Emo vs. Scene

Emo vs. Scene

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Which category do My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Twenty One Pilots fall under?

special ed

If they had to go into one of the categories, which one would they be?

the virgin emo vs the chad scene

>the other three

Sheeeit that emo kid there has almost the same favourite bands as me 10 years ago

Thank you.

my chemical romance, panic, and fob are emo. twenty one pilots is neither arent from the same scene era or style whatsoever

>tfw you have to be a boomer to even remember emo high school kids

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I only included them because nowadays people who like Panic at the Disco and Fall Out Boy also like Twenty One Pilots.

thats cause its pop rock. none of them are emo or scene anymore

>panic, and fob are emo
No you idiot Panic were alternative pop and they had a weird obsession for Moulin Rouge, FOB were pop punk and if Pete Wentz never wanted to look like teenager they wouldn't be considered an emo band

MCR, the band that hated the term emo the most, is more emo than all of the others, especially Panic. Panic stopped being semi-emo after their first album, FOB is pop rock/power pop now, and TOP is a pop rock and rap rock group with electronic influences.

The absolute state.

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>falling for the le real emo pasta
Based redditor

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Boomers had goth. Emo and scene are zoomer queer shit.

>tfw you missed out on fucking with the edgy goth girl in high school
There aren't many things I regret about how my life's been going, but I think about that every now and then

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>Emo vs Scene
but which one has better girls?

>scene/emo shit is nostalgic now
just fuck my shit up

>boomers had goths
Boomers had Socs and Greasers, retard.
Goths were a much later development.

emo and scene are 2000s youth culture, nothing to do with zoomers

>tfw I would hang with the goth kids at lunch and one would constantly sit on my lap
>next year school zoning changed that I ended up going to a new school with rich suburban kids and made zero friends
I hated school after that. Both kids were based. I should have tried harder to keep going to that other school.

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>2000's youth culture isn't zoomer status
Keep telling yourself that.
You must be new here.

Literally every girl I was involved with in middle/high school were edgy goth girls. I regret never trying my chances with anything else.

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>everything that isn't what I grew up with is zoomer

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Actually I take that back. You get a pass. That era was still the slide into zoom zoom culture though. Emo was awful.

>calculatedly grow and style their hair into a fashionable cut

scene and emo kids are still a thing, I see them all the time

so are goth kids, doesn't make goth a zoomer thing

The Horros were scene? I always thought they were for 80s-throwback indie kids.

>"emo" kid
>listening to Sunny Day Real Estate instead of pop punk, mall metalcore, and nu metal
Not accurate


>emo kid
>lidtening to an actual emo band
Based elitist redditor

Scene isn't a kind of music, it was a kind of person who liked a lot of different trendy at the time crap

Strange House was big with scene kids in the UK, even though it's not the typical scene music. Same with Crystal Castles first record. Scene was as much about fashion as music, if not more.

Primary colours onward was indie kid music

Yea but I always thought scenesters were listening to pop punk, metalcore and shit like jeffree star and mindless self indulgence

Idk who The Horrors are desu anyway I just know scene kids liked a lot of different crap as long as it had a certain aesthetic, metalcore was one of their things for sure, MSI was more a mallgoth thing though, that was a Tripp pants crowd band for sure, kinda fuckers who would wear one hundred jelly bracelets and dumb raver shit like pacifier necklaces.

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>get a trench coat because I'm an edge master and want to fit in with the other goth/grunge kids
>columbine happens 2 weeks later
>still wear it because Fuck you that Shits expensive

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This is a music board. Musically, MCR is not emo at all. You could make an argument about their cultural impact, what kinds of people liked their music, etc., but their music was not emo.

basic bitch

real emo is so much worse than false emo

An user who knows what’s up.

Scenesters were all a bunch of fucking douchebags at least so of the emo kids were fun to talk to.

Scene was just the preppy style of its day.

no one remembers scene but emo continues on

You can be shy while still being a trendy faglord

Both were really just clothing styles not music.

When I was in high school both the emo and scene types listened exclusively to pop-punk, zero actual emo. Fall Out Boy, PATD, queer shit like Pierce the Veil, Falling In Reverse. OCCASIONALLY you'd get some melodic hardcore. It might have been a regional thing, I know Bring Me the Horizon were popular with a lot of them, but even when I was into metalcore I couldn't find anyone who liked heavy stuff.

I don't think American Football or SDRE type emo has been popular for years, even the the revival stuff is mainly listened to by indie kids.

>Scene was just the preppy style of its day.
Nah preppy kids still existed in those days. Scene was just the new edgy white kid thing in terms of trendies anyway. It's not like the head of the cheer team was the cutter listening to As I Lay Dying.

>Twenty One Pilots
That's just top 40 pop

I didn’t know one actual emo that listened to Dashboard or Hawthorn.

Well they all grew up to be a bunch of conformist normies either way

Most of the ones I know turned into either hipsters or cringey wiggers with like BAPES or some combination of those things. Fuck trendy people.

whats the consensus on new Sleeping with Sirens album