Yea Forumstants, we cannot deny it, this board is going downhill fast
how do we fix Yea Forums?
pic unrelated
Yea Forumstants, we cannot deny it, this board is going downhill fast
Plotting and then successfully carrying out the murder of Anthony Fantano. Unironically.
eh, it would get rid of the fantano drones, but i'd imagine they'd jump ship and start droning scaruffi
start tripfagging and get rid of kpop general
Let's plot the demise of koop general
i'm all for getting the kfags to move to another board and all, but as long as they stay in their generals, they aren't causing any real harm
and tripfagging is just a downright retarded idea, are you trying to turn this board into r/music or something?
Full Sharia to the posts with one pic and the comment "Music for this feeling" or some random person either real or drawn and "What kind of music does he/she listen to?"
Stop making shitty threads.
>albums that are 10/10
>albums that 30 minutes or else
>albums that have music in them
This shit is boring.
Add post IDs
Fuck your right user. Maybe we should try out a group project something to get everyone involved.
There is way too much music and the board is too divide by music interests.
maybe we could try and startup a general for those sorts of threads, since they're usually short
Get rid of basedjak and "holy shit" posters.
the "holy shit." posters don't bother me. i'd argue they actually help start discussions on albums that Yea Forums tend to overlook
i agree that something has to be done about the s(oy)jak posters though. they're like parrots, they just repeat whatever you say in a retarded voice (or well, greentext, but they're basically the same thing.)
the only way we are going to get kpop out is to spam the board and spam mods.
this will take a lot of effort btw
I'm willing to fight what's the spam
thats even better
euthanizing all right wing lardasses
permaban everyone who posts a wojack
I never see these Fantano drones you guys love to complain about. The only ones who seem to know all of his videos and every score he gives out seem to be the ones who jump all over anyone who happens to like an album he also likes.
maybe there's just something wrong with the world and the board is fucked as a consequence
how fucking retarded are you that you can't figure out how to use a fucking filter
this board's been going downhill since 2008. it's pretty much always been terrible. hth
Start a whole new site, this one is done. Way too mainstream and basic. Half of these kids have 5+ sites they frequent, and this is the one where they can dump the accumulative toxic runoff from the other sites without consequence. Just imagine 2020 now that the 2016 faggots have gotten nice and settled in, plus the new influx of 40+yo r*dditors it will bring. Too many newfags to shoo off already. Someone lead the way.
depends how you look at it
i'm all for it buddy
they're very real, i've been on this board for quite some time now and i've met my fair share of them
you're probably right, the whole world is a fucking mess and there's nothing nobody can do about it
we had 8ch, but because of the shooters 'n' shit that place is dead
if anybody makes another imageboard, i'd like to be informed ASAP
rather than bitching about fantano and kpop (which is contained already) we should actually start discussing music.
Half of this board is people acting like shills (billie eilish, clairo, jpeg the list goes on) and the other half is somewhat making a thread about music and people replying with buzzwords, or worse, just greentexting his whole post and putting a soiak next to it.
Try to actually form a fucking opinion, and try to debate like normal humans, not
>you listen to what i dislike, you have estrogen
>you listen to what i like, you are chad
Thats why people here hate fantano, because they cant explain why they think his opinion is wrong, so they just call him buzzwords. This place is somehow worse than reddit, and if it continues this downward spiral might end up being worse than twitter.
Also, stop being contrarians, its hard to discuss an album because the second it gets popular enough to have a discussion people shit on it just to look cool. Start listening and talking about music, since you're on mu. Leave politics and shitty off topic memes elsewhere.
If you haven't noticed, the quality on all boards has decreased on average. I've noticed Yea Forums and /g/ is particularly bad at the moment
if you haven't noticed, the quality of the internet has decreased on average. I've noticed pretty much every forum is particularly bad at the moment
if you haven't noticed, the quality of life has decreased on average. I've noticed pretty much every country is particularly bad at the moment
i fucking love this album
>albums that 30 minutes or else
>greentexting his whole post and putting a soiak next to it
Anyone who did this would be permabanned if mods weren't fags
More waifupoosting and less reddit newfag zoomer faggotry like you OP.
Idk why people are complaining about Kpop, I don't even have it filtered and I never see it because I mentally glaze over the general and they never post outside of it
pilotredsun is a hack when it comes to his videos
and the album’s got too faggy of an atmosphere for me
Wasn't Pol banned here from their autism?
ban kpop from the whole site
it's surprising to me that nobody realizes the actual problem across Yea Forums is that all the non-autists that actually wanted to have real conversations moved to reddit.
the only people left here and on most of the other boards are people too retarded to muster up the level of maturity to post anywhere else without getting banned
I hate/love this board, but it at least somewhat sticks to the point. This whole fucking site is on a decline since I can remember coming here. Hell, a lot of boards shouldn't even exist anymore, because they're just animated cadavers of what they were before. Especially fucking Yea Forums, that board is not anything like what it used to be and should just be deleted from existence. Most oldfags moved on to random places online, lurk, or went to sites like 4+Yea Forums.
Only dubbiposting can do this
You know it’s true
One day...
Delete all Redditano threads. Permaban their participants
Get rid of redundant KPOP generals
Get rid of "SONG FOR THIS FEEL" threads
Get rid of "YOUR FAVORITE ALBUM!!!!" threads
Nuke "SOUNDCLOAT, SPOOTIFY, ...." generals
Every post about some talentless thot who sings in a band should be deleted. The cunny worship on some of these girls is pathetic. Why don't you just go watch porn instead of polluting a music forum with 4 threads about Grimes alongside a fucking Grimes general? I'd be in favor of banning anyone who posts a picture of a woman, even if relevant to the discussion because you're going to get some retard who derails the thread with their fantasies about basic bitch #2412.
Achievement is unironically one of the best albums of the 2010s btw.
How many KPOP generals do you want?
I think this board is filled with crypto-redditors
This board has been pure garbage since 2014 thanks to all the contrarians moving towards pop music since indie and underground music was too popular on here.
This whole site is crypto Reddit
Have some people track down my post history, post shitty politics, spam zoomer shit-tier music, and ban you for wrong think? I'm good