How was this ever considered passable? It sounds like b-sides. Even the album art is disgusting

How was this ever considered passable? It sounds like b-sides. Even the album art is disgusting.

Attached: tool-fear-inoculum[1].jpg (980x653, 85K)

People grew up with TOOL and has too much love for them. They're delusional.

some parts of the song just drag on forever. maynard isnt anywhere on this album. it is shit.

I like it

i didnt. was my first tool album, think it's fucking great

fi - 7.7
pneuma - 10.0
invinicble - 10.0
descending - 10.0
culling voices - 7.5
cct - 10.0
7empest - 10.0

album of the fucking year. ive listened to lateralus and aenima now though, and those two albums are somehow even better than this one. ive never had a band become my number 1 favorite after just two weeks, thought that'd never happen after my teens years but it did

rofl. this is what the real fans have to compete with? how is any song a 10/10 let alone the annoying synthy cct. ugh.

TOOL has always had shit-tier album artwork.

the sons are 10s because they are fucking good songs and 10s. cct is a good pleb filter, you got sifted my fren

I'm gonna take the bait. Why do you think those songs are 10s? Can you actually explain why you think they're perfect or near perfect or even good? I'm genuinely curious.

the way they sound, the way they make me feel/emotions they give me. the enjoyment i get out of listening to the songs (especially as a whole album in one sitting)

That's a non-answer. Anyone can say they like the sound of anything. I can say the sound of farts is good, it doesn't mean it is. Can you point out what specific aspects of the song are good and why you think they're good? Let's start with Pneuma. The drumming is elementary, the other instrumentation are bland, long buildup amounts to an anticlimactic end. There's really nothing special about it vocally or instrumentally, so what makes it a 10?

>was my first tool album
>cct is a good pleb filter
ur calling one of the weakest tracks on the album a pleb filter despite having almost no experience listening to the band that's been around for like 25+ years... seething

How is Tool even considered passable?

As poet once said:

The more I listen to Tool - and this album in particular - the more they seem less like an 'intelligent' band and more like a band that seems 'intelligent' to people of average intelligence. I'm not saying that to put anybody down -- I like plenty of dumb as shit music, and it's no secret that I'm not exactly a Rocket Surgeon. But the whole Tool package, with its unnecessary and ineffectual little musical changes every few seconds, the unceasingly 'serious' mood tied to simplistic riffs, the lyrics that tackle insightful issues in a hamfisted high school philosophy manner - man, I'm dumb as shit and even I'm not dumb enough to fall for this. It just reeks of 'the uncreative preaching to the easily impressed.' And maybe they're smarter than Soundgarden or Britney Spears or something, but how much is that really saying?

>Your reasons for liking an album are not enough for me.
>My big brain simply cannot grasp someone liking something I don't.
>I require a dissertation on why you could possibly enjoy something I don't even though my opinion stated earlier is just as surface level as yours.

It was a solid 9 for me


>If I write greentext strawman, maybe I can save face
Nah, you didn't convince anyone. What you said was a non-answer because it's the same as being asked "Why do you like this picture? Because I like the way it looks. Why do you like the way you like it looks? Because it looks good." But then again you said yourself it's your first Tool album and you also couldn't come up with any answers on to why you like it concerning vocals and instruments. It doesn't have any memorable lyrics/riffs and doesn't even any Fibonacci-tier creativity. It offers nothing for anyone. I took the bait because maybe I can get a genuine answer on why people pretend to like this garbage album. But I guess not. Here's your last (you)

it's good, it's just 20 years late.

Tool is literaly reddit

>Over thinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind
>Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must

Wow, nice paper, first year philosophy student?

>'Cause I need to watch things die
>From a distance
>Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies
>You all need it too, don't lie
Wooooaaaaah. A critique of TV??? NO ONE DID THAT IN 2006.

>Purge me and evacuate
>The venom and the fear that binds me

Nice self help quote. It will go along with a photo of a mountain or stars or something.


fear inoculum just has no ambition or personality to it. it's like listening to long dragged out filler but without the usual payoff at the end. danny carey is still great, maynard and the others have little to no presence. chocolate chip trip was a little funny and some parts of 7empest were alright but F.I. is just lacking everything that made tool albums so good. it only took me one listen to appreciate lateralus and their other albums, the sound and words instantly grabbed me, with fear inoculum it's me forcing myself to like it because Tool has always been my favorite band. I'm going to stop pretending now.

Tool is not as intelligent as its pretentious fanbase claim they are, but they're not terrible either.

who the fuck are you people and where did you come from? youre trolling right?? i get the feeling you guys are the type of people who worry about how a band makes you perceived socially for liking them exclusively instead of actual enjoyment of the music itself.

tell me some music that is "intelligent" and also give me a few examples of really good lyrics. im curious


In a year where IGOR is considered the AOTY, I'll settle for a boring Tool record than that crap.

Both albums are trash, but Igor has Are We Still Friends, which is soulful as fuck with zero pretentiousness. Song is catchy as fuck despite being simple and has meaning, not just empty ambience with disappointing finales. Whereas the Tool album is not even so bad it's good, it's just bad in the most bland way possible.

Every song on Igor reeks with acne lased art hoes on reddit smell which makes me puke. Real AOTY is Gruppa Skryptonite's new album. Peep It out, Trip-Hop that's really successful in Eastern-Europe.

that's the only good song on that album but I would rather listen to that on repeat than fear boredum

>acne lased art hoes
you just described TOOL's main demographic. As goofy as Tyler the Creator is, he's more self aware than TOOL is. He doesn't pretend to be an intellectual philosopher in his music, he just makes hip hop/rnb fusions that are mediocre to alright.

Still surprised at how much seething this record has generated on the forum. Is it so hard to state like or dislike and then move on to more interesting topics? Personally I thought it was quite good, maybe an 8/10, better than some other tool albums, and not as good some other tool albums, with Invincible being the real highlight.

Attached: The Seether is you, mu.jpg (1024x667, 87K)

>if someone doesn't like I what I like they're seething
By your own logic, the opinions in this thread has you seething.

I only liked 7empest desu

Had it on repeat since it came out. It's honestly a pretty bad album, not even by Tool standards, just in general. The only redeeming qualities it has are the 9th song and hearing Danny again. I'm hoping they release another album after this, but how likely is that?

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The only female I know that listens to TOOL is my mother's younger sister, and she, she's, well I am not going there. But ya get me? If not family, I'd be all in it.

>you just described TOOL's main demographic. As goofy as Tyler the Creator is, he's more self aware than TOOL is. He doesn't pretend to be an intellectual philosopher in his music, he just makes hip hop/rnb fusions that are mediocre to alright.

tool doesnt pretend to be anything, half of their music is about buttsex, and it's very straightforward... they are basically senior citizens now too, which makes this album very genuine with what it's about conceptually and how it sounds. it's okay to not enjoy this album, but to say they are pretending about anything and that this music isn't heartfelt and passionate is silly. not saying you insinuated that last part exactly, but i seeing people here saying this is phoned in and a copycat of themselves, and it truly isnt.

>it's another "FA is shit" thread
LOL epic bro

It's just underwhelming and dull, is all. They build up so much, only to not capitalize and then move on to the next track. The album just feels lazy and phoned in, which is something I never thought I'd feel about a TOOL album.

You can have your opinion on it's music but the album art? Common, the album art is pretty good. I loved it.

Tool fuckin suck anyway.

Tool bad
Me smart

I love it but I will admit it's mostly for the nostalgia. The older I got the more I realized how pretentious these idiots are and their fans are some of the absolute worst across every genre. There was a long period that I couldn't listen to Tool for this reason. The hype around the album brought me back in and I can enjoy it for what it is but yea... good luck defending this shit without sounding like a... tool.

i think tool is the only band i hear come up where people discuss "intelligence". make some long proggy songs and use a word that isnt typically used in lyrics ocassionally and suddenly half the word is seriously arguing about how intelligent or not your music is, gonna have to use this trick for my project



Not their best work but I'll still give it a 5 out of 10 if I were to rate it. It's not mindblowing but it's still Tool.

>Tool smart
>Me smart too!

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It's like they took snippets of older Tool songs, cut out the good parts and dragged out those snippets just so can they shit out a new album. I don't blame them because their fanbase are insufferable

You want to fuck your hot aunt? Thats normal user. Nothing to be ashamed.

Chocolate Chip Trip is a jam, and if all the tracks were as tight as it is, the album would be great and not just good

Yeah it's weird. Idk who is trolling who anymore


only tool albums with shit tier artwork are opiate and 10,000 days

I believe that Descending is on par with their best tracks, which are both Wings For Marie and Disposition - Reflection - Triad. So like a 10 in Tool's standards.

This but unironically

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Pseudo-intellectuals like it, I just think it's safe and tame. I'm not seeing the band's usual creativity, this one seems more like an obligation than a passion project. The odd time signatures aren't as impressive or well done like in the past albums. There's no fibonacci sequence gimmick or anything crazy like that. It's like tool: the castrated dumbed down version.

>there's no fibonacci sequence gimmick or anything crazy like that.
just because you haven't found it doesn't mean it isn't there

Just because you say I haven't found it doesn't mean it's there either. So where is it then?


Fantanodrones SEETHING

fear inoculum is just maynard's big fuck you to tool fans for harassing them about a new album for so long. that explains why the songs are so much more basic and soulless compared to their older material

Shut up and BUY
BUY my new record
Send more money
Fuck you, buddy

7empest was at least good, now we wait 13 years for the next album

Every Tool fan I've met irl is a Maynard dick rider, which is strange considering Maynard is the one actively talking shit about the band and his fans. Some people here will imply that they like the band in spite of Maynard instead of because of him, but if you take Maynard out of the equation you're left one of the most garbage guitarists in the history of rock music.

inb4 >drums, If you really cared about drums you could listen to almost any extreme metal band, Danny only stands out when compared to Tool's buttrock peers or if you really think drumming in pentagrams has some deep meaning.

That's because Maynard is a legend and you're a fucking loser

Danny Carey is the most overrated drummer of all time, holy fuck his fans act like he's God. I guarantee you those fags can't even name more than 10 other drummers.


There's no anger or passion in Maynards vocals
Each song feels like a Mars Volta jam session

I didnt have any expectations for this album and I'm still a bit disappointed

he doesnt drum like any extreme metal band drummers, or like "buttrock" drummers either. he is unique and fantastic. i can name 64 drummer bt w

>rock album so good and successful it makes the wiggers/o/y swiftie poptimists in Yea Forums seethe


Attached: the-bernie-mac-show.jpg (1000x563, 442K)

The album art is about as disgusting as you'd expect from a necrophiliac.

>More Sex With The Dead
>(From July/Aug 1981 Issue)

>Dear WET,

>I read with sadness and some surprise your "Sex with the Dead" article in March/April 1981 WET. In 1976, I had access to a morgue and did a piece called Necrophilia.

>Perhaps John Duncan would not have had to put himself through the mental agony, had he seen that I had done the piece several years before.

>The necrophilia piece came to me after having a dream that I was fucking a seductive and beautiful living woman who rapidly aged and died as we were making love. She clamped her arms around me and the sides of the bed became a coffin enclosure.

>The dream was terrifying but I saw the Necrophilia piece as the ultimate resolution of polarities - Life/Death - if you could love death you could accept and love life more fully.

>After doing the morgue pieces I felt less afraid of death, but more afraid of the moral and karmic consequences of my actions. I was heavy into LSD at the time and had a few revelations about our immortality. In 1979 I hallucinated a trial of the souls who were involved. I met the soul of the woman that I had sex with. She was extremely angry and screamed at me saying - didn't I know I was violating her and that she was a person just as I was. I was so sorry, disgraced and disgusted with myself, I cried and begged her forgiveness. She did not forgive me, but I was put on a kind of probation by the judge and told to do good works, not harmful and negative works. A day has not gone by that I haven't thought of the necrophilia piece. I guess, during the past couple of years, I have come to regard the body as a sacred thing as well as a piece of meat.

>Alex Grey

Attached: necrophile alex grey.jpg (195x259, 15K)

Limpwristed hipster music, Tool is fake deep.

I legit think 90% of Tool fans supporting this album are in denial of how disappointing it was. Not to be a dick about it, but if you have to go onto every music board and vehemently harass others for disliking the album it's obviously something you're insecure about

Maybe this user isn't that good at musical terms or something, what's your problem?
Since when has simply expressing your opinion required a PhD?
Everyone rates stuff differently. Maybe you calculate the rating of a song based on how many different arpeggios it made you queef out, but everyone has their own rating system and for some people it's simply about the enjoyment they get from listening to said song.

Cmon dood. You're clearly an intelligent person, just try not to be an asshole

I'm a TOOL fan and can admit it's subpar and uninspired. Even without comparisons to their other stuff, this one just isn't satisfying to listen to. All the buildup leads to nowhere, Danny isn't impressing me with his drumming in any song, I can see why the band itself was hesitant about the album.

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>if you have to go onto every music board and vehemently harass others for disliking the album it's obviously something you're insecure about

But isn't that, like, 99% of all posts on Yea Forums?
People harassing each other for liking/disliking something? I get your point with the insecurity, that's pretty much a fact, but it's not like this phenomenon just started occurring now, that tool made an album you don't like. It's always been there. People have always been shitting on each other's tastes for years now and this isn't anything newsworthy.

Bottom line: some people genuinely like this album, some people don't. There's no discussion here, really. Just Yea Forumstants being Yea Forumstants, tearing each other apart because of some differences in music taste

Album is 4/10 at best. Maynard is awful on this: repetitive, no hooks, lazy lyrics. Musicians are okay, but nothing inspiring, just typical Tool stuff
>delay on the bass
>playing what is otherwise a normal open-string riff, but doing it while counting to an odd number
>Danny Carey is a wizard
Guitars probably best they've ever been, but it's the same shit. 13 years for this, and not even one single-quality rock track? You know, if you listen to Undertow and Aenima, you start to remember, "Hey, they used to be a rock band!"

Yeah, dude, just repeat that again, and we got a verse. Danny says it's 15/8 time.

Tool fans need to grow up and listen to Between the Buried and Me

a pure, great answer

so what if fear inoculum sucked? tool had a near-perfect discography and all humans are flawed, they were bound to make a shit album sometime. theres no reason to keep spreading around negativity and shitting on them with threads like this

Because they spent 13 years making this one. They started working on this album back when George W Bush was President.

It's very good but it lacks the immediacy of earlier albums. If anything they overworked it.

>We did a whole video on why Tool’s new album took 13 years to make, but according to Maynard James Keenan, it could’ve been released back in 2011. According to the singer, Fear Inoculum was already “fantastic eight years ago.”
>As for what took so long, Keenan shared, "I think a lot of it [was] just that age where you want it to be right and we've had some success in the past and the fear of this thing coming out and not being accepted — the fear that it's not as good as it can be — that can be detrimentally crippling.”
>“If I had to 'psychology 101' [it], I would have to say, 'Well, yeah, that's why it would take 13 years to write something, because you're paranoid that it's not gonna be the best that it can be and then you second guess every single step that you make,' when it was probably good enough — I shouldn't say good enough — it was fantastic eight years ago.”
>Keenan concludes, “But then the crippling second guessing of yourself sets in, and that psychology and that spiral you get in, it can be extremely daunting. And you can actually not even feel it happening. All of a sudden you wake up and it's 13 years later. The hard part is accepting the fact that maybe you're not as important as you think you are and you should probably just get on with it."

Attached: keenan.jpg (440x293, 37K)

Also I feel like I need to make one thing clear.
My opinion on this album is 100% neutral, as I've never listened to it OR any other Tool record.
The reason for that is: DRUM ROLL..... I can't be arsed.
That is, until someone I care about asks me to check them out, I guess.

more posts like this, please :)

Listening to an even worse band is not going to make Tool's glory days come back, user.

This is a good answer I will always respect when talking about music.
You sir are a no-fun asshole

Chancellor: ~"Adam has tons of gems tucked away in the vault, unused things that were great, but didn't fit on other albums. Fear Inoculum utilizes material from even before I came in the band; one riff in particular I wrote from Opiate days."

There's even clipping on the final product.
>just repeat that again and we got a verse
If there was a time to break with the, "finish the instrumentals, then Maynard erects lyrical scaffolding around it at the very end" work flow, it was in the past 13 years of this.

>repetitive, no & lazy lyrics
Descending is the one song that approaches being very good. "My alegorical elegy" -- for a man that loves GOT but very much did not accept the final season or episode in interview, this expositional dialogue was apex cringe. That said, the words themselves follow from the 42 Negative Confessions (Egypt) in "Wings For Marie", and as a concept album are (as a whole) a good attempt: where "Pneuma" is The Opening of the Mouth ritual in the Book of the Dead, and the second half are a propos of "Viginti Tres" and its Book of Revelations references [along with enumerations of Egyptian soul components] -- the fear and trembling of a person incredulous of religions as presented, but envious/in awe of sincere, true practitioners (e.g. Wings as epitaph for Keenan's mother, probably the best verse he'll ever write.)

Grey has the same ghoulish leer as Saville.
>album art

The Skeleton-Insect Pope is the same as the Priest from Opiate. The "American football touchdown" gesture mirrors the Egyptian glyph for a form of the soul, called KA (there are photos of various popes doing the same.) It is doubled in the limited release video "recusant ad infinitum" [eternal rebel] as the twist in a Moebius strip, one going toward the light and the other going down into the dark. Either Dany Carey or Adam Jones said in interview when asked whether there were Crowley/Thelema, or more sacred geometry ideas encoded, they stated "No, more medieval, like, hermetic." -- Presumably the Emerald Tablet of Thoth, Corpus Hermeticum, and Late Renaissance magic tradition resulting from it in figures like John Dee/Edward Kelly [Faip de Oiaad: 'voice of God' in Enochian 'angelic language' these two allegedly found.]

" be or not to be. Rise …" -- 7empest/the entire album with reference to Dee/Kelly is probably a nod to Shakespeare's The Tempest, "stuff such that dreams are made of," "hell is empty and all the devils are here," black and white magicians caught adrift in a storm, ect.

The snake skin/eyes also is a visual callback to the Pope's Audience Hall [explicit snake appearance, plus eel-looking Jesus on stage].

Hermetic tribbonacci tier presence? If you fiddle with the track numbers and times, a 777 [Tetragrammaton #] can be gleaned, and the 10k days horseshit [slightly more than a month prior to FI] and dates like the title track release, release date announcement, and release date itself render complimentary figures. It's still much ado about nothing for more than a decade of radio silence.

Interesting: sure. Good/executed well: not especially, and as tedious/tendentious as the musical material itself.

>no ambition or personality to it. it's like listening to long dragged out filler
So many lost potential hooks/motifs cut adrift to do just that

no shit, right? scrubbed through pnuema playing at random moments. didn't hear him once.

KMAC cracks me up

>pneuma - 10.0
>invinicble - 10.0
>descending - 10.0

hard to believe if real

Ive loved tool since 94. They one of my fav bands but unfortunately fantano is correct in his review

New Korn blows this out of the water unironically

>culling voices - 7.5
>cct - 10.0

Explain yourself

>5 (FIVE!) 10/10s
How fucking low do your standards need to be to think anything on there is higher than a 7.5? Jesus, you're trying to say five fucking tracks are PERFECT? Get some fucking taste, this is Tool's worst work.

Why should he? His supposedly shitty taste wouldn't make this garbage any less embarrassing.

Fear Inocolum was my first Tool album so that might have an effect on my opinion. I thought the album was mostly just build-up to nothing lol

Kill yourself

>the way they sound

>no-fun asshole

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Trump doesn’t have anywhere near that much color in his cheeks.

I don't understand. How else are you supposed to enjoy music?

Funny that you say this, Tool fans are defending that the songs gave no payoff in spite of the fact that most of their previous longs go out on a big loud moment

Well of course. Same level of denial when everyone was pretending that that new shitty Pink Floyd album was any good.

The thing with Tool fandom is, public performance where you talk about it, is integral part of it. By admiting album is crap, you are denying yourself an integral part of your identity.

I genuinely enjoy most of the album.
Descending and Invincible are top notch.
Overall not as strong an album as their others but I was expecting a complete disaster and instead got an enjoyable romp.

Saw Danny fill in for Tim Alexander one time. It wasn't bad by any means. I prefer Tim.

Hello Maynard.
Goodbye Maynard.

Fantano proves he has pretty objective opinions in a couple fields, once again.

Shit record, I can't believe they waited 15 years to release this piece of shit.

terrible album, one of the worst this year

this board was nothing but praise for the record until the Fantano & pitchfork reviews came out. Y'all are either too scared to have opinions or literal NPCs

low quality bait

more like the normies hyped the album and censored us

there's the possibility it was corporate shills, too

not out of the question, although they'd rather shill for trash artists like Lil' pump

Hang on. He filled in for the Primus drummer?

We are in a music discussion section, and on Yea Forums, at that. Therefore, you need to be constructive, and more objective.
Stop pretending your opinions are worth a damn when you don't even follow the etiquette.

>hurr durr i think i am so intelligent hon hon

That's not the issue. You're simply not being constructive or objective enough

Not giving out proper reasons is your problem

The Tool 'anti-fanbase' is so so much fucking worse than Tool fans themselves. Get a grip holy shit people

what are you talking about? there where plenty of threads shitting on it before and after it got released