Tfw there's people in this board that haven't listened to pic related

>tfw there's people in this board that haven't listened to pic related

Attached: Cover.jpg (700x710, 44K)

I make a conscious effort to avoid whatever garbage is being memed this week.

How do you know it's garbage if you haven't listened to it

given that it's been out for over 15 years and has been posted about on here countless times i think its safe to conclude that it's not the 'meme' album of the week

You dropped it, brotato.


Yea Forums likes it

even a stopped clock is right twice a day

it's a good album but it's inconsistent and bloated. ATDI is superior


>whatever garbage is being memed this week

Have your (you) for the effort

i like frances the mute better

I was recommended this album as I was finishing a 200mg acid trip. It blew my mind then and I've been attached ever since. I've not heard much like it.
Cedric really is a chaotic, creative force.

I did and the scream parts are shit, it's pretty good otherwise.

mars volta and drive-in are overrated as fuck. faggot fanboys would kill to suck cedrics cock

agree with this statement, EXCEPT for deloused, that is an amazing album, one of the best of the 2000s. frances is great too actually, but DITC is the one. dont not like atdi or anything after FTM besides a couple songs, they fell off hard

Vaya is fantastic pleb

for me, it's The Bedlam in Goliath

This guy fucks.

I've finally understood this saying, thank you.

You're a fucking idiot. I listened to this album and I found one of the bands I love the most of all time as a result. I've been to see them live three times, and made a friend for life [I've known him for ten years now] as a result of TMV fandom AS A RESULT OF Yea Forums, but you would have avoided it because it was a "Yea Forums meme". Why are you even here then? Give things a chance.

They fucking killed the guy from Pixies, bathed his head in gold and made him shoot some beam out of his mouth

The fuck is wrong with this cover

I hate At the Drive Thru too
Fast food suckssssss