>thinking Van is shit
>based in any way shape or form
no you're a faggot OP
Nick has some of the worst tastes in movies and music
Boz Scaggs is indeed the superior musician.
How miserable you have to be to hate Astral Weeks? I'm not even that big of a fan of Van Morrison but that album is really, really beautiful.
Being a hardcore leftist who hates anything & everything that sounds "overtly white" will do that to a person, unfortunately.
Why do whitoids type like that? Nobody cares.
Literally who
he's right you know
seethe harder faggot
i want nick to fuck me
Morrison is good with Them, when he went solo he became boomer adult rock shit
Yeah there's nothing more ethnic-sounding than anarcho-punk and folk punk, nothing chalky about it at all, ok retard
>google Nick mullen
>first thing that comes up is his twitter account
can’t imagine anything worse than being most famous for your shoutbox
who gives a fuck about this dude
and that's exactly the type of thing that makes them a walking contradiction, lol.
not sure if it means what you think it means
>haha they hate white music, except when they don't! what fucking clowns hahaha
Cmon dude, I fucking hate communists and self-loathing cucks, but this is not an effective criticism
>thinking Nig Mullen is a hardcore leftist
>thinking a hardcore leftist would hype up someone as white as Boz Scaggs
oof, yikes, big boomer energy, do better sweaty
they enjoy "white music" when it favors their ideology for the most part.
other than that, a lot of them don't really seem to care for music that 50-year old boomers with 401k's would enjoy.
Social media was a mistake.
Do you think they listen to motown and soul? If they didn't, would you call them anti-black?
It's a contradiction in your statement that you're projecting onto some white twitter sperg that I've never heard of. Again, that's just ineffective criticism.
Nick Mullen is a chapofag that says chink, he's a hardcore leftist that larps as an edgelord for money
>literal who
>uses twitters
>thinks he has right to talk shit about Them
>Nick Mullen is a chapofag