>that 25 year old loomer who still listen shoegaze
That 25 year old loomer who still listen shoegaze
these edits keep getting worse
>too scared to move out of the city
if the city is your comfort zone, stay there you fucking degen. we don't want you, your metrosexual dress sense, your aversion to power tools and your coffee addiction in this neck of the woods.
where's the joke?
>not unattractive
you lost me buddy
>that 24 year old self ware choomer who is secretly a loomer
>not unattractive
How is that wojak not ugly?
boomers live in suburban McMansions and commuted into the city for work before early retirement.
Monster is caffeinated and therefore as degen as coffee.
They're also allergic to walking and insist on driving everywhere.
My local convenience store is an hour long round trip by foot.
Suburban boomers live within a 10 min round trip of theirs and still insist on taking their car.
I can't blame you for not having any conception of what it's like to actually live out in the country, your city life is a shit frame of reference.
>call other people degen
>browse on the most degen website
>i'm in my 20s and le sad, pt. MMXVIII
dude, take a cow piss shower or something, go make some bread, idk what it is you cowboys do out there but i know i wouldnt touch you with a ten foot pole B)
>buhbehs bive bih buhbuhban buhbansions band buhbuhted bihboo buh beehty buh bork bihboh beehrly buhbaibahbeh
thats how you sound lmao
go have a panic attack at the bus stop you subhuman retard
>My local convenience store is an hour long round trip by foot.
becuase you are such a poor faggot who can't even afford a car
because why live in the country if you don't wanna spend time outside breathing unpolluted air?
Music for knowing you will always be alone?
>breathing air is prime entertainment in the country
damn, sounds absolutely amazing, what else is there to do? next thing youre gonna tell me you can milk cows or some shit?
Stop looming and start cooming.
then take the Ted Kaczynski pill and go good live inna woods if you're such a purist fag
its the gayest most self indulgent nonsense possible. kill yourselves you no-personality having faggots
you can grow your own vegetables. you can plant trees, you can fell other trees and process some firewood and then plant some more trees. you can raise chickens and eat eggs, and if you live far enough away from your nearest neighbours, nobody will be bothered by your cock in the morning.
oh and you can burn shit. firesetting is the rural equivalent of primetime tv.
>disdain for any form of politics
>likes literature
But 90% of literature is political
you sound like you're living a good life.
then why the fuck you're here? what is the point of internet?
I'm very opinionated and I have no IRL social circle in which to be opinionated, so I rely on the internet for my social life.
fuck opinions, you can't change shit with just having "opinions". fuck people man who gives a shit.
if you're still fucking away your time in this shithole despite living that life then you're no better than any isolated bored cityfag.
dude i love domestic tranquility it's soooo different from how them faggot city folks drink coffee and wear skirts lmao
based content-less post
>i love domestic tranquility it's soooo different from how them faggot city folks drink coffee and wear skirts lmao
>but i still post and lurk on Yea Forums which is full of bored isolated young city folk
oh the fucking irony
honestly that doesnt sound very appealing but if you like it thats cool
you're all kind of right desu. I'll have to go and reflect on my inadequacies.
This is the worst meme ever made and wojak should die in a hole, that fact you can only just up _oomer with it shows you're losing material fuck you and fuck this thread.
If you relate to these you should seriously consider suicide
>that first trimester old boomer who still listens to led zeppelin
this post is pure personified faggotry
>that early twenties roomer who talk big guy shit on internet but never leaves his room
user, if this post is genuine, I hope you can find the courage to break your cycle.
Gather the balls to make ONE significant change in your life. Once you feel like you've overcome whatever faggotry-based fear that was, do another.
You'll make it user.
Says the guy whose life is so incredibly dull and boring it can be resumed in a 3 sentences wojak macro
Doomer fags need to kill themselves first for starting all this shit
>that 21 year old roomer who haven't seen daylight in 3 days
>could have
"could of" would be more accurate
>that 20 year old choomer who use Yea Forums memes irl
Can you reply without adding _oomer so you actually sound like a human? Or are you that desperate to make a meme?
>t. le Costanzoomer
>that 22 year old muoomer who take memes seriously but forgets to add coomer in his list
Fuck frogs and fucking let wojak die already
bring back epic fail guy
addiction is fake
everyone likes psychedelics (and antidepressants which are just shitty, weak psychs)
everyone has depression
>feel sublimity over all else
pseud posturing, meaningless
>dude i'm slightly noncommittal and distant lmao look it's a pathology
>not unattractive, but clueless towards women
literally me. I always notice girls staring at me when they think I'm not looking, they openly flirt with me, but I never make a move cause I don't drive a car so I have nowhere to take them. I'm such a fucking loser
Thoughts on my new wojak edit?
What kind of _oomer is it?
hmm looks okay
lets give him a name
how about all-in-one-oomer or gigaoomer, he will be a mixture of every "oomer" in existence. the ultimate oomer.
these guys get it
>oc donut steel
hes just like me but im gay
fucking roasted
other than my heroin snorting only being on occasion this is eerily close to describing me
and i dropped out in 10th grade and cant drum
the real niggas
Finally one that hits close to home
My eyes are like that, I don't know why but I think it's allergies
Literally me except I do read and hate myself
Accurate af
>that bloomer who listens to madchester while fucking your bitch
>the weirdochad
t. boomers