Why the fuck is For No One so underrated?

Why the fuck is For No One so underrated?

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en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/She_Said_She_Said#targetText="She Said She Said" was,not contribute to the recording.

>A Beatles album is never underrated, Frodo Baggins. Nor is it overrated. It is rated precisely as the Beatles meant it to be.

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She Said She Said is the best track on Revolver.

based wizard stoner


Yep, hes based

What was his endgame?

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I’ve always preferred Rubber Soul, honestly

My second favorite song on Revolver after Here, There, and Everywhere.

She Said She Said is a song about mocking/ridicularizing trans people.
"She Said I know what is like to be dead / I know what is is to be sad" is about trans psychological issues that comes with the surgery and the gender dysphoria.
"You're making me feel like I've never been born" is john expressing profound disagreement upon "her" state of mind.
"I said even though you know what you know, I know that I'm ready to leave" is john saying that he doesn't want to stay near a fucking tranny, therefore he want to leave the place.
"She Said you don't understand what I say / i said no no no you're wrong" is john telling the tranny that her mind illness is resulting on a wrong perspective about herself.
"When I was a boy / everything was right" is the tranny realizing that the surgery was a mistake.

legit awful taste


Why the fuck do people like Here There and Everywhere so much? It's boring saccharine granny music

You know that was almost funny, but like, it wasn’t

No, it was about Peter Fonda talking to members of the Beatles about a near death experience.

I was pretty cynical in high school too

Have sex


>near death experience
They were on acid and experiencing ego death


What? It's a beatiful fucking song.

It's legit the most boring track of the album. Even Yellow Submarine is a better track.

Nice trips. Here’s the demo with the original pronouns

why does everyone hate dr robert so much

I agree with you, it's a yawner

You're obviously a young child who is of or around high school age.

How so?

This is pretty amazing. I like how it evolves from a folk song to an acid rock one.

Peter Fonda wasn't tripping though. He was talking about a near death experience he had when he was a kid while George and John was tripping.

Fucking kill yourselves. I'm mad at such garbage taste.

>and everywheeeeeeeeere
It's the most lightweight song of all time.

It isn't user :)

Attached: for no one.png (784x159, 18K)


You can't even tell why it's "good." You're forcing yourself to like it

That is absolutely fair, the music itself is lovely, personally, and there is a place for something as light as that lyrically.


I can't listen to For No One because it perfectly encapsulates everything I'm feeling right now.
Yeah, it's a great song, so great that it affects me to such a degree that I have to turn it off to not embarrass myself.

I get you man. When I broke up with my ex gf I couldn't listen to Revolver for over a year because of Here, There and Everywhere and For No One and it's my favorite Beatles album.
Let the time heal your wounds first.

My favorite Beatles song.
John was GOAT.

Did you know it was the last song recorded for the album? It was so rushed that Paul isn't even in it. It's basically a Lennon/Harrison song musically speaking.

Why Paul didn't participate?

>"She Said She Said" was the last track recorded for Revolver. Due to an argument over the song's musical arrangement, Paul McCartney walked out of the studio and did not contribute to the recording.

>The creative cooperation among the four Beatles was at its highest during the Revolver period.[53][54] There nevertheless remained a philosophical divide between McCartney and Lennon, Harrison and Starr due to McCartney's refusal to try LSD.[11][55][56][nb 6] McCartney took part in the rehearsals for "She Said She Said" but did not contribute to the finished recording.[60] He recalled: "I think we had a barney or something and I said, 'Oh, fuck you!,' and they said, 'Well, we'll do it.' I think George played bass."

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/She_Said_She_Said#targetText="She Said She Said" was,not contribute to the recording.

No wonder it's so good, that hack fraud wasn't involved with it at all

Revolver is the last great Beatles album.


>White Album and Abbey Road aren't great
Commit sudoku

white album is overrated bloated garbage and abbey road is alright but nowhere near MMT or revolver, get some fucking taste you pleb

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I think it's because For No One sounds unfinished. It goes by too quickly to leave as profound an emotional impact than it actually does. Perhaps the tempo was too fast? The trumpet solo is absolutely the right idea, but it always feels like the performance doesn't quite reach its true potential. It's a good composition with a rushed performance on the album i feel.

fuck you nigger

I wanna also add, you know how right at the end of the track the music slows down? They should have done that distinct slow down after every "love that should have lasted years" chorus. It would make each chorus have a bit more of a profound impact and would let the song breathe a bit more.
Anyway, took this way too seriously, i'll stop now.

>I think it's because For No One sounds unfinished. It goes by too quickly to leave as profound an emotional impact than it actually does.
Well, Yesterday is one of their most popular songs, and you can apply these things to that song.

Nah man, Yesterday had absolutely the right tempo to match the lyrics though.

best song is unironically i want to tell you

based and redpilled

Nice punchline at the end. Good on you, user.

>deletes For No One
>adds Rain

best fucking album of all times coming through

>Mmt was before Revolver
Ok now this is epic

But in her eyes you see NOTHING. Even when I was 8 I could recognise the sheer emotion in that line. Horror, dread, depression.

>she Said She Said is so good it made Mccartney rage quit the session



Shit taste.

Def one of the top 3 tracks along with She Said and Here There Everywhere.

I wasn't the original poster, only said white and abbey are shit, which they are

cos its shit

Nah, the track is garbage

This album is so overrated! but whatevver :) love you

>op clearly talking about the song
>3 retards complaining about the album

To keep Cynthia in line

Lol John is way more of a hack just listen to his solo career.

Pleb cant even understand minimalist Beatles. Track is beautiful and im sorry you dont get it.

Always ignore tripfags. They are now pretending to be stupid so people can reply to them.

Don't feed the plebs

Plebs enjoy the song, tho

You just said you don't though. I'm confused.

>I'm confused
It's simple, pleb. You enjoy the song that only pleb enjoys.

It's okay to be wrong.

Glad that you know that, pleb.

The album would be much better if that song wasn't on it.

Otherwise Revolver is GOAT!

You don't have to sign your posts.

There's no sign, though, pleb. Kek.


That's a French horn, not a trumpet


take a shower
hit the weights
get a clue

its about the beautiful and romantic love shared by paul and john, you virgin

and the HTaE brainlets still can't find a reason why the song is good and keep defending the saccharine granny pop hahaha

Same here.
Like my mind doesn't want to accept that lyric
>no sign of love behind the tears

For No One has 1.7 mil views on YT. That means it's not underrated

Savoy Truffle is too underrated though

>For No One has 1.7 mil views on YT. That means it's not underrated
That means nothing for Beatles videos.

Tomorrow Never Knows has 1.7 mil views too and I wouldn't fucking call it underrated

you will never understand true love