How come women don't understand music? They have the shittiest tastes and don't seem to truly appreciate it

How come women don't understand music? They have the shittiest tastes and don't seem to truly appreciate it

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they only care about money and dicks

It truly saddens me they're so shallow. Even those who claim to care have a really superficial understanding of their "favorite" band

Have sex

Women are very social creates whose actions and thoughts all revolve around how it'll be received by others, or at least by other women and high status men. Being too invested into music that is not currently in the mainstream makes one vulnerable to judgement, so as a result women tend to solely listen to what is most popular. Not because they necessarily enjoy it but because they can't possibly be seen listening to something that others aren't listening to. Of course there are some women who realize how identical they are to all the other girls out there, so they attach themselves to an "outsider" scene in a desperate attempt to be unique by wearing an Iron Maiden shirt and saying they're a metalhead or going thrift shopping and saying they're into indie, making them identical to all the other metalheads and arthoes out there.

>Fuck Drunkmagikoopa and fucking all the rest of the faggot SA Goon sellouts who went on bullshit twitter. I'm always going to call you DrunkMagikoopa faggot, back in those days you were funny and creative not some fucking cuckold who just posts crap for twitter bugmen and fucking unfunny fucking "hecking wholesome" or fucking "nobody not even a single soul" faggots, I don't care how much trouble your old shit gets you in you pathetic fucking cuckold, fucking kill yourself.

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Man, that's pathetic and boring. I'm so glad I'm not a woman.

how thrilling and individualistic your lives must be

anime checks out


Far more than woman's, yes, without a doubt.

>Curved Air

I know what you mean OP, but its difficult to put a finger on what exactly is happening. It's odd, I meet some women who really are into good music, but you can't intellectually engage with them because they don't seem to understand at all what makes it good or they worry about silly things unrelated to the music. I was talking to this girl about punk, and our conversation turned to the band black flag. I was telling her how I preferred the 82 demo versions of the my war songs because of how much more chaotic and unhinged the band sounds with chuck biscuits on drums and with dez on guitar adding this extra layer of noise and how the band never sounded better than they did then. All she really had to say was how she thought Henry Rollins was an asshole, or uh i think she said "isn't Henry Rollins an asshole though?" To me that's emblematic of women's relationship with music in some way maybe

Fuck off with these stupid fucking posts about muh wahmen. We get it, you're shut in misogyny assholes. Actually talk about music for once.

you're asking too much for a weebchildren mentality.

gotta start lower.

amazing thread with amazing posts. the shit people truly believe

at this point in the game, irony and sarcasm no longer exist.

>implying that you guys don't post "tfw no gf :(" incessantly

It's true, women have different brains therefore register music differently. Women don't tend be "geeky" or passionate like men to this extend, it's not misogynistic, it's a general fact.

The same could be said for men.
Most ppl don't understand music, have the shit test and generally like top 40. This isn't exclusive to women.

*have shit taste

how about you try explaining what people are getting wrong. You seem like you know what's up

I'm not roflmao
Yeah, same, I also had a lot of girls who I spoke to being the same about it, where they use the same arguments, focusing more on the artist rather than art itself.
Sure, normies are shit, but you'll have a harder time finding women digest music as a passion, whereas you'll have more luck with men.

Not everything has to be buried under 7 layers of irony. At what point is this actually ironic/sarcastic and at what point do you people actually genuinely believe this shit? It's not like the alleged irony or sarcasm here is actually producing any sort of interesting, insightful discussion.

So just accept that and move on with your life. Don't constantly circlejerk about it.

you fags still won't get pussy

It is true and you know it. If you think the two genders care equally; that'll you find same amount of women as men who have music or games as a big hobby, you're lying to yourself.

neither will you

anime is a magnet for losers. And you fit right in

Maybe, maybe not. But at least we don't constantly bitch about how awful women are or whatever.

So just accept that and move on with your life. Don't constantly circlejerk about it.

Never even expressed hate. Just disappointment.

is this really a circle jerk though? I feel like we're having a semi fruitful discussion about the differences between men and women's relationship with music while you're just whining about people talking. if you don't like this thread fuck off idiot lol

you realize that fags don't want pussy, right?

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respecting women is the bigger loser magnet


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So go be disappointed elsewhere. This is Yea Forums, not /womenareshallowanddissapointing/. These threads aren't making this board any more interesting.

No, nice projecting btw

They get sensitive since they don't want to accept the fact that women are different from the idea they created in their heads, women are more interested in social groups, not hobbies, communities centered around them. People have been lying to them as there are big differences between the two genders.
It does seem most women digest music very passively and only the top of charts.

Nothing will make this board interesting again so who cares

that's literally what's going on in this thread

bro, just go already. You don't like every thread

You're too much of a pussy to express your opinions outside an anonymous imageboard.


*have to like every thread

not true, you don't know me. I express these opinions quite openly have had many interesting discussions with women about these very topics.

No one needs my opinions so I throw em in the garbage bin (Yea Forums)

This is the second thread I've seen today about the music women listen to. Those differences have already been discussed to death. Yeah, we know women are more social and value how others perceive them more highly than men. Saw that exact same idea in another thread today.

>Saw that exact same idea in another thread today.
It's a fact, not an "idea"

very retarded post. please dont actually think this way

dude that would take too much effort for a Yea Forums troll thread. so ill just say this, basically op and some of the people who have responded to him do this:
"wow, i met a couple girls today who liked shit music. wtf is wrong With women?

"oh those two guys over there liked shit music, those two guys suck"
i can already tell who in this thread has been close with a female and who has only had male friends/people in their life. also chances are, if a girl "sucks at small talk" and doesnt engage in anything interesting, it likely means you're boring and she wants you to go away, so obviously, all these people who have such shallow views on women are outing themselves as autists. lel. and ill just say it, im a women, we do have high standards but they arent as high as you think, we just hate wasting time on lame people more than guys seem to

I hate women.

who the fuck are you man? why do you think you're some sort of authority who decides when a topic cannot be discussed anymore? move on with your life already lmao

im not op and i have a qt gf :^)
sorry whiteknighting virgins

I agree with you, but
>im a women
you could have gone without saying this. you realize that everyone's going to either laugh at you or ask for nudes, right?

>and ill just say it, im a women, we do have high standards
That explains why you're mad, sorry roastie, you're shallow and aren't as interesting as you think you are

>y-you can't post this here, think about the board quality!!
the hide feature was added for this very purpose, you attention-seeking retards

I have a gf but after your post I think I will drop her tomorrow. Women sucks.

Wow, lots of fedora tipping faggots here thinking they have life all figured out and that they're totally smarter than everyone else. And yet I bet you still don't know why kids love cinnamon toast crunch.

Based. Fuck roasties.

That's just a description of /r9k/

Thank god i don't know you. You sound like a grumpy prick that care about irrelevant things.

you really need to "show" that you have are a mysogynistic cunt and have a gf

god, you're insecure hahaha

>that you have are a

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why do you think you're in a position to have high standards over who talks to you? That's the underlying issue with women in my experience.

not really, i'm just giving out as little as effort as i can for these posts.

>reddit spacing
>faggy passive aggresive tone
>mysogynistic cunt
you just know this post was written by a f*male or a dude with severely low test
how embarrassing!

no i'm not that grumpy really, I think you might projecting a little. I just care a lot about music and I like to discuss the larger sociological aspects surrounding its consumption

Yeah you mad. You're not fooling anyone.

how so?

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not really a projection. More like a logical deduction.

A man's carefully cultivated music collection is a refuge from the social and sexual world, and one way to appreciate history. Cars, stamps, guns, and records are all collected for the same basic reasons. Women just don't value these things.


what do you mean by this?

Cuz they can get away with it

If you're petty enough to care about what others listen, then it must be miserable walk on your shoes.

Based animechads drawing out and exposing the redditors

I'm gonna bitch about whatever I want in whatever thread I want

you're talking around me. I'm not too concerned with what people are listening too. it's just been my subjective experience that women are less inclined to intellectual engagement and discuss the aspects of the music they listen to that they enjoy. here I explain more what I mean

*intellectually engage. gee been making all sorts of grammatical errors my bad

brainlet post of the day

explain what you mean. why do you faggots always resort to non-explanations. If i'm a brainlet explain what i'm being dumb about

If you can't understand why this is a dumb and pretentious statement, then i'm sorry for you.

okay dude. if you don't want to discuss ideas. why are on here?

No point in discussing with someone like you.
Don't reproduce.

See I have no reason to care about anything you say because you have no reasoning.

if men are so sensitive on the internet why are the roastie threads the best bait

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okay guy, you do you, I just feel like you're wasting your own time.

don't worry he won't

you Yea Forums people are hilarious. I think I understand why people parrot these attacks on others sexuality on here. it's because your both actual virgins, and you project your worst insecurities on others assuming that they are other peoples problems too. "don't worry he won't reproduce." "have sex" These have no effect on me because I do have sex, and I'm fairly confident I'll reproduce someday.

> small rant in response to 4 words

my gf is a composer whose music i greatly admire, but she herself listens to the shittiest most banal pop crap. it baffles me.

man I'm just killing right now. I'm not taking this that seriously. >small rant

Most of the women on last fm make this thread invalid.

what do you mean exactly? all im seeing here are a bunch of guys being incredibly insecure and sensitive. you can feel the hate they have for women, which comes from them being fearful, defeatist pussies irl. chads dont go on the internet and act like this. this is an incel thread, aka, thread for people who dont participate in real life and just share opinions based on a cherrypicked reality

Yeah, women don't really understand music on a deep level.

Anyways, I'm off to listen to Billie Ellish, Grimes, and Tool! I love music!

why do I keep on leaving out one or two words wtf lol. *killing time

>and Tool!

this is some good bait within a bait

you lost your credibility when you said
>im a women
shows you have an obvious bias. also you can't spell

>you Yea Forums people
GTFO normalfag

yeh i know, but i wanted that last part to piss people off more than if a man said it.

you dont have a girlfriend.

lmao everything you said applies to you more than me.

i already said why. this underlying issue you have with women would go away if you were a better man

biased towards facts, yeah. sorry dude. oh and good catch