had money so it was never obvious with him. i know this to be true because ive done heroin for almost two decades and im fit with glowing beautiful skin. i had a check up recently and the dr said im in great health, blood pressure, lungs, heart, weight etc, all around right where they need to be for someone my age and build, and the 60 year old who have done the shit everyday for 40 years and can walk 4 miles with a fridge on their back

This. His doctor said he looked like a 40 year old man.


Attached: kurt-cobain-sleep.jpg (800x527, 187K)

>shot through head and face with shotgun
>he wasn't so fucking pretty anymore

Chet Baker had a strong jaw and yet he looked like a fucking mummy.

he took car of himself like a normal person for most of his life, and then in the last year or two he got too depressed to function and probably wasnt sleeping or sleeping too much. even alcoholics can look good if they maintain a normal life while being alcoholics.

looks like a pretty average sleeping person to me, needs a shower and a shave i guess

Youre right. Average. Almost as if a photographer didnt take ot. As if it was candid. Almost as if it was taken the same year he died. Weird right??????

He wasn't

Opiates do not have any real adverse effect on your body (unless you OD and die, of course). You can live until old age as a heroin addict with no discernible difference in health, although I don’t know what the purpose is by then

are you implying a ghost took this picture?

>he took care of himself
>was addicted to heroin and a slew of other substances

Opiates lower testosterone and cause androgen deficiency

I mean, wait what? You can take a photograph; it doesnt mean youre a photographer... or a ghost?

and you can eat right, have a food sleep schedule, bath and groom yourself often, go outside and get sun, exercise, get your vitamins and minerals, etc while doing heroin. and you realize those people exist everywhere right? the only ones you notice are probably homeless and dont give a fuck anymore

........ i see what you were saying. and dont worry about me man! ill sleep tonight i aint scared

U aint shootin heroin if youre homeless

There’s no real quality research about this

What is this nonsence? Do you even live in a city you crazy hick?

Not when he was Kurt's age.

>even alcoholics can look good if they maintain a normal life while being alcoholics
This, I'm 27 and have been an alcoholic since 2012, and I look okay enough to have the opportunity to sleep with girls sometimes. Had a cushy office job earlier, but since I'm on the dole I play music with friends and have a lively flatmate to keep me active. Don't eat too well but I don't do stim binges or shit like that. I will definitely have health problems (and no gf) in the future if I continue to drink as much as I do, but I don't drink hard spirits everyday and mostly stick to beer and cider, so I'm still fine overall.

Kurt Cobain was rich after Nevermind, and like implied, heroin addicts can live long lives if they have access to good dope and don't do stupid stuff like taking big doses after a tolerance break. William S. Burroughs died at 83 and looked like a regular old man.
Opiates don't damage the body a lot if they are taken with great care, the problem is that the margin between a good dose and an overdose is quite small, and the black market is fucked up so young zoomers in America are dying taking small bumps of "purple heroin" and devilish stuff like this.
I don't want to try heroin because I prefer to be addicted to legal drugs or what the government deems to be "soft drugs", those ones are kinda safe and have a consistent quality among batches.

Heroin is probably the last on the list of things youre shooting if you have no money. Most often its crack/cocaine, meth or if anything morphine before heroin. Its the most expensive out of anything youd be shooting.

Thanks, retard

I also mean crack-cocaine. Not uncut cocaine.

He was young. Do you think he would look like that now?

Well just google opiates and hypogonadism. Plus Ive seen posts where peoples T levels have been restore after quitting opiates.

I mean, that could be a result of complete lifestyle change and not directly the opiate itself.

He didn't have a chance for everything to really catch up to him. Also, like others are saying, he had a strong jaw and that can go far.

Cool story and synopsis from someone who lives in a country basement. Come to Lehigh ave in Philly were all the dope is 5 dollar bags of Fentynal. There are about 300 zombies walking up and down my block right now. They sleep under the El tracks. They only need 20 bucks to get high all day. They walk around and prostitute their girlfriends on Kensington Ave. They rob stores, they rob you, they panhandle, they wait for some dildo from the suburbs to buy dope and smash his head into the sidewalk and rape him. You just dont have any idea what you're talking about here friend.

that's crazy, people here (chicago) end up homeless because of crack (and unfair fucked up life circumstances) and end up using heroin because it's waaaay cheaper and gets you through the day, crackfiends are looking for another bag 15 minuts after smoking one, they'll go through $100 in one day if they managed to make that kinda of money. they both cost $10 a bag here, unless the dealers like you and you'll get 6 for $50 or whatever. the homeless who started generally get on dope because they'll be good for 12 hours on one bag instead of 2 hours tops losing their mind on crack wanting that next bag 30 minutes later. not saying crackheads dont exist, just, generally that's what happens

jesus christ, remind me not to go to philly, the dopefiends here and gentle people, and also we actually have heroin, fentanyl doesnt fly here. it's the crackheads that'll rob you, the heroin guys are craftier than that

>actually have heroin
You got it with you?

I had to call my country's equivalent of 911 for a guy who shooted himself with cocaine wrongly in some public toilets recently. He told me he used to IV heroin a few months ago.
Every "hard drug" is cut with shit like levamisole and cheap molecules when you are a literal plebian living on gibs and your addiction is taking a significant part of your monthly budget, but you can probably get half a gram of anything with 30€ in the city I live in.

relatively speaking, he looked horrible, he just had a good foundation to wreck and died young. he would look unambiguously horrible if he lived and kept doing what he was doing. also, that jaw is from chronic teeth grinding and clenching. he percussed with his teeth. don't do that.

wtf man, i would go gay for kurty kobaine, he was so cute, who cares if he makes some noise with his teeth at night

yeah, at some point in the day i usually have it. ill buy shit cut with dormins, but i usually can get uncut, and i cut it myself with laxatives and stool softener.

You'd still have the autistic mind of anyone who browses Yea Forums somewhat regularly so you'd probably spit on your date by accident the moment they touch your hand.

Just me?

Reminder that Kurt was a quiet sperg and slept with no more than a half-dozen of girls in his life.

it starts to jack your teeth up over time and that snowballs

The guy was only talking about having KDC's appearance.

If Kurt had just stopped heroin and popped oxycodone or morphine pills would he have made it? With the money he had and the climate in the 90s getting 100s of strong painkillers without Tylenol in it like roxicodone wouldn't have destroyed him as much.

Opiates don't damage your teeth like amphetamines.
I have a friend who clenches his teeth at night, but he has a soft plastic thing he put on his upper jaw and it's pretty effective because he didn't bother me when we camped together this summer. Pretty sure Kurt had enough money to buy something like that.

what was kurt on? im sure no one really knows, but, amphetamines make you grind your teeth, opiates dont. kurt didnt come off a a tweaker but.. that would be interesting if one day 30 years n the future there will be people on a cyber space telling people what i did with my mouth when i slept

Attached: tumblr_inline_of73cy6Ip91qaotc0_500.png (403x403, 266K)

cobain didnt OD. he (or someone else) shot his head off with a gun.

>that would be interesting if one day 30 years n the future there will be people on a cyber space telling people what i did with my mouth when i slept
Give your body to science, there is a slight chance some people might unironically do that and publish something in an academic journal as a result.

The only women Kurt has had relationships were all hideous except Courtney, who only looks smoking hot in comparison to the rest of the whales he banged. In reality she was pretty average. Come to think of it, Kurt might have had a thing for fat chicks

According to people that knew him, quite a lot of things; LSD, weed, cocaine but mainly heroin. At the time of his death he was also on valium which according to Cobain's friends he didn't like

He ODed a few times but at the time of his death he had around 3x the lethal dose of heroin in his system. That being said, addicts have been known to be able to take larger doses.

R u Pete Doherty??

God, I wish it worked that way.