I'm 19, but friends and cousins around me are already marrying and having kids and living my themselves...

I'm 19, but friends and cousins around me are already marrying and having kids and living my themselves. Even my 17yo sisters moved out to live with her bf. Meanwhile I live with parents and still go to school. Am I making the mistake, or are they?
Music for this feel?

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Getting married and having kids in your teenage years is always a mistake. Unless you're a girl and divorce the guy and end up getting half his shit, then it's a win for you.

Work at your own pace. Going down your own path is inevitably a lonely route—and if seemingly, everyone around you is getting much further in life, use it as fuel to work harder. Don't wallow around, feeling detached. You're not making a mistake.


Who the fuck marries and lives alone at 19 lmao
Is it an American thing?

If you're 23+ and not married any resemblance of a healthy relationship is too late a concept for you.

Yeah. My parents were married at 19, never had help from their parents and are now highly successful. You're supposed to take care of yourself not depend on anyone but yourself. Plus you should never let anyone be a burden to you or be a burden to them. It's called life.

That's nice anecdotal evidence and all, but it we go this way, most people who started living alone and marrying young I know are lowlives with dead end jobs.

have sex femcel

>or are they?
no one's a mistake, people are different and everyone has their own pace and aspirations
youtube.com/watch?v=PUlERH7oooQ here's a song to cheer you up

Literal teenager lol. Great Yea Forums thread...


~30 is a normal age for getting married, OP.


wanna be my żona (male) and have multiple dzieci to leech some 500+ money off the government??

marrying before your 20s is a horrible idea
so is moving out in before your 20s unless there's a serious problem with your home situation

I'm 26 and I'm just about to move out.

remember when this site wasn't full of faggots and squares

My friend got married at 18, went to a technical school and had a kid at 20
Opened up a shop and now lives in a nice little house with the missus and two kids
His wife worked at a beauty parlor and is now going back to school to become a nurse
Other friend had a kid at 16, ended up ditching the chick who just became a nurse too. He on the other hand is now in prison
Im 27 and NEET and only just going back to school. You do you user
Dont feel left behind, do what feels right.
I suggest you find what you love and ask yourself where you want to be in 10 years and work for it

its called atomized individualism

Thats very American and I feel sorry for you
In other parts of the world, we take care of each other and families are involved in each others life. We see each other as much as possible in the year, not only for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Even if we cannot see each other physically, we still have family time through regular video chats
We take care of the children in the neighborhood and the elderly too, they dont get shipped off to resort hospices
You are not a burden to family or your community, that is a sad and poor mentality to have

you''re either a slav or a redneck, and yes they are making the mistake.