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bahaha JUST

Imagine seriously taking this picture of yourself

No really, imagine putting that rope over your head, really trying to put a "thingken about life" face on and taking a fucking picture of it

Hahahahah fucking hell, just imagine... I mean, wew, just imagine taking a picture of yourself like that. I mean fucking seriously, imagine.

didn't he actually try to kill himself?

That's clearly what he wants us to think

In your 40s or 50s no less

reminder EMS barely got in time there , Dave's no faggot like who doesn't understand what depression can do to you, he's clearly not thinking straight and about what could look akward

yes and we saved him

>I wanna kill myself, I literally don't want to live anymore
>better take a pic first


Attached: 1542912971571.jpg (337x426, 23K)

>feelin cute and suicidal, might delete later


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and adding that filter nd postinf it online


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What, the first thought when wanting to end your own life wouldn't be "better take a filtered photo of it with the rope around my neck for all the people online"?

Wtf is wrong with you? You don't have a funny picture with a rope on your neck? Or a funny picture in female clothes? Or a funny picture with dog's dick in youf mouth? Do you ever heard about fun?

Only deep tortured souls like us and Slint guy understand, brother.

Ag gf cu hh

>real transcript from a minute after OP's picture was taken

poor mr. slint

Don't make fun of David's depression

Maybe he shouldn't be such an overwhelming faggot about it.

why are asian men so cringe

overwhelming how..? the guy is (and has been throughout most of his life) mostly really secretive

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Look at that fucking picture.

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