what does moo think of the queen of moo, lavren mayberry?
What does moo think of the queen of moo, lavren mayberry?
god could you faggots stop shitposting, i already posted a roll chart in one thread and knowing how fucking sensitive mods are is obvious i will end banned if i post another roll chart
She has small tits
she’s ugly
Why do you want shitty threads to be continuously bumped?
Is qt 3.14 losing her hair? All signs point to receding hairline.
i'm gonna shitpost even harder tonite
so OP can BTFO becuase people give more attention to a roll chart than his shitty thread
Her music is nice.
mega qt
where is brandon
fuck off
fuck you satan
she hit the wall last year, hair loss is coming soon
she's ugly
but not as ugly as those slant eyed bugs you've been posting
keep those suhhumans to yourself
you're both mentally ill
says the guy fawning over some half plastic bug-person
Lavren is gorgeous. I'm a devout Marinafag, but she's so controversial that I'll accept Lavren as the queen.
Bro, don't be racist. You're just weakening our position by sinking to his level.
shut the fuck up you lavrenfag. you're no better.
death to waifufags.
I already told you, I'm a Marinafag :(
Work on your reading comprehension
Marinafags are an endangered species, especially since she aged and got the boob removal.
i didn't bother reading your whole post, on the reply to me because i don't care what a waifufag has to say in a waifufag thread
Maybe, but she's beautiful and IMO Froot is her best album. Great music, attractive, and a good personality. There are other female pop artists whose music I like more, like MIA and Bat for Lashes, and there are others I find more attractive, like Camila Cabello, but Marina's the whole package.
"Marina" is literally the seventh word of my post. I'm pretty sure you're just illiterate.
>"Marina" is literally the seventh word of my post. I'm pretty sure you're just illiterate.
i mean i only read what was below my post number, indicating that was what pertained to my post. in the same way i won't read the top half of your most recent post.
I'm not berating you for being a marinafag, but I've been here long enough to remember her threads being full of posts.
bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3
fake brandon
>90134909 (You)