Barry: Girl you're gonna feel a little prick. All: Girl, you need a shot of B12, you know.. you.. do.. Barry: You got B12 flowin' through your system. Snot: Better loose that boyfriend before I fist him. Steve: B12 will make you feel all bright and alert. Barry: Lay down in my bed and take off your shirt. Abraham H.: Boyz 12s the biggest boy band and that's for sure. Constantine: More boys than I think you've ever seen before. Boris: Dark leafy greens will give you other things, but you'll get B12 when my man sings. Steve: Oh girrl, you need a shot of B12.. All: Break it out! Barry I'm B1 and I'm tons of fun. Georgie: I-I-I-I'm B2 I wanna get with you. Toshi: I'm B3, wanna be with me? TJ: I'm B4 and I'll make you soar. Parker: I'm B5 I'll make you feel alive. Steve: I'm B6 I pick up sticks. Snot: I'm B7 I'll take you to heaven. Victor: I'm B8 and I am great. Abraham: I'm B9 and I'm so fine. Boris: I'm B10, I remember when.. Abraham H.: I'm B11, I'm in love with B7 Constantine: I'm B12 and we're.. All: Boyz 12! Girrl, you need a shot of B12, you know.. you.. do.. Snot: Roll call. Barry: Barry! Georgie: Georgie! Toshi: Toshi! TJ: TJ! Parker: Parker! Steve: Steve! Snot: Snot! Victor: V-V-V-V-Victor Abraham: Abraham! Boris: Boris! Abraham H.: Abraham H.! Constantine: and Constantine! All: Girrl, you need a shot of B12.. Parker: Lets hear about the boys. Barry: Fat boy. Georgie: Bad boy. Toshi: Japanese! TJ: My sister died. Parker: I'm sweet. Steve: I can sing. Snot: Gorgeous! Victor: I'm B8, I've got the penis of a man. Abraham: My parents got divorced. Boris: I'm hypoglycemic Abraham H.: I'm grumpy Constantine: I'm sleepy, and together we are.. All: Boyz 12! Girrl, you need a shot of B12, you know.. you.. do.. Girrl, you want a shot of Boyz 12, It's o.. ver.. due..