Music for this feeling

music for this feeling

Attached: truth.jpg (1080x714, 282K)

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This person has never worked a day in their lives.

Quit being a stupid attention whoring bitch and figure yourself out or wallow in your depression by yourself without shitting up this board.

Also, Giles Corey.


Here's a tip:constantly feeling sorry for yourself and romanticizing your illnes as some grand suffering that no one can understand won't help.

grow up

hey, remember to love yourself user! i bet you’re pretty nice and a lot better off than you think! Make sure to go for walks n hang out with people! Find some activity you enjoy that you can share with other people! Yeah can do it user :))))

Yes they have. On their convoluted and entirley disingenuous self presentation. Have trouble leaving the house without parental accompaniment your whole life and then we'll talk.
t. hardly left house without parents my entire 29 years.

this basically, its comforting to lie in your own misery. best not to.

hello Yea Forums build a chads

did no fap , mew, jelq and the gym save your lives?

No I just do drugs to distract me from how horrible life is.

That's not true. Sometimes you dont solve your problems, you just grow past them. Life is about change, not solving every little thing that troubles you.

No, but not being a huge faggot definitely helped

Not being a whiny little bitch who's too much of a faggot to solve their own problems isn't the same as being a chad you fuking tard.


>you must be 18+ to post on 4channel

t. votes republican

Self-proclaimed incels are exactly the type of retarded faggots who are too scared to solve their own problems, except instead of just wallowing in self-pity they decide to blame all of their problems on women.

Yea Forums self improvement culture was directly influenced by incel communities you sperg

go jelq yourself

Tard Alarm (Niggerfaggot)
You're a retarded niggerfaggot

These people need to be forced to get a fucking job and spend 8-10 hours a day around normal people with normal problems. They need to be forcibly dragged out of their hovels and into sunlight.
Allowing them to slip into their depraved, pathetic fucking Internet alter-egos and alternate lives is really doing them no favors at all.

So is Discord the new Tumblr or what?

Oh yeah I missed the part in my posts where I claimed to be part of the Yea Forums self-improvement community huh you absolute fucking faggot.

i know someone on that acts like this and its fucking insufferable
>listens to shitty"im depressed and so fucked up" music all the time
>always talking about how sad he is
>gets mad at people for not engaging with his constant attention seeking behavior
>"ugh im not dead but i wish i was ugggghhhh abuubuubuu"
either fucking kill yourself or shut the fuck up, i cant fucking stand this shit

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oh you're part of the reddit self improvment community than huh?

lmao embarassing

Never even mentioned any community let alone reddit and yet here you are being a gigantic faggot over a person you've created and is now projecting onto me.

Don't pay attention to the faggots telling you otherwise. How disingenuous must a person be to tell someone their life matters and that "we all love you" without knowing anything whatsoever about you? This is life. People throwing meaningless, disingenuous, fucking stupid platitudes at you to make themselves feel better. You don't want this. Good on you for finding the strength to turn away from all this shit and just leave.




why are you so resistant to the truth, what are you getting out of crying about how mentally fucked you are.

Was skype as mentally ill as discord?

The real bitch is not being able to call these faggots out because everyone will jump on you for being insensitive and heartless and it'll stir up a bunch of drama. Deep down everyone knows you're right though.

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