Post albums that have no songs worse than 9/10

Post albums that have no songs worse than 9/10

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Double Helix and Bitch Please aren’t 9/10 but they’re not bad either
Long Distance Drunk is like the definition of filler, really the only noticeable low on the album
For me it’s pic related though many will disagree

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you guys really never tire of posting the same fucking albums everyday? do you guys not listen to music?

post an album and quit acting like a little bitch

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I listen to a lot of non board popular music but the truth is if you don’t post Yea Forumscore you will never get replies

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oh you think you're too good for death grips now huh?

this. I don't come here to discuss general music, only Yea Forumscore and to get trent reznor memes. I think it's good though. like we are different but can put aside our differences to differ on the same thing.

almost went with Surfer Rosa but im partial to Gigantic, it being a ) )black pee pee) song.

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Pretty much. I used to complain about the lack of diversity in taste on this board a lot but its really that way on pretty much every interest board.

their first 3 have better peaks, but all have goofy interlude type tracks that i wouldn't consider 9s or 10s (chesley's little wrists, western homes, 5-4, etc)

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based and vancouverpilled

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Breaking Out sucks dick and Keep Quiet isn't much better.

how is your taste this bad

>Enjoys drawn-out seven-minute over-dramatic 80's pop filler

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Sweepstakes and one other I can't remember are pretty skipable

Artists that bridge genres (and more specifically, demographics) usually seem ahead of their time at when they're released, bit quickly become stale when compared to new trends. Death grips is gonna sound tame and one sided as fuck in a few years now that every white child has been brought up on some variant of hip hop

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I'm based in this opinion but honestly this is meme rap I can chill to anytime and that's a 10/10 for me. No song breaks the vibe of the album.

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Fall Be Kind

>removes bathsalts

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Fuzzybrain by Dayglow is also Meme Music but it's super chill and I listen to it all the time