What the hell is the appeal? He doesn't have street cred...

What the hell is the appeal? He doesn't have street cred, he had no gimmick other than "polo shirts" and "college" and now fake wanna be edgy shit like Lady Gaga

I don't get it. I get why Eminem is huge, his angst was genuine and he spoke to a portion of the working class, I get why Jay Z is huge, he rapped about hood shit in a way that was probably more clever than a lot. What did Kanye do to get so damn huge? He seems like the normies choice of rapper to me.

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name another rapper as sonically diverse
just lurk more, fucking summerfags

It's Fall retard. And uh...you said literally nothing. "sonically diverse" is nothing but subjective vague word salad that means nothing.

are you fucking retarded? you literally havent heard 1 kanye album if you really think that

You have not rebuked anything though other than "NO"
What is his appeal? Who is his audience?

I hate hip hop and think that College Dropout is a fantastic album, it's incredibly vibrant and has genuine character.

I am his audience

Are you a normie college kid?

I've never met a Kanye West fan who wasn't a massive genre tourist

Because he’s a great producer. Nobody thinks he’s a top-tier rapper

He doesn't even make his own music. He's a joke.

and you haven't critized anything other than "well he's bad"
he has proven his ability as a producer countless of times, he's not the most lyrical rapper but his ability to rap about his life struggles makes for an all around interesting listen. all his albums are pretty cohesive in it's theme and they're all different
the "hip hop community" (what a bad term) largely loves him

I think you're the one saying "no". They gave you an argument. He's got a lot of diversity in his sound (every album sounds different) yet you pretended that doesn't mean anything or has any value. Have you listened to his albums? I don't give a fuck about Kanye, but your hypocrisy annoys me.

I am asking a question you fucking retard. WHAT


Because to me, it seems to be just normalfags. Not poor angst ridden and disenfranchised people like Eminem, not hood hustlers like Jay Z, who the fuck does Kanye appeal do? I'm asking a question you've yet to answer.

He constantly changes his look, makes beautiful universal music, married what was once the most beautiful woman in the world, and keeps up ads via constant media coverage for every controversy.

Christians and egotists. This isn't beating down on him, that's just his audience.

Zoomers like him

You're not gonna get his yes-man fanbase to say much. They're infamous for being insufferable dickriders.
Just listen to an interview with Kanye, the guy is a retard who can barely string a sentence together and can't elaborate on anything he says. But sone people still pretend he's some genius, when he can't even make his own shit. Please.
Mass produced corperate hype shit.

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Also his production is Rick Ruben-tier.

i just told you, his sound diversity and interesting lyrics
idk, millennials? who the fuck cares? is this the whole point of this thread? judging an artist by their fanbase?

>married what was once the most beautiful woman in the world

>What did Kanye do to get so damn huge?
>He seems like the normies choice of rapper to me.

Literally answered your own question.

>not wanting to marry a woman who got famous by taking a d-list rapper's load on camera

He was good until he started liking drumpf, then his music was bad
t. liberal

This. He is the single best marketed artist of the past one and a half decade. His retarded personas is sold as genius and his rapping is total shit while the least common denominator tout him as GOAT.

He doesn't even like Trump, or know about politics at all. Watch an interview with him, all he has to say about it is "dude we should just love man just be cool just love maaaan".
He's not clever enough for politics, it was a publicity stunt.

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He appeals to men above time.

remember that time he said slavery was a choice?

I think he genuinely likes Trump. Maybe not for the politics, but he’s not the type to care that deeply about something like that anyway

have you listened to any of his music? it's awesome. that's pretty much it. it's catchy af, very diverse and just fun. it's really fun music.

I don't think he knows enough about Trump to have a genuine opinion about him, either positive or negative. He's far too ill informed when it comes to a lot of stuff. He just runs his mouth because it keeps him relevant with the public talking about him. It's such an obvious marketing technique.

why even post when you have so little to say.
>it's just good dude just listen to it it's fun and good and fun too
ok, thanks for nothing

one of the normiest of the normie rappers.

Kanye's just really good at making music. I don't know what else to tell you.

They know each other personally. All those showbiz guys do

>But I just wanna design hotels and nail it

well what were you looking for? you asked what his appeal is and I told you dipshit. his appeal is that he makes good music. it's that simple. you didn't even answer me if you've listened to him?

Sure, maybe he likes his personality based on a few meetings, but you knew what I meant. Trump ain't fucking hanging out with Kanye in private time, c'mon.

I've wondered this as well lol

maybe it's just a product of his obsessive shilling of himdelf?

someone who can elaborate on shit on a level above a fucking 12 year old, pondbrain.

i can see why you like kanye, fucking kek.

His music isn't terrible, but it baffles my mind how he became so big. His rapping is abysmal, his music is pretty standard, albeit well produced, and quite frankly, it's super forgettable. It's like the Foo Fighters of rap.

People hate him for the things he says in the media, and his for his crazy antics that are likely half his bipolar and half just creating controversy to get people talking. He can consistently make songs that become long term hits such as Jesus Walks, Gold Digger, Runaway, Heartless, Bound 2, Ghost Town, among others. He has a very diverse discography, especially in the last decade, with production that, while not exactly being experimental compared to some, is boundary pushing and innovative. He's consistently evolving, keeping him interesting with each album release. Each album that he has released has effected the genre as a whole up until Yeezus, as not enough time has passed to truly see the influence that The Life of Pablo has had. He's truly one of the best rapper producers of all time.

He's definitely got a corperate team shilling him.
He's corperate as fuck.

You’d be surprised. I’m sure they’ve been to some of the same parties before Trump was president

>why do people like this musician if [not music related arguments]

I think he appreciates what Trump did to get elected, and his general persona. He's gone on record saying that he really doesn't know much about politics, but I think he is using him to get people to start thinking for themselves.

Please, being at the same parties when you're rich and famous means nothing. This is all conjecture at this point anyway. Maybe, maybe not, we won't know.

>can't think for himself to the point where he can barely extrapolate and most of his opinions
>trying to get people to think for themselves
He should help himself.

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It's easy to keep changing when you just hire people to make your music.

he made hip hop cool for ppl who aren’t thugs but aren’t nerds also

>married what was once the most beautiful woman in the world
she was never beautiful. she was always a whore though

Normalfags, yeah

So nobody thus far has been able to name who Kanye's demographic is.

I can name the demographic of any other rapper, seems Kanye fans are either ashamed of what group they belong to or he's just a pop star who appeals to no real audience outside of "we like top 40 regardless of what it is"

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no you see it's 6d chess, it has hidden meaning, based kanye

His music is standard because he set the standard. I feel like you can only really say that about his early work anyway, such as his first four albums. You could stretch and say that MBDTF is standard now because of its massive influence over both rap and pop music, but at the time of his first five albums they were ground breaking. For example, when Through the Wire exploded, not only was it a good song but people had actually never heard anything like it at the time. To say that anything after MBDTF is standard shows that you either don't listen to very much hip hop, or you haven't listened to any of them honestly. I mean, there are clearly albums out there that are similar to both TLOP and KSG, but they most definitely have their own identity as well as being nothing but standard.
I don't see why this is even a criticism. For decades people have been collaborating to create music such as multiple musicians contributing to a band, and bringing in 3rd party writers is hardly a new thing. I wouldn't expect Kanye to produce, write, and master all of his music, that would be insane. His philosophy is to bring together artists with different perspectives and allow them to introduce their own vision into any given song. He plays a major role in putting together most of his music though.
>Every artist needs to core demographic to be legitimized

elaborate on what? why I like Kanye's music? taste is subjective. what I get out of it isn't what you get out of it. do you not like his music? cos if not then that's the answer? why did you even ask this question to begin with if you act like such a bitch? grow the fuck up dumbo.

Hearing interviews from them talk about each makes it sound like they’ve known each other personally for some time.

You meet people from across all walks of entertainment in LA. Nothing at all crazy about them knowing each other like that

Then maybe it should be a band/collective rather than all beibg thown under the umbrella of "Kanye West", especially when his contributions are pretty small overall. He raps and occaisionally produces, that's it.

>doesn't have street cred
>hood shit

Why do you hip-hop posters always insist on role-playing like a bunch of black guys? Why can't you type like regular people?

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Kanye says a lot of shit. I don't trust his word on much of anything.

everybody is a normalfag
including u

he's a guilty pleasure.

Would you say the same thing about Taylor Swift considering she does even less? Kanye West will bring in listeners, that's undeniable, and the lineup changes from album to album, one of the only consistent people in the last decade has really been Mike Dean.
Kanye also does much more than you think. Mike Dean potentially does more than him, but regardless Kanye is typically the number 2 contributor, and he's clearly the one leading the overall vision of each release. Do you really think anyone has been pushing the gospel craze he's gone through since TLOP from behind the scenes? No, that's clearly Kanye's vision.

Fuck off, there is little to no innovation in his albums, he was not the first to introduce bangers into hip hop, he was the first to market it as "GEEENIUS". His productions is also no different from other pop artists of the time like Jay Z or Ludacris (who he produced but wasnt responsible for the music writing process). Now, his production skills are high, but musical composition is not his strong suit.

The fact of the matter is that you bought into his whole flamboyant and eccentric persona and you mistake music with image. Sad really.

His music is also no different*

Imagine still not getting Kanye in late 2019.

I pretty much ignore everything he does in the media actually. I see no reason to pay attention to an artist outside of their music, they're just people, and regardless I disagree with a lot of the things that he says.

I don't know how else to get it across to you though, his production is clearly different than either Ludacris or Jay's. Not that his production is the only thing that's unique about his music, I also think he has some really great bars and verses, but it seems like you're the one who is actually distracted by his public image. Its just good music.

See, I am willing to say that he has some nice fun tracks (at best) and I, in fact, like a couple of his songs, but this:

>I also think he has some really great bars and verses

Is bullshit, his rapping is abysmal. He is historically inaccurate, chooses horrible adjectives (unnecessary, only to fit the rhyme pattern) and his rhythm is pathetic. The topics he addresses are also basic and boring. This is why I think his fans do not understand how bad his music is, because they cannot even begin to understand how bad his rapping is.

i agree with op
he doesnt sing or play an instrument he just samples underground shit you haven't heard of yet. Anybody can do that plus he has shit taste in women too

Another thread with a

I don't see how sampling is a bad thing, especially if its transformative. He also is clearly singing in all of his music. Regardless of it being tweaked in production, its his voice.

Wanna give me some example of bad verses, or a specific song that you think he is clearly rapping bad on? I could list some of my favorite lines of his, but I like a lot of them and it might just be easier if you could give me an example of his abysmal rapping.

This is such a vague criticism that you could give to any rapper that you don't like/haven't listened to but have a preconceived notion of. What do you even mean when you say he's historically inaccurate?

>He is historically inaccurate, chooses horrible adjectives (unnecessary, only to fit the rhyme pattern)
and then you praise Eminem? lmao
it is clear you're a genre tourist if this is how you judge a rapper's lyrical ability

Kanye, like Tyler, is rap for people who don't like rap

not that user but i think he explains his criticisms very well

Yeah, pretty much every rapper chooses words so that the line flows better.

And some of them do it well, Kanye does not, his raps are worthless.


Eminem, Jay Z

Well people have already listed them, you need to try a bit harder. Regardless, I was referring to instances where Kanye has bad bars due to his word choice.

Some people fall into their pop persona
Some others like him for his speech
For me, he just happens to be one of the most honest and "true" public figures which also happens to make some good music at times

He is appealing to the Hypebeast, Middle class, trying to get into college while rocking the newest fashionalbe clothing item and Airpods crowed. The ones that watch Commentary Channels and think people like Pyrocinical are cool and "unique".

That is so disgusting

I dont particularly like Eminem, I prefer stuff like NWA, and because you will obviously ask, my favorite song is Parental Discretion iz Advised. That song is a great example of good rapping with well crafted lyrical value. In terms ot topics, yes, it also lacks.

You can name call me all you want, I dont like rap lyrics generally, but I do enjoy the music. Kanye is a great example of a horrible rapper who is, nonetheless, incredibly succesful. Why that came to be is a matter of debate, of course.

Indeed, most rapping sucks (the music I enjoy a lot, though). I see why you would say that it would apply to many rappers, as not a lot of people are actually talented with language, certianly not most rappers.

Any song, Flashing Lights come to mind, horrible fucking flow and word picking.

>I get why Jay Z is huge

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Jay Z makes people who only relate to "hood rap" feel elite and connected because he brags about his Jewish connections and uses Freemason imagery, it's easy to comprehend...he makes thugs feel smarter than they are

Honestly, not a huge fan of Flashing Lights. Its praised by his fanbase, but I'm not into it. To each their own, but he definitely deserves his place is music history.


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>He doesn't have street cred

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