get the fuck down, white men, it's cancellation time
Get the fuck down, white men, it's cancellation time
that song is about them pretending to be the rudest bitches in earth, just like what Taylor Swift did a few years ago, fuck off back to tumblr queer
>they will never spit on you, stomp on your balls and degrade you
>gay people on Yea Forums
Nothing is cringier I swear, I don't hate fags but you fags are fucking annoying as shit.
Amerisharts and white women in general need to be purged from this planet.
Uhhh Idk what race you are but you need to fuck off with that attitude, every piece of female is inferior to white women.
White women hate you, no need to whiteknight for them Pablo. Now get back to cleaning my toilet
shut the fuck up becky
daddy didn't spank them and they've never seen violence. If they weren't born in the west they wouldn't have that attitude. human garbage
Miley snapped
I've only ever dated white women in my life, and likely only ever will.
>Black women
Suck because they don't like rock music and all have major issues with control dynamics
Suck because they're mostly huge cunts
Frigid socially awkward fucks who fetishize the weirdest ideas of power and submission
Never met one who wasn't just my doctor to be honest but I'm not dating a girl who doesn't wipes with her hands
Usually very stuck up rich girl syndrome brat princess types, hot for femdom relationships I guess and those broads love anal anything for some reason, I never met a Jew broad who didn't love things up her ass be it a dick or a tongue
Usually very stuck up and mimmick the guidette thing mixed with Jewish princess thing, look down on you if you're low class but also consider fucking trashy techno disco dancing music "good"
>White girls
Like rock and metal, country, funny, into nerdy shit, fun to party with
It's true, sorry fagboy.
this. I wish Ariana would rape me, while Miley tortures my balls with cigarettes.
lmao @ these basic bitches
>implying i couldnt break their brittle female bones
This is such a LARP
Embarrassing post
Imagine thinking that white women are an exception to the rule of all women being fucking terrible
No, not really. Any exceptions to the rule are girls of those types who are completely Americanized and grew up just like white girls. But of course we're talking about people with some connection to their heritage or haven't assimilated into the general white culture
Lads.. simply lol