What are some albums with undeniable good production?

What are some albums with undeniable good production?

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Die ironic weeb

the only ironic here is you

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David bowie - Heroes
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Death grips - The Money Store
Enforcer - Diamonds
Swans - To Be Kind

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>no u
The power....of tourists...

>Death grips - The Money Store
too compressed

Stop shitting up the thread with your autistic screeching please


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For any other genre, yes, but for their style of aggressive hip hop it's totally fine.
The sheer amount of sound design on that thing is breathtaking.

Clarence Clarity - NO NOW
Clarence Clarity - NO NOW
Clarence Clarity - NO NOW

that's a good one yea


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Nah. Kys ironic weeb

Filosofem sounds fantastic for what it is. He had a certain aesthetic in mind and he nailed it 100%.

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>those synths in Jesus' Tod buried under layers of distorted guitar

Varg is a genius.


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There's overproduced, and then there's so overproduced that it transcends into it's own level of kino.

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>following Youtube "personalities"

You fucking bottomfeeder. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously as a person?

the only ironic here is still you

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