So it turns out that there appears to exist a group of people who love Wish You Were Here and Animals, but dislike Dark Side of the Moon.
If you are one of those people, can I just ask... why?
So it turns out that there appears to exist a group of people who love Wish You Were Here and Animals, but dislike Dark Side of the Moon.
If you are one of those people, can I just ask... why?
underage contrarians/dickriding pitchfork/fantano/etc drones
dsotm is popular
literally people in denial that they like more straightforward rock music. I like them all because they aren’t all that shockingly different from one another. The only Pink Floyd album thats really out there for its time is Pipers and even then it’s debatable how experimental even that is
If I have this right, the site gives DSOTM a strong 9, WYWH lite 10 and Animals a strong 10. That's not really what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people who actively like WYWH and Animals but actively dislike DSOTM.
I don't really see dislike for it, just that it seems to be considered their best album by loads of people. I honestly can't say which album I like best (out of the 4 big ones) because I have a different attachment to each of them.
DSOTM was never my favourite Pink Floyd, but I don't get hate towards it. It still has a bunch of good tracks.
Wish You Were Here is probably Pink Floyd's most accessible album, so it's obviously going to attract the most tourists. In that vein, I'm surprised by the lack of attention given to Meddle & Obscured by Clouds, which to me have a very similar feel to Wish You Were Here. But that's tourists for you.
Still doesn't explain why people who like Animals would dislike DSOTM though.
The Wall is another one that attracts disproportionate attention for being a "landmark concept album". No shit it's good, but still.
A lot of people who want to seem "in" with Pink Floyd get their earlier stuff with Syd. They don't seem to realise that's what everyone else is doing too.
AMLOR is the true Pink Floyd pleb filter.
>AMLOR is the true Pink Floyd pleb filter.
I like WYWH a lot
I'm indifferent on DSOTM but I will admit it has some perfect songs on it, namely Us and Them and Brain Damage
and I've never heard Animals
You should probably give Animals a listen then.
and Meddle & Obscured by Clouds
good album, not their best but hating it because its popular reeks of pleb
I'm not one of those people, but I can sort of see why they exist.
DSOTM has a really polished, almost too perfect quality to it compared to Animals and WYWH.
It's definitely the most accessible Pink Floyd album, so a lot of contrarians hate it for that reason alone.
>It's definitely the most accessible Pink Floyd album
Nah, that's WYWH. DSotM has weird instrumental interludes like On the Run and Any Colour You Like which would turn off a normie.
>weird instrumental interludes
Those are my fave tracks on DSotM alongside 'Time'. The one I struggle with is "DUDE ODD TIME SIGNATURES LMAO" 'Money'.
Not cause of the odd time sig necessarily, I just think it's a bit shit.
WYWH has Welcome to the Machine, which in my experience really turns normies off.
The worst thing on DSOTM for normies is usually Great Gig in the Sky. On the Run is pretty short and Any Colour sounds cool so they usually get a pass.
>Great Gig in the Sky
>tfw the best part of your album was improvised by some woman
>They only paid her $500
Thot patrolled
Surely a "normie" would find a couple minutes of novel weirdness more palatable than WYWH's lengthy prog sections?
brain damage seems to me like the most banal and uninteresting expression of weirdness
Like you know when cartoons depict asian/mexican/whatever music in the most unoriginal cliche filled stereotypical ways? That's how I feel about brain damage's verse chords
Animals sucks, the other two are good
All three of those albums are about Syd
It's because it's too popular and because of shit like this.
It's like the minecraft of music, where it's so universally praised and surrounded by obnoxious kids and oversaturation that it becomes cool to not like it anymore. That, and some people legit just dont like its poppier aspects.
>Animals is about Syd
no it isn't
it's a great album the first time you listen to it. after a few listens it loses its magic. it's just one of those kind of albums
exactly this, couldn't say it better
All songs Roger ever wrote are about Syd.
Honestly I don't HATE the album, I think it's a fine pink floyd album, but I just prefer WYWH better, and I need to listen to Animals again.
I fully agree with this too. DSOTM was one of the first records I got when I bought a turntable since my Dad had it in the basement. Over time I felt exactly this.
wrong. Animals marked the beginning of a shift away from writing about Syd, and towards writing about "society" and his daddy issues.
I bet you are the life of the party.
this, it's just contrarianism
wrong. I in fact do not attend parties.
liking PF's 73-77 streak is cool, but this is their best album
Sydger was real