Fuck off back to work Tony
Oh also eat lead. Reviewing is not a job you waste of space
nigga your brand is incel energy gimme a fucking break
based, i want to fuck that britbong twink
Hey I think you fellas got lost on your way to Reddit. You need a little help getting there?
feeling a strong 2 to a light 3 on this thread
I can't stand PJW
gender rights are human rights
what's Reddit?
Nice attempt Tony you bulldog looking monkey fucking queer
Still can't believe PJW backed down from fucking Fantano calling out his retardo art video he made.
How badly do you not know what you're talking about if Anthony can slam you?
I thought melon was a libtard?
i'm gonna tip his fucking juicehead powerlifter dad over watch him roll down the stairs
both of them are faglords
lmao I love when guys like this say this because you know his incel fanbase feels really uncomfortable
>haha yeah fuck incels, not me though I'm one of the good ones
What does this thread have to do with music? Read the rules if you're new to the site.
He is a liberal, he's more recently started rubbing shoulders with the "bread-tube" crowd.
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
I totally look like this guis
they'll never let him in l'mayo
They seem to kind of like him but it's painful to see how hard he wants to fit in
Telling people to kill themselves is not reddit. That's def Yea Forums.
is there anything sadder than a guy in his late 30's acting like a teenage girl on Twitter all year long?
yeah PJW is really pathetic and his dick pills don't even work
i'll give you the fact tht paul is far cringier than the bald dude, but the baldie is clearly too obsessed with Twitter and his output
What's bread tube
i hate PJW but i admit between he and Fantano i have to agree with he
Girls twerking are one of the worst epidemics from this decade
another work for a baguette
The "they/them | communist | 16 | trans | @bashthechuds is my daddy
sounds like an accurate, completely unbiased explanation
Only someone on Yea Forums would characterize them like this. Talk about mental illness.
>reee don't mock my communist e-celebs
Everyone in irony-poisoned internet-centric 'political' circles is brain-damaged.
Maybe you should accuse me of bring alt-right or an incel next
imagine arguing and calling people incels in the internet sincerely and not anonymously
also imagine being like 30 years old doing that
t. incel
>BreadTube or LeftTube is a loose community of leftist YouTubers. "BreadTube" references anarchist writer Pyotr Kropotkin's The Conquest of BreadWikipedia's W.svg, aka the "Bread Book".
Subreddit where Chapo types call things fascist
Real good content
have sex
get a job
lose wight
etcetera, etcetera...
such a cringey faggot
>i'll give you the fact tht paul is far cringier than the bald dude, but the baldie is clearly too obsessed with Twitter and his output
Yeah, him and those so called alt-lite ecelebs are annoying as shit but there's a lot of stuff they're not wrong about
The fact that either they or Chapo are the lens through which a good chunk of teenagers are getting their political "education" is the real cringe.
I feel conflicted about this: on the one hand PJW is a bigger dickhead than Fantano, on the other hand Fantano is a fucking lardass.
Which side should I pick Yea Forumsddit?
All this talk of incels kind of depresses me lads. Feels like many young men have been shoehorned in to this position of being a pathetic subhuman, but really they're just misguided. My ex would talk to me about how gross and scary incels are but they didn't watch some Elliott Rodgers videos and become like that over night, it's a lifetime of experience. Does anyone have empathy for what these people are going through?
Girls have been shaking their asses for literal centuries if not millennia all over the world its not a new concept or trend
>you could have saved him, you could have been his genuine friend but instead you called him a melon and now he's on the highway to make a lolcow out of himself
neutral milk hotel song for this feel?
They just need to come out of the closet, to both themselves and those around them. Incels are gay. If they wanted to have sex with women, they would actually be trying to, but instead they sit at home and do nothing. It's almost like they really just aren't attracted to women enough to desire sex from them.
Trawling Twitter all day to "own" universally-derided figures by calling them "incels" is one of the most pathetic wastes of time possible.
The fact that he does it for no purpose but to publicly and smugly bask in the dopamine of a thousand internet-addicted fans backing him up is even sadder.
You don't sound smart when you use 'dopamine' like that lol
I agree with you.
Incels were originally just losers who were aware of how pitiful they were. Now they've got normal people constantly using them as a boogeyman and jacking themselves off over how the outgroup (the incels) is unlovable/irredeemable/pathetic. Isit any surprise people are going to sink deeper into resentment and isolation when that's not only normalized, but celebrated as the woke position to take?
You sound like a fucking faggot when you end your catty non-response with "lol" to make it sound like you're above this shitflinging.
imagine actually reading kropotkin YIKES
*You remind one of a homosexual when terminating your sarcastic irrelevant response with "lol", as if to suggest you are above this tomfoolery, good sir!
i can't imagine it
Yeah theyre just dudes that were badly socialized. Likely shit parents and technology addiction. It feels like a non answer when you just screech at them to just get better but there is really nothing else to tell them. They serioysly need to stop being retardedly self aware and joining every pity party. I was nearly an incel but just stopped giving a shit and over analyzing every social situation. You get better eventually. If youre geunuinely just fucking hideous ( which most incels probably arent) then yeah its probably tough
I'm above it because I'm a leftist and I have the correct outlook for the future of humanity and I don't need to argue with anyone about why poverty is an atrocity.
>which most incels probably arent
That's the thing, a lot genuinely are even after looksmaxxing. There used to be threads where they'd post their pics on the subreddits. If you're born ugly as shit or with certain deformities, beautiful people constantly telling you "just be yourself bro and you'll get an 8/10 wife like me, btw if you feel hopeless it's your own fault" is absolutely going to erode your mental health.
I used to laugh at them but now I just feel sympathetic. Even the ones who just seem like bitter freaks- they probably had no friends throughout their life and are now woefully unequipped to deal with living in such a brutally shallow world. I was headed down that path and can completely understand how easy it is, even if it seems pathetic to people who haven't experienced true isolation and feeling like they're hated.
Literally nobody with a brain gets married anymore. If they weren't so autistic they would let go of the 1950s dream meme that happy people get married and everything works out just fine.
>Anthony From The Pack
Which fucking pack? The only friend this faggot has is Cal Chuchesta.
incel rights are human rights
Wow what a great argument
Spoken like an absolute redditfag
The fudge pack.
then they should stop going for 8/10 girls. they should go for girls in their own league
you tell them sis
Yeah, see how happy the "fuck around and never have a family" meme leaves you when your looks start to dry up.
he's a brocialist
>using incel unironically
this guy thinks people care about his political opinion
No, it seems that the hatred directed towards them is just the same they've been getting their entire lives, normies just come up with new excuses to make their lives hell. It's quite sad to witness this sociopathic behavior from people, especially considering their blind rage would be better directed elsewhere. It's all in all quite shit, I've come to pity the incels and scorn the people attacking them even though I hated them for shitting up this website a couple years ago.
>Incel Energy
I think I just found my new band's name
fuck off
hypergamy is a women issue
some guys hit on anything walking and get rejected every time
>Girls have been shaking their asses for literal centuries if not millennia all over the world its not a new concept or trend
Not in the slightest. In most societies for most of history, women were expected to be modest.
Meany kkkonservatards btfo with facts and logic
>If you're born ugly as shit or with certain deformities, beautiful people constantly telling you "just be yourself bro and you'll get an 8/10 wife like me, btw if you feel hopeless it's your own fault" is absolutely going to erode your mental health.
This is why reddit should be outlawed or regulated like a drug. Reddit might literally be the #1 cause of mental illness in America.
> 60% of the posters on this thread
there literally aren't enough hot girls in the world for every guy to marry a hot girl
also: don't hit on anything walking in that case. looks are one thing, personality is another. talk to someone for a bit, share your interests, and see if you like each other
the two times i've had anything come from tinder matches were when i was talking to the person on snapchat for like a week or two beforehand.
and yeah, not everyone gets tinder matches. then go out into the real world. if you've got anxiety find ways to work on it
it's only hopeless if you convince yourself it's hopeless. defeatist mindsets are self-fulfilling prophecies
>the thing you spend your time on that provides you with a living isn't a REAL job cuz i say so!!1
Ya fuming Tony? Die
Very nice!
What's the genre?
You fuckers have it completely backwards, his edgy memelord days was the posturing, and this right now is his real self. He was always a lefty and always a Bernie supporter. Get the fuck over it
>Girls twerking
>one of the worst epidemics from this decade
Imagine being so sheltered that you think this is an actual world problem
>tumblr nose
I've been saying this for years and i'm glad someone else see this. There is a reason if most incels are raging homophobes and women-haters
>unironically making this post
>complaining about others that taking internet too seriously
Why else would he be e-begging using Patreon?
Cuck Rock