Attached: 67761232_2333039653614357_4419747554670831370_n.jpg (960x960, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For me it's Jo Yuri

Attached: 1cb4e56429190a0b6808dfe7bc75fc69.jpg (1000x1000, 170K)

i love somi

Attached: somi borzongos.webm (496x912, 2.5M)

we wanted a seulgi thread

small but perky

Attached: 1567672956042.webm (580x772, 1.56M)

Attached: 1552325028982.jpg (942x1200, 151K)

literally smaller than yuna

Attached: 1568512692223.webm (1318x1714, 2.77M)

Attached: yenasuki.webm (720x1280, 2.75M)

Yena is still more cute than sexy though
She got put with the younger girls in so curious instead of being in Ayayaya

Attached: EDeI5KOVUAEtXOB.jpg (1800x1200, 201K)

but you got a Boyz 12 one instead!!

Attached: df54s7f98gs8df.jpg (512x288, 72K)

eww she looks like sluggo from that angle

why the fuck are there 7 threads?

KPOP threads are the cancer of this board and should be moved to /gif/ as they are not about music at all

You fucking worthless waifufags. You have no girlfriends and your mothers don't love you

cub is gay but which members has she been with?

can the guy from last thread PLEASE explain more about yuri's attitude problem..? is it true?


she had cancer
really bad genes

Attached: EC3_nCnVUAANw1_ (1).jpg (1536x2048, 947K)

Attached: haseulie.webm (960x540, 2.62M)

anyone have the webm of her looking crosseye'd as fuck?

Yuri is pure idiot

retards don't know how to delete their threads when they lose. if you don't know how to delete a thread don't make one

actually that's not true we talk about musical artists here

Attached: ED7wvf_UEAIDJ3g.jpg (1000x1500, 95K)

Attached: EEZFXFxUcAIwog-.jpg (1024x950, 76K)

she definitely had some nightly romps with mina

Attached: 1554304338371.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Attached: 1565590749380.webm (902x960, 2.97M)

>that profile

Attached: sadfg8sdf677sdf6g.gif (500x276, 971K)

based shartman

Attached: shartman unite!.jpg (446x500, 62K)

lmao they almost ran into eachother. kpop is a joke

loveyourself and stan bts

good yena is black hair yena only


Attached: yena yuri drink.webm (676x720, 1.38M)

why did you post this

Attached: 1547952017812.jpg (335x363, 14K)

Knew it was rumor before I even clicked kek

Attached: EC0GDpSVAAAYxGh.jpg (1396x759, 75K)

>izone dancing

Attached: yuri violent.webm (360x500, 1.15M)

yena is hot as fuck and can somebody please post that piano webm with her and yuri?


Attached: EEaIrJ-UEAAwT_P.jpg (1422x2048, 266K)

Yuri is a piece of shit that likes fromis over izone

blonde jiho is a gift

Attached: it7gva81jnm31.jpg (1000x1500, 217K)

Attached: 1541356491842.jpg (1000x1499, 315K)

Yena is for her oppa only

Attached: Screenshot_20190821-234901.jpg (2280x1080, 688K)

i see nothing wrong with that

Attached: D2lzmIOWsAIr5B6.jpg (1463x2048, 244K)

girls sitting in hallways with their feet on the wall is a silly asian thing. silly fucking asians

Attached: 1555743011331.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)


I've been posting in kpg for 8 years and I couldn't agree more with this sentiment

Attached: D1YD7YmUcAAAFxU.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

thank you for posting my wife

there's only two idols in recent memory that look amazing with blonde hair; jiho and naky

Attached: EA6vCeRUwAA6DXO.jpg (1365x2048, 513K)


Attached: kf2gh6jdfg7h87f.png (1920x1080, 307K)

Imagine waking up in nayeons arms

what about chaeyou- haha just kidding

flopis are scum

please send proof of yuri's attitude problem or i wont believe you retard

any sharkman in

Doesn't Yuna have the largest in Itzy? Not that it's saying much.

Attached: 1567363058163.webm (1032x1080, 2.96M)

not mentioned but

Attached: yena.jpg (3386x5079, 752K)

Attached: ECy5aDtUYAEOyqo.jpg (1536x2048, 501K)

Attached: 1567192883426.jpg (1333x2000, 404K)


Attached: senior goblin.jpg (1450x2048, 248K)

the perfect size, and we can infer a good nipple definition too

Attached: 1567539210828.jpg (1000x1393, 130K)

wony's tight little pussy

me on the right


Attached: yeji in russia.jpg (1080x1344, 1.62M)

cultural appropration whiteface doing bitch. im glad the actual kpop starts themselves dont make money, but the people who have raped them numerous times get it. very distinctly korean thing


Attached: 72cba3c9736e19aaba69a959e7b03078.jpg (1000x750, 86K)

Attached: FlawedFavoriteCreature.webm (776x796, 1.3M)

i opened this by accident, big mistake

but i want her to wake up in my arms

Attached: bunny zoom in.webm (720x1280, 395K)

imagine yeji doing this

Will Stone debut another girl group built around Yuri once Izone is done? She's clearly not solo quality but I'm not clear on how many female trainees they have actually collected.


whites aren't niggers you idiot, we're flattered when imitated

left and middle are really busted

>imagine a girl with inferior feet doing this
no thanks

Attached: 1576698466662.jpg (1366x2048, 509K)

Attached: e2d6b3d67ced30d91bcab3c81ca84917.jpg (960x720, 111K)

Royal Maknae

Attached: 62D4965C-45E6-40F2-85B0-CB4C0EA2C722.png (250x250, 98K)

Yeah no

Attached: ECnoe9GU8AAjRKZ-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 333K)

did you misspell nako?

Attached: EEZ2ZJ9XkAAKTbn.jpg (2048x1536, 470K)

are you childsized or something? you need to wake up with her in your arms. very virgin of you lel

Attached: sana2.jpg (1387x2048, 501K)

nooo yejibros noooooooooooo

Attached: 1558291481264.jpg (1230x1853, 198K)

whats his name?

when Gyuri leaves to become an actress she'll joinf romis

seductive lip touch

>clearly not solo quality
explain retard?

Attached: 1166656666665.jpg (744x423, 71K)

every click, view, album/shirt/concert ticket purchased is basically just putting money in rapist slaveowner pockets. supporting kpop is essentially funding terrorism

>tfw the youngest sibling and no little sis to comfort

Attached: 1540565463073.jpg (702x800, 93K)

Attached: DXIdtDaU8AA2VJY.jpg (1365x2048, 395K)

Why is cherry bullet not even on the radar

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Attached: 1566663717666.jpg (1000x1393, 193K)

they're shit

no we are not

Attached: 1566441523653.jpg (653x518, 35K)

they're practicing their stealth

they're on my radar, i love all 6 of their songs and hope they come back soon

blonde yeeun mogs all of them

fromis are awkward as fuck together. if you watch them on variety shows seems like they lowkey hate each other.

hope yuri isnt forced to join such a hateful nugu group

What does her bf look like?

Attached: 2019-03-11_143904.jpg (545x408, 42K)

>you need to wake up with her in your arms
thats exactly what i am saying, why would i want it the other way

Attached: bunny water.webm (478x850, 2.87M)

Attached: 456543454345.gif (268x310, 1.01M)

i am rock hard for those fuzzy abs

no sexy members

Nah Fromis bond is eternal. Yuri, Sian and Eunyoung might be enough to build a unit around though.

Attached: D-ranfUU8AAiFAr-orig.jpg (1440x1440, 238K)

What does their bf look like?

my favorite sanas

fromis bond? have u ever watched them in interviews or variety? rly awkward vibes i think they hate each other

i do like lisa but i've never had the energy to get around to lisa. i blame jennie

never seen a girl this ugly before


Attached: 1562953496000.jpg (1080x1080, 205K)


Attached: 1563341831053.jpg (768x960, 80K)


Too many members need to push Yuju and Jiwon way more.

Attached: EAOYIlFX4AAGLvJ-orig.jpg (1334x2000, 482K)



Attached: bread bunny.jpg (806x1024, 130K)

post her ass

nice dubu

Attached: 1550424461910.jpg (1500x1383, 201K)

members MIA

i want to eat her

Attached: DKn4HupU8AA9Ttw.jpg (1365x2048, 249K)

is that you cannibal user?

Nah, they definitely have some groups that spend all their time together that are roughly sorted on age but watching their vlives and they seem pretty cool with each other. Definitely better chemistry than Izone.

Just so you know, we don't give a shit about your jpop recs, nigger.

Attached: 70adb7e.jpg (2730x4096, 1.22M)

the 2 types of dubu posters

>MBC: “The women accompanied Yang Hyun-suk’s guests at the party each got a 5 million won Chanel bag”
blackpink finito

Attached: D__-9JpUYAAyOaT.jpg (1365x2048, 166K)

never seen a girl this ugly before

*shits himself*

no sana no life

Attached: TWICE_11.jpg (1200x1860, 206K)

Attached: ryujin delivering the feetmogging of a lifetime.webm (1430x1044, 2.29M)

>Definitely better chemistry than Izone
obvious bait

Too risqué for these pure girls.

you support the rape of all these girls. just so you know

is that all it costs?

Attached: DUoH8PoVwAEMCqV.jpg (1280x1920, 247K)

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Attached: 1568430045467.jpg (2000x2800, 455K)


blonde idols are the best

Attached: 839ffbcabbf70099d7db10f8c535962c01574d0a.jpg (721x960, 96K)

>p-please listen to jpop! p-p-please!!!

Attached: EC7QAbhWkAAyCpD.jpg (634x634, 105K)

Attached: D6KU2ogU8AAUkPN.jpg (1400x2100, 228K)

you haven't watched fromis variety

would rim all day

Based shartman

i'm feeling special alright

it looks wrong

Attached: DXnDuArUMAA16wF.jpg (1000x1500, 176K)

*extremely gay whiny voice* never seen a girl this ugly before


buttnasty tranny

>bangs Sana
oh my

*extremely gay whiny voice* buttnasty tranny


so thats what haseulie was up to during her break


Attached: heejinbox.webm (1920x1080, 372K)

Attached: blatant feet marketing.webm (406x720, 2.61M)

Attached: 1567481694510.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

*extremely gay whiny typing*


Attached: ED_c2Z6U0AAjlu-.jfif.jpg (749x927, 123K)



no one has, their youtube vids gets get literally 1/10th the views of izone's lmfao

Attached: beach sana.jpg (600x1024, 80K)


Attached: 1567569022432.jpg (1365x2048, 243K)

Attached: dragon feet.webm (846x1080, 217K)

sluggo looks 60


was surprised how well she did at the korean wrestling. was expecting her to get steamrolled

don't be like that

Attached: DGr8t8TUMAAfHxy.jpg (2048x1366, 215K)

How did Lisa hurt you?

Nice to see your ban expired

Attached: 117d2cbad327d0917d5106efa2cf4580e04db85690617fa757c9b5170d67c64d0_o_st.jpg (960x961, 91K)


Attached: b3f1125.png (1080x704, 377K)

>views etc etc
you izone niggas just talk about quantity instead of the quality

my cock


because 1 can be measured objectively and the other is simply down to opinion

Best new waifu coming through

Attached: EDDkhpXWkAI8WbI-orig.jpg (1080x1081, 207K)

here she is

Attached: 1552590872421.jpg (1136x1514, 227K)

>golden rolex
>red hooker handbag
>that dress
It's like she deliberately wants to look like a prostitute

stop trying to make ugliness acceptable you dumb roastie

Nayeon needs to be holding me. It's boring the other way around.

beautiful seulgi pic

whitoids strong

Attached: DX00UiqVAAIzwjt.jpg (1333x2000, 327K)

looks like the slut i was just jerking off to

izone's last album was undeniably better than Fromis' last album

Attached: Hayoung Instagram 190314.webm (480x360, 2.49M)

Attached: feet fight.webm (1424x1080, 2.81M)

Lisa is Thai, under Jennie's influence and nouveau riche, she can't help it

Attached: 201908241814777439_5d61028d4ae13.jpg (530x662, 37K)

stop watching porn

Attached: Dal06baV4AAuOXO.jpg (997x1500, 276K)

flopis stans always shit on izone out of jealousy when we should be allies... they are sister groups

cope nigger

you wish

wasn't even for spamming haggy if you can believe that.

Attached: 6frpfxy7lox21.png (1000x1500, 1.55M)

Ew... looks like a white woman...

Who will be more successful?
Everglow with Yena
Rocket Punch with Chaewon

Attached: EDhevrwUcAAsWaS.jpg (1125x1111, 148K)

my wife wins every feet fight

that's definitely a seulgi pic friend

Imagine Nancy saying this in her Disney voice

your sisters didn't fight?

Attached: DWzxB6lU0AEDf1Z.jpg (1436x1915, 283K)


Attached: 1556691192287.webm (588x678, 1.95M)

bunny was made to be held, why else would she be so fluffy looking

Attached: comfy bun.jpg (2060x2918, 1.47M)

that's really mean

Attached: 0b5132f265be019628901a3e0d7ef861db8e1234.jpg (1206x2048, 240K)


Attached: 1565118206392.jpg (1080x1350, 179K)

All good points. I concur.

Attached: Pattaya bar dance Lisa.webm (886x1080, 2.93M)

nah your sluggo definetly looks like a busted old ahjumma see

chimp > yena but eg are doing better than rp currently so it's hard to say

why would you post seulgi then insult her? are you bipolar?

saving this one. very hot.

i need more dtna content

Attached: chewy glasses.jpg (1495x2048, 985K)

>we should be allies
fuck you

Jennie is such a disgusting whore. She's like Hyuna on steroids.

make me

Attached: 1568490734761.jpg (2184x3276, 1.39M)

she actually has a porn star voice so it would be weird

Attached: DUHbWckVAAAApzj.jpg (1363x2047, 367K)

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Attached: EBmTF_fUwAAT-mX.jpg (2730x4096, 1.11M)

Attached: 1568434368386.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

vivi vs chewy in a fist fight

i hope izone never disband

flopis stans started this dude.

Lisa is mesmerising

Attached: 1564552481922.jpg (1242x1242, 150K)

chewy easily. she's much larger and would not be inhibited by weak human emotions

Attached: chewydtna1.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

how hard would she hit if it were nayeon

Attached: 1568378733455.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Attached: sana confetti.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

S- Sonamoo?

Attached: tzuyu beach.webm (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Attached: 0.png (1199x822, 1.23M)

Vivi actually has muscles though

Attached: die faggots.jpg (598x598, 42K)

Attached: 1561086913562.jpg (2160x3840, 3.24M)

the hammer would have popped

why the fuck havent momoland released english songs if like 5 of them speak english better than jennie and rose

someone get the plunger looks like we got a shit stuck in the thread

are they officially dead now?

wow, she's beautiful

yeah like an anorexic pattaya bar girl but her ass has a surprising amount of jiggle

Attached: Lisa whore hump.webm (1400x1080, 2.35M)

naky you fucking whore

It's inevitable that the starship girls will go. Losing them won't do much, but losing Yena and Chaewon and that's most of their talent.

Attached: db84e14.jpg (2831x4444, 3.57M)

naky you fucking whore

nice butt ma'am
nice button ma'am

naky you fucking whore

only two momolands speaking english

meant to quote

what a qt

post-izone predictions for each member?

I wanna hit tzuyu during our consensual S&M session

sakura jav please please please

bruh, they live in Korea

Nah I like both, wish OTR would give them more chances to interact with each other though.

Attached: 1567303248139.jpg (1000x1500, 217K)

it's called korean pop, not english pop

cute pabos

Judging by Yuqi's handle bars, I'd say Queendom's stylists support hong kong

3 if you consider daisy to still be in the group (ahin and Nancy make up the remaining triuumvirate)

thanks for the (you) faggot

Attached: dont ya know.jpg (720x720, 51K)

retard strength momo vs chewy in a fist fight

Attached: 1561391285660.jpg (1200x1919, 753K)

nothing beats the tards

change it to wrestling and I've seen that JAV before

Attached: nagyungxheechul.png (773x966, 744K)

but i don't

ugly shart

What is it about red velvet that attracts the far right?

kind a diabolic

>throw candy bar
>kick retard in face
Tzuyu stomps 10/10

Attached: 1549472718787.jpg (700x664, 63K)

wendy being a nazi

Attached: cf95c9f.jpg (2831x4444, 3.54M)


Attached: 11385104_1596892373905925_948701981_n.jpg (640x640, 82K)

Attached: E7CD42CF-C588-4A66-9AC6-D63E0AF2F684.gif (480x271, 487K)

this dude has fucked practically every kgirl and gotten away with it. unbelievable

Attached: Chungha - Snapping (3).webm (1280x536, 2.91M)

chewy would dominate with her amazon strength and centaur thighs

Attached: 2a7ewm27kgk31.jpg (1626x2329, 998K)

do you honestly believe daisy's coming back?

In 3 years of kpg this is the first time I've seen an anime reaction image

you got more?

this actually used to be a based general until the fags and trannies invaded

Attached: 1567558731578.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)

RP + Chaewon and maybe Eunbi should easily become Woollim's top girl group
Everglow + Yena should be solid and help them in the event Yiren gets sent back to make crazy money in China.

I haven't seen Starships other female trainees but WJSN are in a solid place right now so debuting a group around Wonyoung and Yujin seems like a no brainer.

Will be interesting to see if Sakuchan graduates and joins a Kpop agency. Hopefully not WM.

Attached: 06655acc95556224b9b6f7105aa0295bffe6a858.gif (412x498, 3.45M)

you should have been here earlier when he posted an avengers reaction image from makeameme

God I hope not, but probably, being under Total Shit Entertainment

well he was the host of idol school. he could not have fucked all of fromis

Attached: heechulxnakyung.jpg (1080x1350, 246K)

reminder that that jihyo thread is early and is NOT the thread

it's fräulein seulgi

Attached: 000b1f6e969.jpg (1000x1500, 188K)


Someone needs to rescue Dana

Attached: 1561891689101.gif (420x378, 3.92M)

how long has it been

where’s my (you)?

you’re good, I’ll give you that

Attached: 03062f55ef0363efb2f88d3403136657f41ac40a.jpg (640x640, 36K)

Attached: 1538614312184.jpg (467x413, 52K)

months, she and taeha had different contracts tho, dunno what's the deal with that

Attached: 1560587512287.jpg (1336x2004, 282K)


they were losers and added later

what the fuck are you even talking about? where is this jpop stuff coming from? you're responding to the wrong person retard.

anyway, do these kpop girls think it's worth it? they make about 90% less than their western counterparts, the extreme cranial surgeries that shave off like 1/3 of the bone they had on their head, the hours of makeup everyday before they can be seen, as forced on them by their owners, the countless rapes and assault they had to endure, and still endure to be in their star position, having to keep their relationships a secret even though part of their deal was knowing and having that cameras are constantly pointing at them and that they have to force a quirky cute personality at all times, the grueling hours of voice training and remembering dance moves, incrdibly strickt diets because they cant surpass a certain weight, etc etc. life of a kpop star sound like hell, and i think they no one would willfully go into that life, so im thinking they were groomed and beaten/raped into some sort of stokholm syndrome type psychological state to do this from a very young age. come to think of it, are there any kpop idols who have famous parents or are ever seen with them going out? maybe these girls were made in a laboratory lol. they may as well have been with how mutant-esque and fake they are

dubu eilish

Attached: 1568389410715.jpg (720x720, 39K)

why is it trashy when Lisa does this, but empowering when Mamamoo shakes their saggy loose asses on stages

everyone already migrated to the new thread, retard. also, too long, literally didn't read.