What's the difference between Art Rock, Progressive Rock and Experimental Rock?

What's the difference between Art Rock, Progressive Rock and Experimental Rock?

Attached: gigachad 8.jpg (997x1200, 146K)

>Experimental Rock
Bullshit descriptor describing anything that isn't "intro ABAB bridge A outro". Generally encompasses stuff that's more abrasive or weird
>Art Rock
Another bullshit descriptor describing anything that isn't "intro ABAB bridge A outro". Generally used for things that are more pop music-oriented, but are still somewhat unconventional, like Brian Eno or Berlin-era Bowie
>Progressive Rock
Originally started as a movement in Britain as an attempt at moving rock away from its blues roots to something more inherently British, as well as upping the bombast and self-indulgence with walls of synths and organs and long, drawn-out song structures. Eventually, it grew to mean any rock song with an "epic" feel.

>”epic” feel
stopped reading there

Thanks for reading my post. I put no effort into it.

>Art Rock
>We used a lot of effects and editing therefore it's deep and intellectual
>Progressive Rock
>We used 20 different time signatures in 5 minutes therefore it's deep and intellectual
>Experimental Rock
>We made random farting noises therefore it's deep and intellectual

Yeah right faggot, I can see how passionate you are about music you pathetic cretin

Thanks for responding to my post. I put no effort into it.

>experimental rock is what the name implies
>art rock is experimental rock lite
>progressive rock is boring butt rock for baby boomers if you want to hear cool riffs over unconventional time signatures go listen to math rock

Laughed at that, here have an upvote.

how convenient that it was the end of the sentence.

Yeah right faggot, I can see how passionate you are about posting you pathetic cretin
Yeah I just noticed that

degrees of hating metal

Thanks for replying to my post. I put no effort into it.

>Experimental Rock
anything weird
>Art Rock
anything slightly weird that's "ambitious" but still easily digestible
>Progressive Rock
anything that sounds like it's played by total nerds who whack off to time signature changes and corny synths

Don’t reply to this post or I’m going to kick your fat Mother so hard in the stomach she’ll abort you on the spot

Please do. I don't want to live anymore.

>Art Rock
>look how deep and intellectual we are
>Progressive Rock
>Experimental Rock
>lol we are so quirky and odd XD

There is none as all those buzzwords are used interchangeably to show how much cooler the band you like is when compared to whatever others like. They are meaningless.

This. People want to feel smarter while still listening to popular music.

Art Rock is not a real genre
Progressive Rock = rock for dorks that can't get into jazz
Experimental Rock = rock for dorks that CAN get into jazz

Two of those aren't actual genres and the third one is only a genre because some dads said it was enough times.

>Progressive Rock = rock for dorks that can't get into jazz
>Experimental Rock = rock for dorks that CAN get into jazz
weirdly good definitions actually

>Art Rock
fancy artsy rock
>Progressive Rock
dad rock
>Experimental Rock
jittery experiments

fpbp and /thread

I wanna get into time signature wankery. where do I start?

math rock

pink floyd is most people's first exposure to prog, but if you want something properly wanky you have to go deeper - maybe king crimson or gentle giant or at least early genesis