Genre-defining debut

>genre-defining debut
>everything else after is mediocre or just "okay"

What went wrong?

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They just didn't have a lot of range

same as every other indie band
they spent many years writing their first album
the others were made relatively quickly

antics was still good though

this pretty much

>genre-defining debut
Only if you never heard The Sound and Chameleons

literally who

>'genre defining'
>literally just post punk

lmao wrong

TOTBL: 10/10
Antics: 8/10
Our Love to Admire: 8.5/10
Interpol: 6.5/10
El Pintor: 9/10
Marauder: 8/10

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>I discovered the Sound and the Chameleons in a previous Interpol thread so that means they are the same because someone on Yea Forums said so! But did I really listen to them?

Objectively wrong! Many such cases! Sad! Don't bring up My Dad is Dead!

Please listen to this album. Also the first Chameleons album, but they're more well-known so you'll get them recced again at some point.

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>the other interpol albums are boring because they aren't as well-known, journos didn't give them attention, and i'm too lazy and absent-minded to listen to them and judge them for myself

hey man back off i like antics more than totbl

Already have before you discovered mu
Sick of it brought up all the time when it's not close to Interpol.

it's overrated, every one of their subsequent albums is just as good if not better, especially in the lyric department

>post-punk revival album

yeah sure bud

not defining, just really overrated desu

Yeah I thought their stuff stayed pretty consistently good besides the self title album with Our Love to Admire being their most underrated album.

glad there are some anons that know their shit around here

>pioneer to the falls
>pace is the trick
>rest my chemistry
>light fucking house
>all the rage back home
>my desire
>beeaker 1
>twice as hard
>again, lighthouse
>mediocre or just okay
Go fuck yourself

Objectively right ranking, good show


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>they just repeated what every other band did in the 80s
I like Interpol, but they're just another post-punk band.

they were always absolute trash

This guy gets it. Interpol are fine, but they are not innovative or defining in any sense.

I only seriously got into Interpol this year (didn't really listen to much other than Obstacle 1 and Evil/Slow hands). Then I listened to their 2019 EP, and thought that was a banger. Then I thoughts the other songs from Antics were pretty good. Finally TOTBL was a fucking revelation. A day does not go by not listening to it.

But I guess if you're coming from TOTBL and listening to their newer stuff, you won't really appreciate them.


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Except Antics is better.

ive listened to a lot of post punk and i still think TOTBL is among the best post punk albums, most post punk revival sucks though

I have always thought that El Pintor was better than Turn on the Bright Lights because it's more consistent. Their debut is a decent post punk album with a few really good songs.

Best: Stella
Worst: PDA
Underrated: Say Hello to the Angels
Overrated: Both Obstacles

>Genre defining
I love Interpol but The Strokes were undoubtedly the genre defining acts of the 2000s

I liked Antics and Our Love to Admire, so...

Say Hello to the Angels is such a great song, I used to hate it and then it suddenly clicked

I've seen them live and they played Stella,they really do sound just like the studio, no quality dropoff

lmao no
women did more genre defining than interpol
that album is carried hard by the bass player that’s it
bloc party debut is just as good also

Interpol's guitar work and basslines are ore intricate than any of those bands. The only thing they copped from Chameleons was the use of effects and the more atmospheric approach.

Antics and Our Love To Admire were also fantastic, with greater variety in sound and song structure. El Pintor was a great return to form. The s/t and Matador were pretty average though.

Go back to iHop, grandpa

what is the appeal of this album it just sounds normal to me

this album is GOAT



Any other albums to recommend where the bass stands out as much as in TOTBL? Excluding chili peppers

>what is post punk