Post hidden gems/recent finds/etc

post hidden gems/recent finds/etc

Attached: thinking fellers union.jpg (125x110, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fancy posting more than a thumbnail?

literally everybody has listened to thinking fellers. you are not special

i haven't

Attached: file.png (600x600, 475K)

You have though, I know you. Why bother lying?

i haven't i swear :(

zeni geva

I've been listening to this pretty underground group called The Death Grips. You guys probably don't know them, so I suggest beginning with their best album, The Money Store.

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I dig this mix of noise, punk, and jpop(?) Idk its odd but captivating

Not sure if people are into this stuff but these are some really underated powerpop albums. The first one has a guy from the posies in it.

These songs are cool also.

check out pic related if you haven't already, you might like it

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whoa, that's a bee coming out of an explosion, took me a minute

it's actually a bee going into an explosion. I know, pretty hardcore, kinda like Death Grips' music.
Well, rock on anyway \m/

hey that ones really good

Have you heard this? Pre-dB's. Was going to link their first album but this is good too
Also here's a song by Fotomaker

Nah, i've never heard these before, more into 90s powerpop. These sound great though, thanks for the recs.

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PFM and Akvarium every time.

a little eh... known little known album called LATERELUS

someone recommended me Henry Flynt on a chart thread a little while ago, thanks to whoever you are
Thinking Fellers Union is fantastic it's a shame they're so overlooked

Stone crusher

lol at these zoomers just getting into thinking fellers

Needs more love.

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neither have i. neighborhoods is really beautiful

inb4 samefagging

check out this if you like pop punk or power pop

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im tired of people calling this album a hidden gem since i've seen it posted nearly everyday in this shithole of a site
is still a 9/10 album tho

And you will know them by the name of LOAF

Band name is filename, album name is first result from google.
Fucking idiot.

This album (esp. side 2) is an absolute masterpiece and an antidepressant in music form.

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>defending antposting

It's an imageboard. Learn how to post good images, faggot.

Not like it's hard or anything, but I think my taste has transcended Yea Forums at this point. Nothing here is new or interesting like it was when I first started getting into music. That's not to say that it's necessarily bad or that people here all have shit taste, but nobody here actively seeks out niche shit. People used to find obscure music and meme it into popularity and now everyone just shills albums that are already popular. Like how the fuck are there still threads about The Mars Volta? The band is practically mainstream. Post something novel.

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>Band name is filename
nothing comes up when I google filename faggot

I relate. this board has gone to shit fast. 2018 this place died. fags just care about getting replies over listening to any new music, bar chartfags and sharefags

avant-prog, nearly an hour-long song

Attached: IMG_3240.jpg (1200x1190, 126K)

this is pretty good
some other stuff:

Attached: aw23059810.png (1500x1500, 609K) great psych folk/noise rock record made when the artist was like 16 i think. really amazing album

Attached: SO SO SO WE SEE TRENCHES IN THE SUN.jpg (1200x1198, 325K)

how do YOU discover new music?

It's a board for socialising not discovering music. Imagine not figuring THAT one out yet
Discogs / RYM etc

what the fuck do you mean its for socializing

Here's a nice obscure folk album I have known about for awhile now

I feel the same way I stopped using Yea Forums around late 2017 when I started to find music on my own and evolved in my taste further than it could ever develop on here. I'm thankful for my times of browsing Yea Forums but I only come back once in a while to see what's happening like I am right now.

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this album is really beautiful thanks for posting it

you need to get over yourself. you don't have amazing unique taste.
>The band is practically mainstream
so people aren't allowed to post about things just because they're too popular now?
>Post something novel
you start.