/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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First for gibson is a tranny brand

guys ive been playing guitar for around a month but no matter what when i play in a pentatonic scale i dont sound bluesy at all. help? how do i make it sound bluesy? do i have to just keep noodling in pentatonic until i git gud?


Some ideas for you

What kind of guitar would Jesus play? A Telecaster? A hollow body jazz model?

Standard Pentatonic doesn't include the blues note. So maybe include the The Flat 5.
Minor Pentatonic:
1, b3, 4, 5, b7.

Blues: Added Flat 5
1, b3, 4, b5, 5, b7

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Jesus would play a Music Man because it's the best quality you can get for the price

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When do I get pussy from this hobby? Iv been playing all my life and have yet to get an ounce of coochie

Girls don't give a fuck about guitar anymore. It was a boomer thing

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>hey user you can play guitar right
>why don't you play a song
>tfw all the acoustic songs I've learned are way too personal to every show anyone

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I'm new to guitar, and i cant do no fuckin barre chords without buzzing. any tips?

Don't worry about chords. Learn lead

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Learn to read music, take a music theory course somewhere then you can just situationally build and voice your own chords without having to memorize stupid shapes, which is probably what you're currently doing.

this is fucking retarded advice what the fuck lmao

It's excellent advice and if you weren't an uneducated fuck you'd know why it's excellent.

not me btw

first thing I would do my friend is to shart a log of kaka out of your kakabutt. it'll be poopy and loggy, but that's okay.

then take that smelly log of anal shit and rub it up and down your fretboard, making sure to get extra kaka from frets 5-8 and 10-12 (the "kaka frets" if you talk to any guitar player worth his salt.

then, with the residual doody caking up your fingers, brush your fingers through your asshairs, especially the ones in between your cheeks (making "stinky kaka asshair pie" to those in the know")

leave it for a bit, then try a barrechord

i know music theory, but "situationally building chords"?

What I mean, Chords are built using a formula defined by intervals.
For example:
a Major Chord is made up of a Root, a Major 3rd interval above the root, and a Perfect 5th above the Root.

C Major for example is comprised of only 3 notes, C, E, and G.
C up to E is a Maj 3rd distance, while C up to G is a Perfect 5th distance.

Knowing what notes comprise a C major allows you to have full control over how you arrange the note in relationship to each other. You can do inversions and introduce voice leading into pieces that otherwise wouldn't have it when playing the God-Awfully voiced standard Chord Shapes most Guitarists use.

I've taken private lessons for over 10 years
>how do I stop buzzing barre chords
>learn music theory

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I'll make an example in a few minutes.


Yeah, there's an element non-sequitur.
I think I skipped the transition in my head which was assuming it was an F Major Chord(or similar), you could boice the chord differently in order maintain the character of the chord, but eliminate the barring.


>What is your unpopular /gg/-related opinion?

I hate pickguards

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what the fuck is the point of them
how retarded do you have to be at strumming to actually ever have your pick touch one, or the area that they cover



I don't like steel strings, the strings themselves, at all. They lack the dynamics a nylon string have, while you can produce shill and intentionally hideous sounds on nylon strings, you can't make steel strings sound nearly so rounded and warm(harp-like) as nylon even when picking close to the neck.

I have no idea, you literally can't hit a pickguard while strumming even if you tried. Most people like them for aesthetic purposes but to me it's just more shit taking up space. Also if a pickguard gets warped I get huge autism from it.

adjust the angle of your grip such that it's more comfortable to be able to fully pressure all strings with your index finger

How onions do you have to be to never touch the pickups or body of the guitar with your playing?

iron out your retardation before posting that again

I hate boomer propaganda about new thing = bad. Locking tuners sound like a good idea to me and I don't know why they aren't more widely used. I don't understand the use of Bigsby vibratos when there are more stable alternatives that are less hassle to string. I don't believe that having a humbucker with the option of coil split can actually make the the un-split pickup sound worse, therefore I see no reason why all guitars with humbuckers don't have the feature.

i fart my kaka into the toilet, not onto my guitar.

putting stickers on guitars ain't so bad

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BC Rich Mockingbird

I don't think anyone appreciates the boomer input. They ruin every major guitar discussion forum with their fucking Telecasters and LPs being posted over and over. The entire 'traditionalist' guitar crowd has literally just hindered progress and I am glad that people are now gravitating towards stuff like headless guitars, locking tuners, coil splitting, ergonomics and other quality of life things. Imagine being content with the fact that Gibson headstocks still break easily in 2019.

Go practice tapping and whammy bar bends.

like, fuck
look at literally any well used guitar without one
is the finish worn or chipped or anything where the pickguard would be?
no, not any more so than any other part of the guitar

ah yes I forgot the pickguard protected the fretboard too
have you even fucking seen a guitar in your life

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Lol, the neck paint strips faster than any damage done to the body by a pick.

if you slap your guitar while you play you're a fucking retard
I hate that goddamn subhuman bullshit

Guitar is dead along with rock, jazz, and punk. Mumble rap is here to stay.

The reason they break so easily and why Gibson continues to build them that way is fascinating.

So Gibson manufacturing was a very wastful process and their guitar necks were no exception, instead of jointing the head stock to the neck, the neck is one solid piece. Since the Headstock must have a break angle it means that the wood grain is very short and weak all along the headstock(this does not occur on a headstock that has a joint).
The Boomers and Gibson conspired and suggested that this was actually a good characteristic because the neck "vibrates better" or something when it's one piece.
Just stupid, classical guitars were built with joints for the break angle since the beginning, and it's actually not a difficult process.

>classical guitars were built with joints for the break angle since the beginning
mind elaborating on this? the neck on my nylon yamaha looks like one contiguous piece

nylon picks are fucking awesome for everything

Hurr durr I wonder why I don't hit the pickguard when I don't even use a pick or strum.

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Fuck out of here

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post a clip of yourself strumming
I could use a laugh

Yeah, they look like this.
Luthiers and even Manufacturers are skilled at lining up the grain, this is made easier of course since their apart of the same continuous piece of wood, but rearranged.

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thanks user
I have a feeling that mine might just be plywood

Electric guitar voodoo priests probably think high end acoustics are hollowed out from one log for the “resonance”

Daily reminder not to practice scales. Practice intervals instead

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Wow this general has turned into literal shit. Just fucking nuke it already

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Women don't care about that crap anymore but you can some of the tightest twink pussy by playing neosoul

Eat kaka and die

It's Fender now

You have to do bends and learn blues licks

I bet it would be Condor

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Does pops enjoy his kaka enemas?

Where do I learn guitar if I have money to spend but don't want to leave my house.

From Samuel


Old school guitar finishes were so delicate a nylon pick would gouge them

These days they're actually durable

Still he will be limited to the same shapes. There's only a handful of ways to do each chords on guitar

That would require omitting the low E

I want to get a new guitar with a longer scale, currently playing on a LTD EC-200 with upgraded pups.
I'm afraid of getting a FR guitar because I change tuning often. Is FR still an option? Is it okay to NOT lock it down and just use it as, say, a string through with a regular bridge that I can just change tune willy nilly?

It's a floating bridge. Any tuning changes will move the bridge and then you'll have to adjust the springs. Also unlocked FR nuts have poor tuning stability.

Since you can afford two guitars, why not just have two guitars?

Do you think anyone will catch on to my weebery if I buy an ESP Random Star?

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Nothing stopping me, just trying to make the most informed decision with my next purchase.

Get your free testosterone levels tested.

use the bony part of your index finger and not the meaty part, like your finger shouldn't be flat, it should be at a slight angle

Literally don't. Trust me. It's a headache for no reason.

I'm an adequate "campfire guitarist" when it comes to banging out chords, but I can't play leads/fills for shit. Where do I go from here?

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Lmfao stupid kid.
Lmfao no. Youre just useless

Play scales and modes for 4 hours a day for a month

You trying to say NOT to get a FR since I change tunings often?

>dont get a floyd.
>its a headache for no reason.

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on bacha bazi parties

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If you change tunings often youre going to need a floyd guitar for each tuning.

Why are assault guitars disproportionately owned by illegal immigrants?

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Don’t because you need to adjust the bridge strings and then tune 10 times and repeat until it’s in tune with a level bridge

The easiest way is to custom make blocks to hold the bridge level, tune, and then adjust the bridge springs. It still sucks. Get another guitar for alternate tunings if you want a floating bridge.

Decked floyds don’t have any of these problems

Go practice your pre-bends plini

>The Boomers and Gibson conspired and suggested that this was actually a good characteristic because the neck "vibrates better" or something when it's one piece.
>Just stupid

no, retard

the same way that having a guitar body with the wood veins perpendicular to the strings is bad.

>practice prebends
Ahh so thats how im supposed to play cemetery gates. Fucking retard

scales are intervals


take skype lessons with me
like seriously
im experienced and play many genres except for jazz (so far)

>grain direction affects tone!
>no i refuse to do a double blind test

Boomers can’t die soon enough.

start playing leads/fills

headstock wood does affect tone. see it for yourself stick your guitar on a table or wall, one that resonates loudly when you do so, and record your guitar's output when touching and when not touching the table

The reason the grain runs parallel with strings is because it's stronger that way.
The tension the strings apply to an acoustic guitar would absolutely crush the top of an guitar positioned another way.

What in the fuck does that have to do with Gibson not using the Headstock Joint everyone else does(to create a longer grain, stronger headstock)?

Lmao tone-veins

Dont forget you can have two tree species max or your guitar has chaotic mana flow and bad tone

Done it. No difference from the pickups, just the wall making acoustic noise.

Glue kills the mystical tone resonances. You need unbroken wood veins to carry tone energy to the tuners so it can be re-transmitted by the strings for maximum sustain.


u lyin

retards if the veins have no relation to tone, what aspect of the wood does?

>ever wanting to play Cemetary Gates

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Fucking none of it.

Boomers begone.

The color! Tone wood colour! that's why maple sounds brighter than rosewood!

There's plenty of creative ways to play chords using open strings that transcend shapes. Best to think of the notes you need in a chord and then arrange them to best fit voice movement.
Better yet is to drop the pick and adopt 4 voice chords through classical right habd technique since that will open up so many more options.
An F Major only needs an F, A, and C. You can find plenty of ways to play it differently.

*hits a board like a marimba*


All jazz players

Whats the best tone color? For me it’s cobalt blue.


If you dont hear any difference consider yourself inferior

For electric guitar?
None really, how dense the wood is could affect how long a note can be held.
For Acoustic/Classical:
Depends on wood density/elasticity, how the top is voiced(thinned), etc.
The ultimate factor I find is how "built" a guitar is. An overbuilt guitar is stiff, doesn't resonate much, is quiet, bright, and produces a dull "thud" when tapping on the bridge rather than the expected Wood Drum sound of a well made/balanced guitar.

Thanks everyone. I'm convinced that a FR is not in my near future.
Anyone got any reccs for a guitar that is suitable for metal? Currently muddling through some Black Dahlia Murder stuff. Just needs to be 25.5 scale or longer.

Are you really comparing wood and acrylic? Wood all sounds like wood, that’s all.

try harder

McGurk Effect.
What you see is affecting what you're hearing.

try harder, on the blind test of that video one of the guitars sounds brighter. the difference is too large to be placebo

youre auditorily inferior

All wood sounds more or less the same.

All acrylic sounds more or less the same.

Between two woods there is little to not tonal difference and it's down to random chance

If youre playing metal without a floyd youre a bitch. No wonder you will be stuck as an eternal rhythm player

Hey /gg/,

I've been a guitarist for 14 years, started playing in my early teens. After taking 6 or 7 lessons to learn some of the basics (open chords, the major scale, 12-bar blues, a few strumming patterns, etc.) I've been pretty much entirely self-taught, in that everything I know I learned from books, online resources like YouTube and music theory blogs, or just listening and transcribing. I've been able to teach myself everything from blues to metal to jazz.

I did most of my jazz studies when I was in college and after I graduated. I was pretty much broke the entire time, so I had no money to seek out formal lessons and I didn't have enough of a formal musical education to audition for the music school at my university. The process of becoming a competent improviser was frustrating without formal guidance, although I did eventually get to a point where things started to come together and I could figure out which resources I would need to fill in the gaps in my musicianship.

So, I thought it would be pretty fun and productive to write my own 'how-to' guide for guitarists informed by my own musical experiences. This would be a resource for the many guitarists like myself who don't have the time/cash for lessons but would like to progress in their understanding of music theory, improvisation, etc. I write pretty well and I enjoy teaching, so hopefully I can help distill some complex theory into clear, useful concepts that will be easily applicable to guitar. I plan to release this for free as a PDF that you'll be able to access in these threads.

oh yeah? how do you explain cheap asian shitplanks sounding thin and bright no matter what pickups and bridge you put on them?

Confirmation bias and you talking out your ass

t. owner of a warm and open epiphone with great vintage tone

So, give me your questions about guitar playing, theory, musicianship, improvising, stylistic choice, technique... Gear is kind of outside the purview of this project and I'm not much of a gearhead anyway. I'll use these questions as the basis for subject matter to address.

dont be dumb sell skype/in person lessons

but still write the pdf for us

What's wrong with this?

Here's a backing track I just recorded for AC/DC - Jailbreak: vocaroo.com/i/s1jMg9miPTp1

It's in A Major so you can use A Major Pent or if you know chord tones it goes E, D, A for the main riff and A, D, A, D, B, E, B, D for the Pre-Chorus

Maybe I'll start taking on students if I can generate some interest with this project. I've primarily been performing for the last decade and I'd like to develop my teaching style.

Check out Japanese-made ESP standards on Reverb.

no retard
my $50 beginner strat sounded thin and shrill with fender 69 pickups no matter through what amp
i replaced it with some overwound pickups (like texas specials but even hotter) and a steel tremolo/saddles and guess what, it was darker and no longer shrill, but still sounded dead and lacking good mids

Audiophiles have said the same thing about elevating cables off the ground

Confirmation bias, no double blind tests, a sample size of one guitar, your theory doesn't hold up

it was my fucking guitar, i was trying at all costs to make it sound good, not to prove a theory to my imagination.

Subconscious bias is real which is why double blinds exist

Try again with better methods if you want anyone to believe in guitar magic

give me some original metal lyrics anyone, ill try to record some metal

only if you do death growls and none of that pussy shit

shit on your hads and rub it on your chest

i dont work for you
Just sing some mercyful fate

you're here to waste your time, go on and shit out some lyrics

wdym pussy shit
i can do normal man voice and some of this vocaroo.com/i/s01Y3Tl6wmYg

Can you not ever come up with anything original yourself?

>If youre playing metal youre a bitch.
Fixed. Apart from your terrible punctuation. I'm not your fucking english teacher.

i can but i'm afraid of words

Hey that sounds like a nice thing to do. Most of us are here to gain knowledge and share, even if we end up arguing about stupid shit.

Born a waste of skin
Born as a brazilian
Born to feel no glee
Born to make $10 a week


Living a sad existence day to day
Living and still denying that i am gay
Living in the favela is great
Living with first worlds countries hate


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bro I got a hit for you

eviscerating through the anus
tearing of flesh and innards
seeping faeces fouling my new creation

intestinally strung up, large and small holding aloft
a farce of a spattered marionette
a dangled dying man turning corpse by the second

I make him speak
I make him dance


Fairly certain I'm starting to develop arthritis in my fretting hand (late-20s). Is it ogre?

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hey i make $10 a day

Lmfao did you get triggered dumb bitch? I bet youre poor.

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im 22 and i have something similar

i found that avoiding everything that stresses the tendons like computers and manual labour, and stretching often, and fixing the guitar technique, all helps, but its hard to stay away from the pc

My knuckles are #swole as fuck, but while it doesn't hurt, my fingers are definitely beginning to lack the dexterity they once had.

What does everyone think of the Ed Sheeran copyright case? youtube.com/watch?v=z1YxFjQXbXg

For example with AC/DC - Jailbreak the main riff is the I, IV, V of A Major which is the most popular Blues key. So now no one else can use those chords?

do what i said and practice your fretting hand like your life depends on it or like youre a beginner trying to get your fingers softer
if you have knee issues the doctor will tell you to exercise it (lightly), it's the same thing

Much obliged, will do.
FWIW, "Jailbreak" is literally just a rewrite of "Gloria" by Them.

im learning this new technique guys, what do you think so far

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You didn't seem to grasp the insult so I'll break it down for you. I was insulting your shit taste in music, not your preference in budget guitars.

Sounds great. Now sing "What a Wonderful World."

he's based

This is a funny post
>black dahlia murder
>not shit tier
Choose one.

Wrong vid? Autist.


fucking ad

Heres Leslie west and Joe Satriani both playing Usa Dean guitars


...because theyre getting paid for it

>Dean cant afford Steve Vai or Eric Clapton, and LOL THAT BODY SHAPE LMAO

just play black sabbath bro you'll learn

What amp settings would you use to play Gary Moore songs?

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I said dean not gibson. Its a leslie west signature. Look up some guitar history before you make yourself look more stupid

he cant even be bothered to learn blues songs, and he wants to sound bluesy!


>a gibson les paul the only guitar that's good enough blah blah anime avatar shit posting every day blah blah

Emg neck pickup. bass at 3 o clock mids at 2 and treble at noon.
Gain maxed out

hes been playing for a month he will learn the way or fade away his choice


Ive been playing 4 months. Any tips?


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Use a metronome. Practice phrasing.

i am learning blues songs

show guitar homo.

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if i get a schecter will i finally shred

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never stop playing even if its just some chromatic finger exercise or basic chords. daily practice is essential

once it's in the wood chipper, yes

i'll give you a tip if you follow me on youtube or instagram


Its a blue jackson dinky with a floyd rose. Im going to get a kramer baretta next paycheck. The gloyd rose is a pain in the ass for a beginner.


Got a lo-trs RG and strat. playing with the strat is easier when switching songs yeah. an FR can be a pain in the ass.

i just subbed
btw was that you flicking that monkey penis in that video or was it a reupload?

awaiting your tips now

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Better get a custom 24 by prs instead of that prs wanna be brand.


heres your tip

Schecter is 9 years older than PRS

prs, like gibson, is overpriced based on name. You can get a schecter or ibanez of similar quality for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars less

meant for

Get a dean or prs

i see

so i play pentatonic scale while bending the strings?

So depending on the outcome of the Ed Sheeran case in the future there won't be any AC/DCs due to Gloria or any other band due to any AC/DC song. Does anyone else find that outrageous?

Jesus was a luthier, they just didn't have a word for it so carpenter is what was passed down. he played a 12 string acoustic with gut strings and made of Lebanese cedar

Buy a prs se then.

all guitars are basically shopping for a brand name

you could get a similar quality cort, or hamer or agile for hundreds of dollars less

Nope in 76 they were a guitar part shop meanwhile in 76 prs was building guitars.

PRS was founded in 85. Paul Reed Smith built guitars in his garage before that, sure. But the company didn't exist until 85.

Lol I know what you mean. When I started out the best way to describe it was “Chinese restaurant music”.


>Dr. Love, I'm Mossad.

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With kaka rubbed in the fretboard from all 12 disciples and the 3 wise kings

You sound like an idiot

Do any of you guys use any "off-brand" guitars? No Fender, Gibson, PRS, Dean, Ibanez, ect? I got one of those Westone guitars.

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I own a dean but kinda want a tokai love rock just for the name. Do you consider tokai offbrand?

do you rub that on your guitar

For me, it’s Mountain Dew

Anyone ever thought how fucking retarded youtube is for not allowing uploading files along with the videos?? They have a million of useless features but not this? I lost count of video lessons that point to broken links to tabs uploaded to some random file storage services that have expired/got deleted/moved etc. Fucking retarded.

chipotle burrito and Mr. Pibb, gonna shred hard at praccy today, boys

What do you guys think about Iceman shapes? I think they're more ergonomic than you'd think

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you can open beer with that

Good choice
The flyovers choice.

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No i eat them

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The autists choice.

why do you buy canned eggs?
cant you just buy "eggs"?

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I'd like it better if the penis glans dick head part was more angular and less dick like.

no one but you is seeing a dick there

Read the packaging.

I have a bottle full of rittalin. Ive been debating on using it. For now its pic related. Nitro mango and cherry are GOAT.

As a spic i have always enjoyed european cookies. How are these?
Quads of truth

Wya let me get that bottle off your hands for $100.

Forgot pic.

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May as well do the harder drugs this shit fucks with your heart as well.

That would be immoral, user. I am not a drug dealer. Sorry

Sweet ill take them for free then.

>egg in brine
that's canned eggs

Now you will as well.

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I hate Sundays

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you hate yourself

Pretty sweet (in taste) and crunchy. Can't really taste the flour, the actual cookie though, I think I can just taste the sugar from it.

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What is the quintessential reddit guitar?

you mom's


telecaster or jazzmaster

PRS and Telecaster

I have an unusual one. One that's not currently documented anywhere last time I looked a year ago.
Its looks a bit like this one, unbranded, with knobs slightly different to other clones, and the headstock is oh so very slightly different to the other clones too.
That's not to say its any good to play though. Its actually a pain since its heavy, not set up very well, and the jack socket has gone faulty.
It came in a nice guitar case though. I pretty much bought it for the case for £50.

It might be a Hohner actually. Same diamond pattern and headstock shape.
I thought it was 80s but it might actually be a really old 70s bolt-on knockoff made in Korea.
Still pretty junk not really worth fixing mind.

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Yeah, I had a Hondo exactly like this one until it got stolen out of shop I had it on consignment in. It was a great guitar. Had a pair of hand wound DiMarzio SCHB's in it.

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He'd play a Greek Lyre, since the Lyre is the predecessor to the modern Guitar and is where the word "lyric" is derived and was a contemporary instrument of his day

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Yes. Brined quail eggs

In brine

skip to 24:07

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>when you flatten the 7th in the major scale

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Maybe he's saying the lickalesbian scale sounds both sinister and goofy at the same time. I really don't get it either.

does steve vai have any good songs or is it all wank?

my first guitar was a Hondo strat in 89. I hated it and still hate strats to this day. I was horrified by the composure of the body, mus'tve been 30 pieces of wood glued together

nippon has you beat

"Tender Surrender" is the only good song he's ever written. "For the Love of God" is pretty good too...until you realize he just cryptomnesia'd the theme song to Kung Fu.

i didnt ask you

can't be unseen

Sam, you're always so rude to me when I'm just trying to be helpful.


Hello Yea Forums. thinking about getting my first guitar. Want to go with Seagull S6. Anyone have experience buying an instrument online? Safe to buy the bundles that come with a case on Amazon vs going to Guitar Center? Is it possible the ones online are lower quality?

Get a job loser.


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it’s stupid expensive but amazing quality. I have a Majesty and it’s incredible in every sense of the word. Puts my PRSs to shame and i thought those were great. I mean they still are but it’s not the Music Man

I prefer buying online. if I don't like it it can be returned easily.

i just learned a new effect

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Now the onions flock to buy relicing from that era. How freaking hilarious

Shhh. Dont let these fucks know how good ebmm actually is. I still have dreams about a stingray guitar i tried.

Lawsuit Hondo's were great and MIJ by Tokai, those fucking things were made in Korea at World in the early days, and they were crap. Pic Related.

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I'm not autistic, I just have poor executive functioning.

>mfw buying a new guitar

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I wanted an Armada so bad and now it's discontinued. I shouldn't have waited.

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Thats a nice way of saying sucking at life

>tfw no mids dial
wat do bros

The black one was nice. Im sure you can still find them if you have the money.
It should be an empty wallet

Music Man guitars are ugly as fuck

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Did you replace the nut and the tuning machines? You may be right but you did not test the guitar sound unamped vs a legitimate strat or whatever unamped. If they sound the same or similar unamped then it’s literally your imagination or your pickup configuration/location relative to the strings was fucky.

there’s only two things that affect sound as far as the guitar is concerned. The sound unamped, and the unamped sound that gets transferred to the pickups

it had the same shitty character throught a bunch of amps.

So are you but you dont make millions a year.


Why do boomers bother listening to Kenny Wayne Shepherd when Mato Nanji exists?

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Why do nips exist when nuclear weapons do as well?

I'm doing okay, thanks.


who else here doesn't buy guitars like me?

how you buy guitars?

is this what we learn chord substitution for?

once every 5 years

how mane you have

well then yes i dont buy guitars like you.


what are some cool sounding chord progressions you found just while fucking around?
>dm am em G7

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This is fantastic advice if you want a beginner to never want to play an instrument ever again. Technique always comes first, then theory. You can play an instrument without knowing music theory, but you can never play an instrument without knowing technique

dude did you even listen? how does it sound unplugged from any amp vs your other guitars? i’ve noticed that certain design differences can have an extreme effect on tonality. but fucking wood type is probably not one of them if i had to guess. You may have fucked up the job on replacing the hardware and it still could be rattly or whatever causing that shrill tone. People have tested this before, it’s documented. You can make a functioning guitar out of literal cardboard man.

i threw that shit away years ago

This guy again, I just played this again and forgot I usually end it with a C/B chord

How do I get good like George Benson

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What kind of retard guitars do you play where it’s impossible to hit the pick guard? Or do you strum like a little girl?

Peak strumming is David Byrne during psycho killer on stop making sense

god what a beautiful sound. I need real cow gut strings

thats not an opinion, that is a fact. also because something is dead doesnt mean that it doesnt matter or isnt good

There are guitars featured in mumble rap retards. A guitar is just an instrument

i think metal guitars sound like shit and look retarded

i would breed f until i died of exhaustion

Where do you guys find lawsuit guitars beyond the occasional Guitar Center appearance?

only nylons for life

I've recently discovered PVC picks

>acoustic guitar plays one minor 7th chord

that's just a sample homie

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Never thought I'd ever my local vintage guitar store have a actual marshall plexi.

Listen to a ton of Coltrane and Parker and transcribe their solos. Also try to sing what you play.

> situationally build and voice your own chords

show me how you do this in a way that's more efficient than learning shapes