kokoro is still missing edition
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mentally ill idiots
thanks, would love to eat
holy fuck i can't deal with koreaboo/weeb girls. even if they're attractive they're fucking psycho.
Jo Yuri is a ____
our freakin girls
nasty busan whore
we wanted a seulgi thread
wony looks like a fucking retarded uggo here.
kang tier ears
you look like a fucking retarded uggo 24/7
For me it's Jo Yuri
jennie has no tits
flat chest lazy bitch with the body of a 12 year old boy
old and plastic
does FNC have a new management or something? what happened to them?
time to charge my JO crystal
thereth like ten songth...
the ones I've met were massive attentionwhores, but they were relatively hot, maybe the average looking ones are better
getting jennie a boobjob so she could give you a tit wank
These girls will literally all suicide one day
when did she say that?
post them
if my waifu does that i will kys myself
nobody knows why they aren't participating in schedules and FNC isn't saying anything allkpop.com
post our girls
oh noooo
oh yeah
take your sexualness somewhere else
Jo yuri has a bitch attitude and that is why she has no friends in izone. Also why she goes and hang out with fromis instead.
cant wait
once they hit 30 and theyre no longer "famous" or "attractive" single and want children but no one will want to marry a used up dried ex has been whore who displayed her vagina publicly for a tiny bit of fame and money long gone
I would rather hang out with fromis irl too tbqh
She went home to Ferenginar
nah, she's fine af, meaty in the right places
fucking based
shes in her natural position
on her knees
that's a squat you idiot
Whos excited for the kings return? And whats your favourite song of his
oh nagyung
love my bird bride so much
just want to fly with her through the trees, build her a beautiful nest, give her warm pecks on her soft birdie cheeks
where is she meaty, friend?
shes on the verge of malnourished
ive seen fatter ethiopians
not if they die first user
cute post
chill out elliot
bang bang bang
post her feet
naky you fucking whore
saw sera ryu working in star bucks other day
asked her for a capucino and she spat in it
dirťy bitch
really frustrating. kokoro is such a qt
fucking liar
we can't let seventeen take over, aids
k JaTavious go and fap to your kim kardashian pics
which idols do you think are submissive sub sluts who enjoy a rough pounding?
besides iu and itene that is
post her lewds
does he need to be yg anymore? he unironically made yg a big 3 company
tell me more about this itene
>JiU’s ideal type: Someone who communicates with her well, also a man who can control her a little.
eyy yo baybee shake dat ass fo me like you dids back in US
daddys got a big choco lolly for yous
that was a long time ago
new jisoos
she's a freakin model!
word, sera would never work a real job
kprofiles literally make this shit up
can imagine joy likes being slapped about and having her hair pulled
would degrade the shit out of her
any creepy uncles here who fap to twice?
based you
that site seems to know too much
irene might be the sexiest kpop of all time
Gyeongree > Kyungri
it's for people who don't want to dig deeper because half or the stuff that's there is contradicting the interviews and shows
plus they don't even update it in time, you can still see TOP and Seungri as ideal types lmao
i'm a kyeongnie man myself
V-1 in 2 minutes
I love her
t. 45 years old wonyposter
how is she so cool
when is he coming back? I love this song
Siyeon hwaiting!
we like ms.jang here
perfect from head to toes
sure, just joking, one of the wonyposters is an unsufferable pedo reeing about any idol older than 18
For me it's the one in a billion wonderkid, the most breathtaking visual, the musically gifted and talented angel Jang "Little Wony" Wonyoung
have sex
wonder how many yous went to one guy
she will bring the trophy home
based gook commercials
2/3 of these are me lmao
why are you so oobsessed with sex tho user? smile
naky so tight
gook commercials are more entertaining than wester tv programs
i'm not him but you're the type of shitposter nobody likes but you're too retarded to realize it
when will she hit the wall?
I wish k-idols shilled me something from the tv screen
youre the type of poster that enables posters like me
same I would go broke fast tho
say one nice thing about jisoo before i go to bed friends
she's cute. cya bro
she didn't change much so it's hard to say
thanks friend that means a lot goodnight and protect blackpink
She has nice feet perfect for ____
they dont need protecting
theyve got like 30 blacks surrounding them at all times
ok shut up nobody asked you
siyeons fit though
she's a goddess, it's a shame that you picked her up just to shitpost
>Siyeon's boots
haeyoon is pretty cute
that's their gay band
i love her shut up
i want to stand over her while shes in this position and cum in her back while shes wearing this outfit
i want to time how long it takes for the cum to dribble down her back
when it drips off onto the pavement i will make her lick it all up
dirty girl
>fantagio broke her leg to gain sympathy
cb has a lot of cuties
you are mentally ill fuck you
cutting off and selling to the highest bidder
this stream is super unstable for me tt
Jo Yuri
id break her pussy
my girls
unfortunately that's all we got
really? i've never seen a gook commercial that wasn't cringe. i get embarrassed watching them
>folds pizza
bit rude
i didnt choose to be mentally ill did i?
have some compassion please you ape
i guess i complained too soon, it's been behaving since i dropped the quality and turned off low latency mode
>izone didn't get nyc pizza
im crazy for mina
kang mina?
dont worry pal ol buddy
only people who tell other people to have sex on the internet are people who dont actually have sex
just ignore these wretched cretins
haeyoon is actually pretty good bros
best midget singer confirmed
fromis looks like they were chosen based on how great their bodies are
Is that how they eat pizza in Busan?
yeah those gilette adverts are way better right
it really seems so
what did we think about this pairing
imagine that
almost like sex sells
no those are awful but also not the average. there are some really funny western commercials, there aren't any funny gook commercials it's just them acting like they're literally retarded
>pity points
cute girl and old hag
you guys said k*klo went to sleep what the fuck happened
if let them both have sexual intercourse with me
Have you ever felt COSMO inside of you, /kpg/?
i love sluggie
they were probably molka'd in the changing room and the higher ups just went off of that
why are you here? go to kpopfap
literally 2 posts from the new IP both are complaining. Maybe it's time to find a new hobby?
don't you ever tell me what to do you fucking gook apologist clown
slug slowly siphoning wony's youth.
do you think irene has ever felt cock inside her
me too!
you're the only clown here, sad one too. imagine forcing yourself to be into kpop and hating koreans at the same time. you're fucked in the head m8
h-hahah n-no friend, irene is not like that!
not her. the one i can relate to.
oh no i criticized their commercials lmao fuck off pussy, maybe you're the one that should leave if you're so sensitive
fat slutty piece of shit
whose the harvey weinstein of kpop
our guy
absolutely not
are we in trouble Siyeonbros?
alt stream
how many idols did you subject to watching you masturbate into plants
yes but idk if it's this round or not
Momo wants it right? I swear every picture she posts on IG screams thirst.
everyday day, every hour, every minute, every second
she knows what she's good for
i would 100% do the time for breaking her in and then id sell the blood that came out of her smelly pussy during me demolishing her cunthole
ebay or some shit for lulz
I think she's better *live* vocalist than most. There are technically stronger voices there but that's kinda not the reason I like her vocals.
How much for that cup?
she better kick the mic stand over at some point
every girl on IG wants it
literally he only reason it exists
when they post pictures of their arses it means they want filling up
its like he animal kingdom
you signal your greasy minge for suitable mates and then who ever manages overpower them is a suitable candidate for breedsex
speaking of breading wony wants it bad
ripe AF bros...
lel males instantly voting
can't blame them
just look at those boots
any webms of idols falling off stage or breaking their ankles mid performance ?
i need fap material
our singnie
are there any good DC b-sides?
they have only good b-sides
asking for it
severe lack of gfriend in this thread
all of them
doubt it
all of them
no seriously, they are very different from title songs
i sure i can dig up that webm of cathy falling off the stage, but wouldn't you rather see a healthy, uninjured cathy?
i bet she fucked that guy after that
and many more
I thought it would be 3 vs 3
it's gotta be haeyoon or siyeon here
dont worry i got you senpai
haeyoon is kinda cute, good thing you can't see her profile
based our girl
is that good or bad?
haeyoon robbed.
admire how professional they were continuing on like nothing happened
there's magneto's theme again
so what's the deal now?
will Siyeon go against the winner of this group?
notes fighting~
yes i think it'll be her against the wuju
v-1? more like uggo-1
park chaeyoung
i bet the trot lady loses by 1 point
are you guys watching V-1? Is it good?
Been thinking about giving it a try but it seems like a step down from Girl Spirit.
who is that brunette in the green dress? she's really good
They should have a Miss World style contest for all the visuals
giving it a try? it's not exactly a commitment, the show's got maybe one more episode if they don't just wrap it up tonight
what would you do to her
big feet = firm base
listen to her discography
jung dakyung. came in 4th on miss trot, member of the trot group venus.
Can you guys watch this and tell me what you see
lol the ratings are that bad?
a gay man pathologically obsessed with a 5'5 asian with body issues
I want her to go against siyeon 2bh
it's a singing competition between 12 girls and they're eliminating them multiples at a time. at the end of this episode it's going to be just the two finalists. it was clearly always intended to be like 4 episodes or whatever
why does hnb hide her face in the practice sessions, i doubt you can look much worse than her usual stage self
it's a chuseok special
do they just sing meme songs or are we gonna see a curveball at some point?
Why did Eunha get so much plastic surgery? She looks scary. Would fuck the shit out of her though.
stop the presses. women are worse looking without make up
Siyeon's performance
Which was that gf that flew economy to kcon?
jigan finally
based megan poster
jinja yeppaya
so plastic
that blonde bitch doesn't give a fuck what that guy's trying to say
my trotfu!
based frugal girl of the people
bad song choice
so good
surprised yeonjung makes it through this round i thought her cover was middling and this girl is killing it
foreign members ran away after the group didn't get popular.
if she won right before the comeback it would be so based
why is there a massive tetris block covering jennie
siyeon should cover this for the finals youtube.com
jennie likes flashing herself
Not very good.
not gonna happen, if wuju wins this round that the leaks were right.
she deserves to win
she's always thoroughly covered, though
not in this
literally twitter making shit up
i can't be the only one
this girl's killing it too
she always flash herself
they should finish it today. it will be pretty stupid to put final 2 songs in a different episode
Siyeon is already in her outfit for the next song
I think it will end today
they'd have to put an awful lot of padding into a last episode if it does end up being separate
you wish
you wish she didnt
feet buff
>“V-1” will be a three-day event
make it a dawon thread
i mean its not like she has anything to hide there
based cumbrain
siyeonbros the leaks were real
dakyung robbed
am I the only one who doesn't like siyeon? she sounds so thin and tense
yeonjung was far below those 2
I will believe until the very end