Just how talented is Bjork?

just how talented is Bjork?

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she is too talented to be understood

don't know. don't care.

imagine being bork and having sex with another bork

Not as much as she thinks

she's always been adept at both pop music and electronic music

imagine being in the middle of that

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im imagining this

oh my


oh my god


pretty talented
but i like kate bush more




Bjork, good songs and music, but her voice is not good.
My chem tutor is a copy of her, she is so annoying and unaware of herself tho.

It's baffling how little neo-Yea Forums cares about her. I remember a time when pic related was practically Yea Forumscore, now no one gives a shit. It's sad, she has some legit 9/10s under her belt

Attached: Homogenic.jpg (1000x1000, 317K)

post your stalking finds

then post that Siamese porn sister folder you have hidden

Vespertine is a 10.
Post, Homogenic, and Debut are all 9s.


you mean 9.9/10s

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Shes the only good female musician

bork bork bork

your pleb status is showing

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There used to be daily Bjork threads a few years ago, I wonder if most people have just moved on, I did for a couple of years but recently come back. I bet people will start posting about her again when her new album is close to release, she's only just started writing it she said it won't be out for a while yet.

>I wonder if most people have just moved on
Lots have.

She doesn't get posted about that much because most of Yea Forums doesn't know enough theory to really appreciate her.

I dont think thats the case

>I wonder if most people have just moved on
This is the case
t. One of those posters from the last few years

>Reminding me Pitchfork gave Homogenic a 9.9
What was their justification for the missing 0.1 anyway

It was 1997, it was still a college blog ran out of Ryan's loft. I don't think they were trying to justify anything.

bjork's aesthetic in the 90s was god tier
i hope she makes another 10/10 before she dies
actually she'll never die

nu-Yea Forums only cares about shitty mediocre hip-hop albums, the zoomers literally arent smart enough for Björk

>bjork's aesthetic in the 90s was god tier
you mean she was really really good looking? yeah.