Music Post-internet
ITT: Internet Music
I could kick this guy's ass. I could beat him severely. I could make him cry.
2nd this
As far as his album goes I went in as open minded as possible because Veteran was p good. This one has even better production but god damn is that nigga tough to listen to. I physically cringe anytime he attempts to funny which is basically the whole of his personality. Turned off after like 3 songs
Wow my favorite artist Reddit Death Grips!
I might be unironically disappointed with this album. Shame.
Well, his whole discography is like that, what's different about the new album?
when are you gonna admit you've been spamming your shit here for years, Peggy?
>Reddit Death Grips!
No one actually likes this right? Like I haven't talked to a single person that actually thinks this is good. Can anyone that likes it tell me why they like it?
Jpegmafia fans like it because they're largely an audience self-hating whites, so naturally the concept of a rapper who incessantly insults them is like fucking heroin to them.
You sound retarded
Yeah, I don't really enjoy the constant hating on "crackas" shit. I ususally try to ignore "racist" lyrics in music and focus on the sound when I listen to stuff but Jpeg's lyrics are literally the centerpiece of the album, I can't just ignore it like I could in black metal or something
Chuds are SEETHING at the AOTY
imagine painting your face green
gay nigger from outter space
This is AOTY.
/pol/ on suicide watch
kek dude I also like this album but posting a subreddit is not a good look for us at all get the fuck out faggot
from the original internet rapper
>listen nigga, niggas do nigga shit
>quick to get pissed when they do some ignorant shit
>you tell 'em nigga means ignorant then they say some nigga shit
>then sit all innocent like they don't give a shit
>come to find out nobody was listening
>then they do some nigga ignorant shit again for attention
>just to be mentioned by niggas who really weren't listening
very cool how this applies to joint photographics expert groupmafia as he is just a reactionary one trick shetland pony
Maybe for white people who just want a rapper whose only topics are memes and white people. Danny Brown and Playboi Carti both have albums coming out though. And they both have lyrics that won't age nearly as poorly as Peggy's dumb bullshit that won't mean anything to anyone in like 10 years.
you have to be 18 or older to use Yea Forums
James Ferraro
If I'm black and can listen to Brethren/Organized Resistance then why can't whites listen to jpeg?
/pol/ fags take the internet seriously, forgetting the old ethos of the internet where people who thought it was "srs bsns" got laughed at
I enjoy it because I like the glitchy off kilter sound in his production, some of his lyrics I’m not that into though all the time, but it feels almost like it has a “digital-raw” type of sound that I enjoy a lot. Artists like Cities Aviv, Melacrusin, and aNTOJE are a few of the ones pushing this stuff heavy rn.
nah I've moshed with peggy, he's crazy
you get what you fucking deserve
I'm willing to bet that most white people do actually choose to listen to music that's hateful towards themselves over music that's hateful towards other people. Which makes Jpeg's antagonism towards white people all the more perplexing because he can actually have a successful career doing something that a white power band would be protested to hell for doing. It's white people who are giving him money and it's white people who would be protesting if a Brethren show came to their city.
So... What's he so mad about?
Nah white boy, you have no chance
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that Playboi Carti is going to end up releasing a better album than this. Fucking retard
when did Yea Forums get so sensitive and soft?
>he fell for the jpegmeme
damn ive never seen anyone ever mention aNTOJE on here, his prod is light years ahead of anything on this album, dude should be getting way more attention than he currently has
It's not a genuine antagonism it's 100% about drama and theatrical effect
>Imagine owning a Sargon body pillow
and I think my life is pathetic
Wow, didn’t know mu was really this fragile. Y’all offended that he’s calling you out for not saying shit to his face, and putting imaginary hits on you imaginary people? lol you took the bait hard
This album is incredibly inventive and very interesting to listen to. I like it a lot, much better than any of his previous work, I can't say that I enjoy listening to any of his other albums in full, but I've listened to this like 3 times so far. I haven't really paid attention to the lyrics because I'm distracted by the production and the vocal energy, but I really don't give a fuck what he's saying. It might be my favorite hip hop album of the year, but its too soon to tell if I'll continue listening to this.
On my fourth listen, and I'm the lyrics along with it. Haven't really noticed him being cringey trying to be funny, or much white hate at all. Even if there is white hate on here, its far from distracting.
This album is amazing. If you like experimentation in your hip hop, you should listen to this. I'm hooked already, I can't imagine dismissing this album.
Really fucking great album, maybe I'm still on the honey moon phase but it's probably going to be my favourite of the year
Title track, Jesus forgive me, Thot Tactics, Free The Frail, DOTS, Papi i missed U, K&K are my favourites, but every track is great