How much trouble could you get in for releasing lo fi field recordings of a public school cafeteria kitchen without anyone's consent? What if you are doing so to make a point about mass surveillance? What if you reversed the recordings so that if anyone wanted to hear what people said they would have to download and reverse it themselves? What if it's on bandcamp or YouTube or internet archive, is there an idea host? What if there are over two weeks worth of recording time? Asking for a friend.
How much trouble could you get in for releasing lo fi field recordings of a public school cafeteria kitchen without...
got you now, you underage terrorist
What makes you think I'm a terrorist or underage?
just having a laugh. what point are you attempting to make regarding mass surveillance?
over two weeks? no one wants to hear this
That if individuals dont have any expectation of privacy then they ought to be allowed to utilize the same technology that's being used against them against anyone. People will blindly accept being recorded by any number of corporate and governmental bodies without consent for the sake of profit and control, but will object when I private citizen does it for the sake of art and freedom, and that shows a huge discrepancy in our culture's value system that is worth protesting.
>How much trouble could you get in for releasing lo fi field recordings of a public school cafeteria kitchen without anyone's consent?
None if you wait a few months before releasing it. It's not like anyone from your school is going to listen to it but if you're really worried try pitching the voices up or down.
Changing pitch might be a good idea. I'm not sure what program to use if my friend is going to edit them further. They are using Foobar to combine all the recordings into one wav file and plan on using wavpad to split that file into even uploadable chunks. Not sure which program could be used to change pitch and maybe add effects like maximization and possibly reverb to the file though since I have a hunch that Ableton won't enjoy working on a two week long file.
I use Audacity to edit field recordings but the files are usually no longer than 20 to 30 minutes. I assume your recordings are multiple sessions that's you're intending on splicing together later?
You’re thinking too hard
because literally nobody gives a shit you retarded underage faggot
Stage a scene for two weeks where everyone is a paid actor pretending to be normal students at a cafeteria.
Imagine shitting on someone for trying to get a project done.
Shut up, Meg
Based dumb zoomer
why would the government care if you're voice recording a public place?
So it's the Yea Forums equivalent of Surveillance Camera Man. If he got away with it, so can you.
Field recordist here. So long as there's no copyrighted music being played and your recordings are of a general ambience rather than secretly listening to a particular conversation you should be alright. Also make sure that no children are identifiable, obviously.
Don't think reversing it will help you out if there is any content that breaks these "rules" as it would be too easy for a listener to reverse it themselves.
Put it up on soundcloud unless you have any suspicion people might want to buy it.
>Trying to make an artistic point about "mass surveillance" by recording a conversation in a somewhat public building
>Being too pussy to release his subpar art because of the government he's trying to protest
I disagree with your sentiment on mass surveillance because I deal with stuff like that every day and it doesn't affect American people as much as people think whatsoever, in fact there are DOZENS of laws stating that we can't do stuff like that and explicit instructions on how to avoid that shit, but I respect your longing to express your opinion on the subject. But like, stop being a wimp and if you think you're gonna get a knock from the men in black or something just release it under a pseudonym or something
Let me elaborate on that. This statement refers to the government's surveillance. I don't know about companies. Corporations are sketchy as fuck
Yeah it does all those things it's not supposed to
Do you honestly think anyone's gonna give enough of a shit about your high school art project for this to even remotely become an issue?
You are pretty misinformed if you think this. The NSA literally shares people's nude pics for their own amusement so if you think they aren't doing things like this you are naive as fuck.
Then don't use it; serious breach of ethical considerations as well as infringement of privacy.
but that's the whole point, that the government and corporations are doing unethical shit so this is being done to show people how upset they ought to be about it.
You really think the government would do that? Telll lies to their own people? My daddy always said we were free in America.
I actually have a friend who did this for his final project at art school and - even though that was his point - he still got lambasted by the assessors as well as his peers. Find some other way to make your point that isn't obvious.
Murder is wrong, you're not making a point about it by murdering someone. Think of it like shitting yourself: Noone cares if you meant to, you still shit yourself and everyone now thinks less of you.
>Find some other way to make your point that isn't obvious.
I can't think of anything more effective though and it's pretty much on brand with the identity I'm projecting as an artist. Murder is violent, this isn't violent at all. I'm not worried about my reputation at the school cause I don't work there anymore. It does feel like a slight betrayal of the people I worked with but they stopped giving me coffee one day with zero explanation after giving it to me before so It feels somewhat justified. I think your friend sounds based. Fuck those assessors. Seriously, why would we live in a world where you let private corporations and the government record everything people say but you refuse to let citizens do the same in the name of art? It's a narrow view that's so very damaging. it's art like this that actually threatens the status quo.
Fuck the foobar conversion failed. There just doesn't seem to be any easy way to merge these files into a 2 week long single file.