Based Scaruffi dabbing on zoomer posers.

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>non-musician opinion

as if musicians prefer 2010s swans

Scaruffi, a non-musician, doesn't.

>Based Scaruffi dabbing on zoomer posers.

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yeah and a bunch of people who are in their teens watching fantano daily do

Consuming and creating art are two very different things.
Lots of talented musicians have fucking garbage taste and thus end up making garbage music, even though it requires talent to play.

I prefer the last 3 Swans album to everything they did before.

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Every non-pleb knows that SFTB is their absolute best work.

I got into them in 2004. I also really loved Angels Of Light and was very excited about the reformation.

But I find them boring now. They lost some magic and I can't put my finger on it

nothing screams "dabbing" like arbitrarily assigning scores to music

It's obviously Cop, Scaruffi is based and correctpilled yet again

Fuckin plebs



>any of those records above a 5

>The double-disc To Be Kind (Young God, 2014) does not fully redeem the generic mediocrity of Seer but at least scales down the pomp or infuses it with more real deas. Nonetheless, the Swans remain unrecognizable (note for the younger generations: no, your parents were not listening to this "stuff", they were listening to Filth and Cop, much darker "stuff").

>the Swans

Pedorufy has a lot of meme potential, but in all seriousness his "reviews" largely consist of fluff buried in capeshit-tier quips, and you all know it's true.
>inb4 his fangirls assume he "dissed" my favorite band
I don't listen to rock.

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new scaruffi reviews

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WL > GA > MF > Seer > CoG > Greed/HM > Filth > Cop > TBK > GM > SftB > LoL > BW
Trips of truth

god fucking dammit, now the toolposting will never end

Nu-Swans is soi


Adding on to this, his understanding of metal is glaringly superficial (expected since by nature he is a tourist). Thank goodness he has the sense to not give ratings/reviews to his classical section but just compile favorites.

>reviews the new Tool immediately
>still no new Melt-Banana review

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You'd figure it would be the opposite, given how much zero-dynamic new age music he dickrides

hey everyone look at the expert on gay male desire posting on moo

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>look at me, I made some shitty demos on bandcamp no one has ever heard, so my opinion matters!
No, it doesn't, user.

He is correct. That "muh 20 minute drone song" shit can only impress retarded zoomers that use músic like an accesory to look "deep". Since Tool is a meme now, basically Swans took its place as the pseud favorite band.

Do you think a 6.5 is a really bad score?

nice didgits my boy

I thought there was a new 8, motherfucker

No, but still nothing too impressive. The new swans albums are a mixed bag of good songs and mostly mediocre Gira's masturbatory experiments. SFTB was their last consistent good album imo.

>thinks that everyone who plays music is a musician
Typical non-musician.

And now,the new horseman of the retard squad
>non musician

he changed it from 8 to 8.5 which is kind of a big deal

I thought you were kidding,holy fucking shit

People actually rate the later albums more? Wow good thing I don't come here that much

In that case, no one ever can have any opinions on anything, ever.

Soundtracks is their "Yea Forumscore" album that everyone listens to first, and Filth gets memed the most, but The Seer and TBK are very popular too.

Why the post punk phase is so underrated? I still think its their best era.

Can you please explain what you consider to be a musician so this forced meme can die once and for all once you show everyone how much of a retarded subhuman you are?

White Light is rated VERY highly, given how miserable it is
