Hey, you. Yeah you. I see you browsing while listening to Popular music

Hey, you. Yeah you. I see you browsing while listening to Popular music.

Attached: adorno.jpg (800x1000, 143K)

AH AH AH don't you try and switch to Classical now. Popular music listenin ass.

Attached: adorno2.jpg (736x414, 32K)

Only my whitenoise is playing sir

I'm studying it

im sorry digiorno please forgive me

Frankfurt School were satanic Sabbatean-Frankists.

hey that's the guy who wrote the beatles songs

i wish i was smart enough to understand

When will this meme die? Adorno literally hated hippies as much as the John Birch society

Hey, you. Yeah you. I see you being dead for the last 50 years.

>"muh frankfurt school" meme fag who even knows who Adorno is
Gotta give you credit there

Imagine how much more functional and well-adjusted general society would be if we made Marxists and peedophiles free game for everyone else to take their frustrations and contempt out on without reprisal. I really think it would be healthy for everyone and I can't think of more deserving targets.

Remember when the Soviet Union and China and North Korea all became degenerate shit holes full of the influence of gays and bourgeoise minorities who acted like they were oppressed even though economically they were just as well off if not better off than the average working class white?

Oh wait that was America and Western Europe woops

Yes, please tell me more about the wonders of living in China and North Korea.

Attached: 3kj4iDZv_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

>no niggers
>no faggots
>China has a robust middle class and in the DPRK the class system has become virtually obsolete
>sense of culture and history shared among majority of the people

They aren't utopias but they're preferable from a traditionalist sense to living in the USA or Europe

no degenerates and a resemblance of culture

>commie sissies are now reverting to /pol/ talking points from like 4 years ago

What an exciting timeline to find oneself in. Goddamnit, November 2016 really did a number on you sad confused fucks.

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John Maus has a good take on Adorno

>expliclity say "I support a socialist nation which still exists because there is no degeneracy"
>hurrr your a tranny
Why is it so impossible for you to argue with regretting to /pol/ strawmen? If I was a sissy PC Twitter faggot I would be explicitly against China (except for le ebin Hong Kong cuz "muh democracy") and think the DPRK is some sort or modern Asian form of Nazism or some shit

If you're a liberal and you have some sort of boner for idealistic things like "muh freedom" then fine but argue from it from that angle don't pretend like someone can simultaneously argue for China/DPRK from the perspective of them bring anti-degenerate and also be "tranny commies"

You're seeking redemption and China / DPRK are the holy land

>I think these countries have preferable socioeconomic arrangements to these other ones
>okay why
>give reasons rooted in things that have traditionally led to stable societies with a happy populace and contrast them with the other countries which don't operate on these principles and point out how comparatively unhappy and unstable they are
>hurrr ur just as irrational as a religious person
Here's your (you) now go back to r/JordanPeterson faggot

and that is?

I imagine you were preaching something wildly different from this a few years ago. I imagine you're going to be preaching something wildly different a few years from now. I imagine you couldn't do a day without the comforts provided for you by the "degenerate West". In fact, I imagine those comforts make up for a substantial portion of your being even at this very moment, if not the entirety of it. Just accept that you're a confused sissy and suck that cock, my dude. Might do you some good. Might make you come to certain substantial conclusions about yourself at last.

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>I imagine
Sorry m8 this isn't actually an argument. Cry harder

fuck dengism and fuck china
in a sense he's right a lot of americans are turning to "radical" Leftism with a sort of religious fervor and see marxism as an absolution fantasy
there are more grizzly bears than marxists in the united states

I've got a sixth sense for this sort of thing, always have. Don't see you denying it either desu.
Substantial character is only built through the active pursuit of struggle rather than passive enduring of the same. So what the fuck do you know about North Korea, you weedy fuck?

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t. kennedi

I told you about the Dwight Yoakam & the impending American Civil war part duex. Dwight's a classy broad & he'd most likely fight for the darkies.

>you didn't deny it
I did actually I reiterated that if I were a tranny I wouldn't support nation-states which don't even recognize and (in the USSR and China's case) are actively hostile to my "community"
>Substantial character is only built through the active pursuit of struggle rather than passive enduring of the same
Which is why I should support the boomer globalist status quo which has dictated western affairs for 50+ years now?

i really enjoy the juxtaposition between the brutal psychological dissection of this leftypol reject and these retarded-ass viper album covers
it's poetic stuff

>Strawman arguments and conjecture are a "dissection"

same man

and a dead brother

>mfw my album only has 79 monthly listeners
>mfw none of the YouTube videos for it have more than 30,000 views

Attached: haha aw yeah.jpg (484x530, 24K)

no, not popular music like that
popular music in the academic sense of mass appeal

“If ever there was a critic of the fetishizing effect of fascinating and dazzling "leitmotifs", it is Adorno: in his devastating analysis of Wagner, he tries to demonstrate how Wagnerian leitmotifs serve as fetishized elements of easy recognition and thus constitute a kind of inner-structural commodification of his music. It is then a supreme irony that traces of this same fetishizing procedure can be found in Adorno's own writings. Many of his provocative one-liners do effectively capture a profound insight or at least touch on a crucial point (for example: "Nothing is more true in pscyhoanalysis than its exaggeration"); however, more often than his partisans are ready to admit, Adorno gets caught up in his own game, infatuated with his own ability to produce dazzlingly "effective" paradoxical aphorisms at the expense of theoretical substance (recall the famous line from Dialectic of Englightment on how Hollywood's ideological maniuplation of social reality realized Kant's idea of the transcendental constitution of reality). In such cases where the dazzling "effect" of the unexpected short-circuit (here between Hollywood cinema and Kantian ontology) effectively overshadows the theoretical line of argumentation, the brilliant paradox works precisely in the same manner as the Wagnerian leitmotif: instead of serving as a nodal point in the complex network of structural mediation, it generates idiotic pleasure by focusing attention on itself. This unintended self-reflexivity is something of which Adorno undoubtedly was not aware: his critique of the Wagnerian leitmotif was an allegorical critique of his own writing. Is this not an exemplary case of his unconscious reflexivity of thinking? When criticizing his opponent Wagner, Adorno effectively deploys a critical allegory of his own writing - in Hegelese, the truth of his relation to the Other is a self-relation.”