Where do i even start?

where do i even start?

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I'm embarrassed that I liked his music. I wish I was a teen but I was 23.


self portrait, saved, christmas in the heart


why? dylan's gone through very distinct phases

Bringing it All Back Home is a popular choice, then go forwards or backwards depending on if you liked the folk or the rock side more. Personally, I started with Highway 61.

You'll come around to like him again.

His first album isn't all that good

so what. it's essential to know where he started

With a cart at a shopping mart
you see a passerby and he says
hey give me a bread tie
this ties into society
and you say

Not really. And not straight away.
If his debut was the first album I listened to, I would not listen to another.

dont conflate dylans work with modern shit poetry. He knew his roots and respected the literary tradition, which is a very rare thing now.


greatest hits

Start with;
>The Freewheelin' Bob Dyaln
>The Times They Are a-Changin'

Then move onto the electric trilogy;
>Bringing it all Back Home
>Highway 61 Revisited
>Blonde on Blonde

Then branch out on your own, depending on whether you liked the folk aspects more or the rock etc. Blood on the Tracks is probably an essential listen too.

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>Blood on the Tracks is probably an essential listen
Yeah, his best album is probably essential

>where do i even start?
With his first album, like you would any other artist.

what a scam
I cant get a head of lettuce let alone a tie for work
what a crook to shake my hand
then you take my glans
at Sam's


Taking an honors course on Dylan at uni, thats exactly how the professor told us to listen to him

what did he mean by this

Blonde on blonde has too much harmonica. It’s annoying if you’re listening straight thru

Bump look at these very wrong answers lol.

I decided to get into Bob Dylan recently (as in, last spring)
The way I’ve been doing it is listen chronologically, and listen to each album multiple times before going to the next one. You should also look up the context of each album before listening

How does one get into the Dylanology business?

That's not Oh Mercy.

anything he did with the band fuckin' rocks

the basement tapes
down in the flood live album
planet waves

and so on...